*Either you are with us, or against us

Ok, so they used to be in Afghanistan, then they went to Iraq, now they are in Pakistan and Iran... We have almost gone broke fighting terrorism, killed people by amounts near genocide, how many times do we have to do this? This is McCarthy's dream with different bad guys. Plus, I see how the middle east might start looking at nukes because we won't quit fucking with themand we all know they have less military might; I don't blame Pakistan for being pissed off, we have bombed all their neighbors and our crusade has headed from their TV to their back yard. Do we really need to bomb a whole country and invade it just to get terrorists that will just hop the next border. It is approaching the mark of assinine, how much further must we go?

we go as far as our duty, and our duty is to defend the country from present and future threats

there are some who want to go back to the clinton days were we did nothing while they kept hitting us again and again and again

finally they destroyed the 2 largest buildings in the world in the most famous city in the world and killed our police and firefighters and citizens

your right i say we give up this is getting to hard

just let them go im sure after about 10 separate attacks on american installations including our navy they will stop it now

do you guys know how many attacks on our homeland have been thrwarted in the last 7 years???

i bet nobody here does,.

you can look it up

did you know a few years ago our special forces infultated a safehouse in the desert of mexico where al queda terrorists and a russian scientist were in the begining stages of producing anthrax to attack a football stadium in california?

guess not, dont worry im glad yall got to watch that game without dieing

did you know a few years ago our special forces infultated a safehouse in the desert of mexico where al queda terrorists and a russian scientist were in the begining stages of producing anthrax to attack a football stadium in california?
source please?
source please?

i saw it on the discover channel a few years back or one of those channel it was crazy, mexican inteligence followed this fucker right from the airport when he landed, then they realized he was getting on another plane so they had a mexican inteligence guy hit im over the head in a simulated robbery and while he was on the ground all out of it the inteligence guy took out the terroist guys phone and replaced the battary with one that fits his phone but it had a gps tracking device built in the batary

they made it look like a robbery

so the terrosit guys didnt even know

he gets on the plane, flies to some obscure part of mexico and thats were our guys came in there and shot them up like dogs

ill try to find the story

i thought it was nuts cuz the news never talks about it

i think its because the bush administration likes to keep a lid on these things, not sure if its to be humble or for security reasons
we go as far as our duty, and our duty is to defend the country from present and future threats

there are some who want to go back to the clinton days were we did nothing while they kept hitting us again and again and again

finally they destroyed the 2 largest buildings in the world in the most famous city in the world and killed our police and firefighters and citizens

your right i say we give up this is getting to hard

just let them go im sure after about 10 separate attacks on american installations including our navy they will stop it now

do you guys know how many attacks on our homeland have been thrwarted in the last 7 years???

i bet nobody here does,.

you can look it up

did you know a few years ago our special forces infultated a safehouse in the desert of mexico where al queda terrorists and a russian scientist were in the begining stages of producing anthrax to attack a football stadium in california?

guess not, dont worry im glad yall got to watch that game without dieing

I'm not saying to give up because it's hard, I'm saying that we are tearing up country after country, killing several times the civilians they even thought about and it's all for a right wing power trip. We can't afford it, they are going to move elsewhere, we would just leave another country in ruins and again, we can't afford it. I'll bet we can really kick some ass when we're bankrupt! We should have learned by now that we cannot kill an idea, no matter how many people we kill, we will never kill an idea, a faith, or an ideology, trying to do so is what the dictionary defines as genocide. There's right and wrong and there's making a stand, then there's a pissing contest, we need do differentiate.
I'm not saying to give up because it's hard, I'm saying that we are tearing up country after country, killing several times the civilians they even thought about and it's all for a right wing power trip. We can't afford it, they are going to move elsewhere, we would just leave another country in ruins and again, we can't afford it. I'll bet we can really kick some ass when we're bankrupt! We should have learned by now that we cannot kill an idea, no matter how many people we kill, we will never kill an idea, a faith, or an ideology, trying to do so is what the dictionary defines as genocide. There's right and wrong and there's making a stand, then there's a pissing contest, we need do differentiate.

so u have an alternative? that is not giving up?
its not a 4 year old boy, its osama bin ladin, al queada and all thier fuckers are sittin pretty in wazirastan which is insinde the country of pakistan, and bush been playin footsy's with musharaf for the last fuckin 7 years its time to fuck that place up. i cant understand why we havnt carpet bomded the whole fucking place. there must be a good reason

i think they got the whole place wired and survailed

Ummm, yes. The good reason is that we are human beings. Jesus man, smoke a bowl or something. Bomb, fuck, bombing fuckers, fucking bombs. :fire:

If I believed in Satan, I would say you're playing directly into his hands. Fear is the mind killer.
so u have an alternative? that is not giving up?

yes, one that would actually require responsibility and some hard work. If the only way we can feel safe and secure is at the lives of million or more people, then perhaps something needs to change.

Also as a side note, you said that terrorists were in the Mexican desert... Do we need to wade into Mexico guns-a-blazin'? What happens when they move to India, Italy or find some alliance with another country? What happens if they just move to France or Poland?