Electric sky 300 stress

Vpd is confusing the piss out of me
If my room temp is 82 my leaf surface is 77 and my humidity is 55 what is my vpd?
Everest’s chart looks like from pulse is sick but the temperature bar on the left is that leaf surface temp or ambient temp? Some other calculators on google ask for all three some ask for two measurements....
I commend you on the fine attention to detail reading your plants because from overhear they look great!
Some really interesting points discussed. Thanks guys. Good thread! Never new temps had to be so high when running leds.
I commend you on the fine attention to detail reading your plants because from overhear they look great!
Some really interesting points discussed. Thanks guys. Good thread! Never new temps had to be so high when running leds.
Thank you my friend.
I frown and smile with my garden.data and attention to detail are what I’m all about.
I know vpd is critical so I’m just trying to make sure my environment is as good as it can be for my ladies.

A tablespoon per US gallon.
Mix the dose in a small amount of warm water to dissolve the crystals first, say a pint then stir it into the rest of the gallon and water plants.
I just chuck a sprinkle or 3 of Epsom into my soil when transplanting, nothing scientific lol
Mo flow you the master here and come recommended.
What’s an ideal vpd for a indica mid veg
Right now after learning today my leaf surface temp
I’m running my els in my 2x4x8 at 5o percent
Ambient temp 83/83 leaf temp 75-77 rh 55 1.2-1.3 kilo pascals.
Does this sound ligit?
A tablespoon is some serious ppms.
I must check the ec ppm of a tablespoon of mag later today
RQS website says...
General rule of thumb would say 1 tablespoon per 5 litres of water can make for a great foliar application every other week. Difficult soils that have a pH above 7 will naturally lock out calcium and magnesium ions, so amending with some Epsoms salts is a great idea.
I must check the ec ppm of a tablespoon of mag later today
RQS website says...
General rule of thumb would say 1 tablespoon per 5 litres of water can make for a great foliar application every other week. Difficult soils that have a pH above 7 will naturally lock out calcium and magnesium ions, so amending with some Epsoms salts is a great idea.
Right on ya i didn’t have to water today and I may even wait one more day but if mg continues I will use Epsom at a moderate ratio and water in. any thoughts on vpd and temps with led?
i hope my soil isn’t running over 7 the rep I spoketo did say they stopped liming recently because there soil was going over 7
Mo flow you the master here and come recommended.
What’s an ideal vpd for a indica mid veg
Right now after learning today my leaf surface temp
I’m running my els in my 2x4x8 at 5o percent
Ambient temp 83/83 leaf temp 75-77 rh 55 1.2-1.3 kilo pascals.
Does this sound ligit?
I dont bother with VPD as the temperature range on the charts doesn't go below 15°C/ 59°F
I roam the danger zone in the chart below.
Sorry, I have little experience on the VPD.
From reading the chart above
From your leaf temp readings 77°F 55 rh you got 0.93 kPa.
Your Ambient temp 82°F 55rh you got 1.13 kPa.
You are in the sweet spot for late veg early flower
Edit If you stay at 82°F ambient you will need to drop your rh by 5% to get 1.32 kPa, the sweet zone for mid/late
Seems like you are legit!
That's my take on it .
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I dont bother with VPD as the temperature range on the charts doesn't go below 15°C/ 59°F
I roam the danger zone in the chart below.
View attachment 4477982
Sorry, I have little experience on the VPD.
From reading the chart above
From your leaf temp readings 77°F 55 rh you got 0.93 kPa.
Your Ambient temp 82°F 55rh you got 1.13 kPa.
You are in the sweet spot for late veg early flower
Edit If you stay at 82°F ambient you will need to drop your rh by 5% to get 1.32 kPa, the sweet zone for mid/late
Seems like you are legit!
That's my take on it .
No doubt. I have done enough research to at least sleep tonight lol I believe I learned a significant tip today thanks to roll it up. Gotta run higher temps for the led in regards to transpiration rates.
I’ll post pics here in a few waterings when I flip.
Wish me luck hope I’m making the right moves to create a healthy flip
I must check the ec ppm of a tablespoon of mag later today
RQS website says...
General rule of thumb would say 1 tablespoon per 5 litres of water can make for a great foliar application every other week. Difficult soils that have a pH above 7 will naturally lock out calcium and magnesium ions, so amending with some Epsoms salts is a great idea.
Do you personally ever have the need to use it? You kill it with Tomatoe feed right? (Bad memory)
I could see it used at that rate for a top-dressing once in beginning of Veg/flower & once half way through or end of veg.
Probably would be good as an amendment to a whole 5+ gall. Pott of soil or media before transplanting a plant with fully established roots.
I just started using epsom last year, so not a Pro. On using it by any means. Although these portions i listed have contributed to kicking LedDefficiency in the balls for me.
Still figuring this shit out myself.
Went through a good 2 yrs of lock-out n everything else before dialing to where I'm at now. Could have been allot less time had personal issues not came first, but that is life.
Do you personally ever have the need to use it? You kill it with Tomatoe feed right? (Bad memory)
I could see it used at that rate for a top-dressing once in beginning of Veg/flower & once half way through or end of veg.
Probably would be good as an amendment to a whole 5+ gall. Pott of soil or media before transplanting a plant with fully established roots.
I just started using epsom last year, so not a Pro. On using it by any means. Although these portions i listed have contributed to kicking LedDefficiency in the balls for me.
Still figuring this shit out myself.
Went through a good 2 yrs of lock-out n everything else before dialing to where I'm at now. Could have been allot less time had personal issues not came first, but that is life.
I just sprinkle the crystals into bottom of soil before transplanting. I don't drench soil or foliar spray with it.
I just did the ec ppm test.
1 tablespoon of Epsom salts in about a pint, ~ 0.5l of warm water, stirred it until dissolved.
Put the mixture into watering can and filled it up ~ 9l, around 1.98 mperial gallons, gave it a good mix.
The ec reading was 1.1
Ppm 500 was~ 550
Ppm 700 was ~ 750
Just for curiosity I went to the Westlab company's website for more info - that's the brand I use
And found this.....

They reccomend 1 tablespoon per gallon, twice the strength I tested.

As a side note
Looking at cal mag products it seems they all have different levels of nutrients,
For example Ionic cal mag plus has 3.8 total Nitrogen, Calcium 5.6 magnesium 4.01
Botanicare cal mag total N 2, Calcium 3.2, Magnesium 1.2
Shotgun cal mag N 2.6 Calcium 3.2 Magnesium 1.2
Plus the diffent types of calcium used for plants.
So If I added Ionic cal mag plus to Tomatorite 4N 3P 8K the npk ratio would change to 7.8N 3P 8K , more like a vegging nute than a flowering nute I'd say.
Seems it's Not Just a case of " I've got a Cal Mag problem, I know, I'll just buck in some cal mag to sort it out.
Adding a Calcium only product seems a good way to fix a Calcium problem and adding Magnesium on its own will sort out the mag problem.
Chempak fertiliser Co. over here does a Calcium packet but I cant I can't find it's breakdown analysis just now.
What's the water source? Tap, filtered, ro?

Personally I would wait it out if you amended with a shellfish meal? You can lock with overdoing cal/mag. Also, I would lower the lights to help transpiration.
Tap water showed ec 0.3 on the bluelab truncheon before it packed in lol
The new Chinese truncheon only goes down to ec 0.4 so no reading there!
At first I thought the Chinese truncheon was a crock of until I looked closer
What's the water source? Tap, filtered, ro?

Personally I would wait it out if you amended with a shellfish meal? You can lock with overdoing cal/mag. Also, I would lower the lights to help transpiration.
I have been waiting for a solid dry cycle to water again. Planning on going ahead with reasonable camg dose from Botanicare with foliar Epsom...
I agree deffinately don’t want to overdue the cal.
also lower the light to increase transpiration?
Sounds intriguing.
I’ve been using ro water

I will have more info after a run off and watering but honestly everything’s hitting me at once.
Also trying to calculate an accurate vpd but having trouble.
Right now my ambient canopy temp is 83 my rh is 55 and my leaf temp 77 giving me a vpd of like .8 kilopqscals when I checked these numbers last night I swear vpd on Everest’s chart was 1.2...
Someone help me out here lol fuck