Embarrassing Trump Audio Exposes Him as Totally Clueless


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you would support Obama if he told people at one of his rallies that he would pay the legal fees of people who attacked protesters who attacked him?
Yes but it would be a little silly since the secret service takes care of that shit.
Geezus ANALEXCESS, you are not the type of America I would want to identify with. Thank god you and your fellow klansmen are a minority representation of US citizens.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
holy shit.......i've never seen that pic. it's beyond creepy because it's pretty clear by looking at it there's something going on with those two. it wouldn't surprise me at all if he has been fucking her. pics don't lie
What about the picture makes you think he molest his daughter?

Hand on hip and smiling? Her clothing? His clothing?

It looks like a photo of a very wealthy man with a very pretty daughter.


Well-Known Member
He is letting protesters in for political theater.

Do you say the beatings of peaceful anti trump protesters by trump supporters in the audience are justified?

Really? Arent you in the same group that complained he had a group of 30 black people removed from one of his rallies? If you want legitimacy you cant have it both ways.

Trump does not want protestors inside his rally's because they are simply disruptive. It doesnt do him any good. It may increase his news coverage which doe not really help the protestors.

Someone calculated that Trump has already gained over 2 billion dollars in free advertising. You can love him or hate him but he does have a gift for marketing, especially self marketing.


Well-Known Member
What about the picture makes you think he molest his daughter?

Hand on hip and smiling? Her clothing? His clothing?

It looks like a photo of a very wealthy man with a very pretty daughter.
Trump once joked that his daughter was so beautiful that if she wasnt his daughter he would date her.

The liberals have been freaking out about it ever since.


Well-Known Member
I say everybody is responsible for keeping their hands off each other in that venue. Doesn't matter who's rally it is. Yet time after time the only people beaten at those rallies are anti-trump protesters by somebody in the audience. Its all violence perpetrated by Trump supporters. That speaks volumes about the kind of people attracted to Trump.

And you say this: "But you seem to have no problem with one group infringing upon the rights of another group and when friction happens you want to blame it on the trump crowd."

Damn right I blame the violence on the Trump crowd. They are doing the beatings on peaceful protesters. You say you don't advocate assault yet you glibly justify it by saying that the beatings wouldn't happen if the protesters weren't protesting.
Reading your post leads me to believe that reality is being distorted here.

In Chicago the crowd inserted itself into the trump venue and made it clear that there would likely be violence. Then they celebrated when the event was cancelled. Now, stop being like Pada and pretending that was a peaceful demonstration.

I am trying to be fair here and explain to you my position which is not relative to the particular incident or incidents.

Lets take a football game between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers for example. It is exactly the same as a political rally. A person who wants to protest is not allowed to enter the stadium nor allowed to block traffic. That would likely get them arrested. However, if they hated football they could stand on public property and protest the game.

The intimidation, fear and blocking tactics were used by the protestors in Chicago, not the audience that went to the venue.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say we were alike. But I would be very interested in hearing what makes you think another human beings opinion is less valid than your own.
Some opinions are generated by educated minds exercising critical thought with sufficient information. That opinion would be more valuable. Others opinions are derived from impoverished intellects without critical thought or consideration of salient factors. Those are less valid.

It could only be through extreme delusion that you might believe your thoughts are valid, worthwhile, substantive or engaging.


Well-Known Member
Some opinions are generated by educated minds exercising critical thought with sufficient information. That opinion would be more valuable. Others opinions are derived from impoverished intellects without critical thought or consideration of salient factors. Those are less valid.

It could only be through extreme delusion that you might believe your thoughts are valid, worthwhile, substantive or engaging.
The late Christopher Hitchens, who is still my favorite author, often criticized his comrades on the left for having a myopic view of the world and attributing opinions that differed from their own to the point of strong disagreement to the stupidity or lack of critical thought by the person with whom they disagreed.

I don't claim to be in possession of supreme intellect. I am perfectly capable of being wrong, just like anyone else. At times I lack the ability to articulate my thoughts with extreme precision. Generally, however, I don't think I make the mistake of attributing nefarious motives or stupidity and ignorance to those I disagree with.

There are a few fair minded and objective people on this forum, of all stripes, and I enjoy the discussions I have with them. But there are far too many who would rather misquote their opponent, lie about their positions and taint the dialogue with false or under substantiated allegations of racism, only to repeat it ad-nauseaum. The self appointed champion of this group of pseudo intellectuals is a man (I use that term loosely) who's life is so fulfilling outside of RIU that he has the time to compile an archive of dozens of members of this community for purposes of intentionally misidentifying others for purposes that aren't quite clear, but clearly denote a lack of any real life.

You and I will doubtfully ever be friends. We're not going to hang out and grow together and smoke and be pals. That doesn't mean that we have to have an adversarial relationship. The notion of disagreeing without being disagreeable seems to be lost on too many of those on the left. In reality I am on the left on a lot of issues. Ronald Reagan once said that someone who is my 80% ally is not my 20% enemy, and I think that is a wise stance. I'm pro choice, pro gay rights, pro universal health care, pro immigration, fuck I could go on, it wouldn't matter. The champion and others hate me because I differ slightly with them on some issues, like second amendment issues, wealth redistribution some of the implications of climate change and some other things. But we don't get a chance to see what we might agree on because the slight differences we do have are exaggerated to the umpteenth degree and laced with some fabricated ones for good measure.


Well-Known Member
Really? Arent you in the same group that complained he had a group of 30 black people removed from one of his rallies? If you want legitimacy you cant have it both ways.

Trump does not want protestors inside his rally's because they are simply disruptive. It doesnt do him any good. It may increase his news coverage which doe not really help the protestors.

Someone calculated that Trump has already gained over 2 billion dollars in free advertising. You can love him or hate him but he does have a gift for marketing, especially self marketing.
If he didn't want protesters in the rallies he can exclude them. Its his venue and nobody gets in unless they are allowed to.

You said it yourself. Billions in free advertising. Your slavering desire to be as good as he is at marketing is strange. Really...marketing..."I'm the best at marketing of all the other presidents". LOL.

Its not as if he has anything to say anyway, so he makes hay with his haters when he excoriates protesters as they leave. Now he's hiring goons to do the beating, or at least that's what it looks like he's doing. His fans love it.


Well-Known Member
Reading your post leads me to believe that reality is being distorted here.

In Chicago the crowd inserted itself into the trump venue and made it clear that there would likely be violence. Then they celebrated when the event was cancelled. Now, stop being like Pada and pretending that was a peaceful demonstration.

I am trying to be fair here and explain to you my position which is not relative to the particular incident or incidents.

Lets take a football game between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers for example. It is exactly the same as a political rally. A person who wants to protest is not allowed to enter the stadium nor allowed to block traffic. That would likely get them arrested. However, if they hated football they could stand on public property and protest the game.

The intimidation, fear and blocking tactics were used by the protestors in Chicago, not the audience that went to the venue.
Again, if he want's to keep protesters out then he can exclude them. How he does it is up to him. You blame protesters from protesting? that's really funny. Oh and what about noisy Bears fans at Green Bay games. Are you telling me that at a game in Green Bay, Bears fans don't boo the Green Bay Team during a game? too funny that. Ever hear of anybody getting arrested for cheering on the other team? Thanks for the laugh.

I completely understand your position. You claim people should not protest a political rally. If they do its completely justified to beat that person. Welcome to Germany in 1935.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
What about the picture makes you think he molest his daughter?

Hand on hip and smiling? Her clothing? His clothing?

It looks like a photo of a very wealthy man with a very pretty daughter.

uh.....he's claimed he would like to fuck his daughter. try using google to do actual research instead of researching while trying to prove a partisan point.

now, why would a woman and a mother, given all the shit trump has said on the subject, support him for president? if your husband said he'd like to date your daughter, would you support the idea?