electric blunt

Wtf? I was at hooters in flint, and sat next to a guy at the bar. He was smoking. He said it was an electric blunt. It was liquid in a blunt. I'm guessing it was weed extract. Has anybody ever heard of this.
I use a Joyetech 510 eCigarette with through away eCartridges you can pick up in A2. They run 20$ and give you about 100 hits. PharmFresh is the local manufacture of the eCarts.

I use a Joyetech 510 eCigarette with through away eCartridges you can pick up in A2. They run 20$ and give you about 100 hits. PharmFresh is the local manufacture of the eCarts.

do you do your own extracting and make up your own carts?
do you do your own extracting and make up your own carts?

Not yet, although I've been playing with some ideas of creating a THC eJuice for a while now. Rather than using the vg for extraction, I plan to simply bond BHO at different ratios until I get something I like (and can afford).
Gpen.. I'll look that up. Thanks much! I'm looking for a small portable oil vape. I'm wanting to run some oil with 99% ETOH

This gPen looks cool. Is that the current fave?
I use a Joyetech 510 eCigarette with through away eCartridges you can pick up in A2. They run 20$ and give you about 100 hits. PharmFresh is the local manufacture of the eCarts.


Have they gotten any stronger? The last time I tried those they worked good but was way too weak.
I have the whoop my friends, E-Cannabis Oil.

I use it in tank style e-cigarettes. It is the best vaporizing experience I have ever had. I prefer it over vaping RSO straight. I will point you in the right direction.

Propylene Glycol USP (food/medical grade PG USP). Use decarbed concentrated cannabis oil. I have been using RSO. I warm the RSO until it melts, remove from heat, mix in 20-30% PG USP, then suck it up into a syringe. Now you have e-cannabis oil. At normal room temperature it will be a very thick but runny oil. I inject the oil into the vaping tank (clearomizer). Then I am ready to rock! It is like having an 1/8 or 1/4 ounce in a pen. It vapes at a low temperature so you can vape right at the sweet spot and that means much more medicinal. I have got my set up fine tuned in to where when I take a draw from my vape it feels and tastes like one of those bronchial inhalers with a cannabis flavor, almost like a mist. At least compared to other vaping equipment I have tried.

PG USP has very much impressed me. It is the only way to go with vaporizing in my opinion. It is used in the e-cigarette oils. Usually a 50/50 mix of PG USP and VG (Vegetable Glycerine). Also great to be used with topicals. It helps bond the components together, penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. I tried it out in a topical I already had made up. One of my patients that suffers from chronic back pain tried it. They noticed a difference in the relief compared to the topical without the PG USP added. We were both shocked.

I have been investing a lot into portable vaporizing equipment lately. In my opinion, all of the companies selling portable vaporizers for concentrates are all BS, scams. OOooo you get a one time free replacement for one year... Yah, but you just paid 400-500% extra for that unit. Not to mention it is a piece of crap. If you want quality, it will have to be a vaporizer meant for e-cigarettes, at least when it comes to concentrates. The electronic vaporizing equipment out there are not meant for vaporizing solids. They are not meant to vaporize without PG USP or VG. These companies are just using their designs wrongfully, bragging them up and selling them at a ridiculously high price. Don't be fooled or caught in a scam! Yes, some of their equipment does work pretty well, but still not as good and way overpriced.

I do not know how the vaporizers will work with oil that has not been decarbed?

I will point you to some good gear for a fair price and great shipping.

My intention is not to offend anyone. I am just offering my opinion of my experience with portable vaporizers for concentrates.

I have been purchasing a majority of my vaping equipment from High Desert Vapes. They have proven to be the best so far.

Normally this vaporizer has a black tinted clearomizer instead of a pink one. I use the tinted one for the e-cannabis oil as it offers more stealth. This one has an eGo-C Twist variable voltage battery for less than $20. The variable voltage makes a big difference, being able to fine tune it. You will also have to purchase a charger for $5.99. The cleaomizer I prefer is an innokin iClear 16 dual element, rebuildable. For less than $3 it is now new again. The iClear 16 dual element is less than $7. This is my second favorite set up, but my favorite for taking out in public. My patients that have lung issues that have tried it, like this one the best. It is easier on their lungs and they don't accidentally take too big of a hit. They say it is just right. I notice that the oil does taste a little sweeter and yummier with this device.
The Whoop Pen 6-11-13 010.jpg

Here is my favorite. itazte SVD by Innokin. This unit is bigger than a pen vaporizer. Looks just like a small version of Obi-Wan Kenobe's light sabre in Attack of the Clones! :) This unit has it all, without the extra BS, like a hit counter. It has variable voltage, variable wattage, accepts two different size batteries, the unit can be short or long depending upon the battery size you are using. You will have to purchase the batteries and charger separate. Stick with the AW batteries. I like the TrustFire battery charger. This unit is also has rebuildable clearomizers, holds more oil. It is like having 1/2 - 1 ounce on you at the push of a button. Use an 18650 2600maH battery and it will seem to last forever. It will feel like the King Kong portable vape in your hand. It is only $89. Feels like a high quality heavy duty instrument and it comes with extras. With the right oil I would put this device up against any other vaping device on the planet. I just ordered a second one, but still waiting on my custom blown glass tank with a cartomizer. Hopefully soon it will arrive. All together with batteries and charger, this unit will cost between $120 and $150 depending upon what batteries, how many you choose, and the charger.
Portable adjustable vaporizer.jpg

All three of these units that I recommend are completely interchangeable. The vaporizer below, the Dream Vapor Electronic Cigarette, I do not recommend the iClear 16. I recommend using a similar clearomizer, like what it comes with. The reason is this device does not have variable voltage. The iClear 16 requires a little more voltage than what this device offers, it will work, just not that well. The Dream Vapor is priced just right to see if a tank style e-cigarette is for you. Only $25.99 for the kit and it has everything you need. You really can't beat it for the price. It is not the device I recommend for concentrates. It does work great with e-cigarette oils though.
E-Cannabis Oil aka G-Oil.jpg

I hope this information has been helpful for you. If so, pass it on!
Have they gotten any stronger? The last time I tried those they worked good but was way too weak.

Not really, that's why I'd like to make my own.

Propylene Glycol USP was an option for my eJuice that I may try as well now. Thx GG

Not really, that's why I'd like to make my own.

Propylene Glycol USP was an option for my eJuice that I may try as well now. Thx GG

No problem!

You may want to try adding to some of your favorite e-juice, or making your own e-juice, well, even with your own RSO, some propylene glycol USP that has 5% sweetener in it. These guys have got the best prices I have seen on virtually everything e-cigg related. Their small bottles are around common price, the large bottles is where you get the deals. Their regular Kosher PG USP, they have the best price I have seen yet. Here is a link to the one mixed with 5% sweetener http://highdesertvapes.com/products/Sweetener-(by-HDV-5%-Sucralose-%2d-PG).html. I tried the 5% sweetener PG USP in premium RSO and it did seem to downgrade it a little, but it may benefit high chlorophyll/lower quality RSO, I am not sure though. Browse their site, they have a lot of cool stuff. I think I am hooked on my e-cigg more than I was tobacco cigarettes. I am kind of proud of that really. I am sure it is not good for ya, but in my opinion it is probably better than other unhealthy habits.
Wtf? I was at hooters in flint, and sat next to a guy at the bar. He was smoking. He said it was an electric blunt. It was liquid in a blunt. I'm guessing it was weed extract. Has anybody ever heard of this.

If you said "gals" I would have thought of me! :D

When you exhale out of a tank style e-cigarette with the mixture I have it tastes and smells like ganja, but the smell disappears quick, unlike smoke.

When I go out, I go out stealth. I almost think legal is more dangerous these days. I like to carry a good 1/4 ounce of premium with me. Shrunk down into oil, I can keep that in one clearomizer to use with my e-cigg battery. I use e-ciggs, I just carry one with a tinted clearomizer and nobody would know the difference. The cool case came from High Desert Vapes for only $7.99, can't beat that!
E-cannabis kit-tools 6-18-13 032.jpg

stealth e-cannabis kit 6-27-13 026.jpg

tools of the trade 6-27-13 025.jpg

E-cannabis kit camo case 6-27-13 024.jpg
I have a g pen, best investment I've made beside my oil rig for my bong.

G-Pen and other companies, like Essential and the mini's, well I purchased several different automizers, cartomizers, and clearomizers. When I looked into the G-Pen, it does not have the same threads as my preferred equipment. I haven't figured out their threads yet. I think it could be either 601 or 301 threads. There isn't much equipment available for that thread type. A G-Pen is way over priced in my opinion. I just recently saw a company that sold the original replacement tank for the G-Pen that only cost $2.99, I believe G-Pen charges $15.99 for the same part. All G-Pen did was put their logo on a type of e-cigarette. When your G-Pen fails, switch over to the eGo-C Twist VV batteries. Those have 510 threads and eGo outer threads on the same battery. You will have a lot more options at a much better price.
I need to get my hands on one if these and find someone to provide filled cartridges.
I have a high tolerance when I smoke, and I desperately want to be more discreet. I don'tgrow either.
That's where I'm at also. I have a high tolerance and would like a concentrate to vape.
I need to get my hands on one if these and find someone to provide filled cartridges.
I have a high tolerance when I smoke, and I desperately want to be more discreet. I don'tgrow either.

That's where I'm at also. I have a high tolerance and would like a concentrate to vape.

I truly believe that this is the future of smoking or vaping cannabis. After trying one of these, I have no interest in smoking joints anymore. There are some downsides of course. It can be very expensive. It may not be a good choice for someone that does not have will power and self control! For me, it is very easy to just keep consuming it. It is enjoyable and comfortable. I don't need more, but it just seems to come natural to keep hitting the vape. I guess I like it a little too much. All you need is one of the two vapes I mentioned, or something you already have. It just boils down to getting your hands on some good quality RSO. I am sure BHO and other concentrates would probably work too, although, it may be a bit more difficult to make them work. If you have RSO it only takes a couple of minutes to mix the PG USP in it. Just suck it back up into a syringe and you can pretty much use it in most e-cigarette devices.

I started a blog to help point people in the right direction, so they don't waste a lot of money finding the right tool. I must apologize the blog is at MMMA, kind of embarrassing to me. It was convenient for me though. I will keep updating the information as it becomes available. You may find the information helpful.
GG, what do you recommend for dosage for someone ingesting RSO that has never had it before and is taking it for medicinal reasons (cancer)? Is it based on body weight?

Also, what dosage should they try to work up to? This is a very petite female (I'm guessing no more than 100lbs).
