Edible issue


Well-Known Member
So I've noticed that for me, edibles don't work. Yet, the same edibles that don't work for me, get my buddies higher than god's taint for a whole day. We all have about the same tolerance with smoking. Any thoughts as to why? Any constructive suggestions to fix this disparity, or what I may be doing wrong, would be appreciated.


Active Member
No idea man, but experienced the same situation with a buddy, but I'm usually the one flying while he talks shit on my edibles. Introduce yourself to honey oil caramels, they shut his ass up. :D


Well-Known Member
A couple of things to consider:

Everyone's biochemistry is different, one strain that knocks down one person may be an 'upper' for another. Have seen this firsthand and it's weird, but very true.

Person I mention has a few medical issues including 'Graves Disease', which affects the thyroid, which is the bodies 'transmission' so to speak. So, what would normally knock out most people, this persons unique medical make up affects how cannabis affects them. Just some 'food' for thought there. (pun purely accidental, but I'll take credit anyways, what the heck)


Well-Known Member
edibles are going to vary person to person. I have only had 1 medible that made me wish I had taken less then what I had. (firecracker that was 1+ mo old w/2g decarbed green on it)
I medicate daily. I am a chronic pain patient who is sick of his hard core narcotics and found or refound pot again about 2 years ago.
I have tried almost all the "quick and easy recipes" and all the longer ones. I have used up more pot experimenting with what works for me for about 2 years.
The capsules are my fav. I think most folks really want that "high" feeling and they turn to edibles to get that more "intense" high. for me there is NO high feeling I get pain relief and a bunch of energy (most times)
If you are currently on narcotics for pain it's been my experience the narcotics dont work nearly as well as the green does. Infact I would wager to say it hinders some of the effects of it.

What has been your medible go to when you are trying them?


Well-Known Member
...If you are currently on narcotics for pain it's been my experience the narcotics dont work nearly as well as the green does. Infact I would wager to say it hinders some of the effects of it....
I've wondered if true "opiates", poppy based medicine, compare to opioids, synthetic copies of opium, effect the body the same. I realize that the opioids are designed to mimic the same effect on opiate receptors. But we've seen the effect of "synthetic marijuana" are not the same. MMJ seems to take care of most of my problems. MJ has been the best pain reliever for my chronic pain but for acute pain I still need something to get me over the hump. I've wondered about growing some poppies and see. But if has kept me of of narcotics.


Well-Known Member
edibles are going to vary person to person. I have only had 1 medible that made me wish I had taken less then what I had. (firecracker that was 1+ mo old w/2g decarbed green on it)
I medicate daily. I am a chronic pain patient who is sick of his hard core narcotics and found or refound pot again about 2 years ago.
I have tried almost all the "quick and easy recipes" and all the longer ones. I have used up more pot experimenting with what works for me for about 2 years.
The capsules are my fav. I think most folks really want that "high" feeling and they turn to edibles to get that more "intense" high. for me there is NO high feeling I get pain relief and a bunch of energy (most times)
If you are currently on narcotics for pain it's been my experience the narcotics dont work nearly as well as the green does. Infact I would wager to say it hinders some of the effects of it.

What has been your medible go to when you are trying them?
I don't have a "go-to" yet, since none of them seem to work. So far everything I made has been cannabutter based. I'm actually a smoker so I don't have to take sleeping pills or opiates anymore.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered if true "opiates", poppy based medicine, compare to opioids, synthetic copies of opium, effect the body the same. I realize that the opioids are designed to mimic the same effect on opiate receptors. But we've seen the effect of "synthetic marijuana" are not the same. MMJ seems to take care of most of my problems. MJ has been the best pain reliever for my chronic pain but for acute pain I still need something to get me over the hump. I've wondered about growing some poppies and see. But if has kept me of of narcotics.

I really dont know much about what is synthetic optiates... I have had 20 years of use starting with reg strength vicodin then norco then to injections.

I honestly would hate to see anyone using the narcotics as recreational use but I know it happens and my advise as someone who spent 20 years on this crap...

run away from it.
I have tried canna-cookies on 3 seperate occasions & only noticed a small diminishment of my pain on each consumption, wherein my husband ate half of his canna-cookie & was mellow & pain free, all 3 times. When we smoke, he needs as much MJ as I do to have pain relief, so I am confused as to why the cookies affect us differantly. It's nice to know it's not just me tho. Must have something to do with our chemical makeup, I guess?


Well-Known Member
I think it comes down to body mass differences. I have the lowest body fat levels of the folks I'm using as reference, by a good margin. Can that effect it somehow?


Well-Known Member
I think it comes down to body mass differences. I have the lowest body fat levels of the folks I'm using as reference, by a good margin. Can that effect it somehow?
Hmmm I am not too sure about this theory as I had the same about 2 years ago I was a hefty 295lbs 6'1 and my tolerance has not changed now then I am at 210lbs

I am sold that it is a varying level of things that can help aid in someones tolerance i.e (usage light-vs -heavy users or even 1st time medibles users)
metabolism, rx's you are on etc... not to mention all the levels about the product used or how it was used as well.

there are way too many variables in ALL medications that reacts differently to each person, just like a pill form prescription you get will list a group of "known effects" that some people may have but tho most dont have them..

just try the methods till you get what works for you it is time consuming and at sometimes very wasteful (cant count how many recipes I have tried that did nothing at all)


Well-Known Member
gioua- Have you ever (more than likely) experienced the 'ramp up' of your cannabis based pain meds? I want to make sure I'm not the only one who experiences this.:-P As your meds start kicking in you'll notice along the way, that it works in waves or 'stages'. Each stage is a different level of pain relief, and you can almost always tell what stage you are in. No narcotic *ever* allowed me to do that. You take the pill, it finally kicks in and that, is that. Now with *my* medibles, I can tell where I am at in regards to pain relief, almost always. Let's see big pharma copy that 'feature'. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm I am not too sure about this theory as I had the same about 2 years ago I was a hefty 295lbs 6'1 and my tolerance has not changed now then I am at 210lbs

I am sold that it is a varying level of things that can help aid in someones tolerance i.e (usage light-vs -heavy users or even 1st time medibles users)
metabolism, rx's you are on etc... not to mention all the levels about the product used or how it was used as well.

there are way too many variables in ALL medications that reacts differently to each person, just like a pill form prescription you get will list a group of "known effects" that some people may have but tho most dont have them..

just try the methods till you get what works for you it is time consuming and at sometimes very wasteful (cant count how many recipes I have tried that did nothing at all)
Well, fortunately I like to experiment! Plus, they get everyone else at the house high. So really it's not a loss. haha



I had experimente few variables deegrees about my tolerance.The main topic , after few experimetations , is the diet.

It's all about your body health.Basically , if you eat too much or bad (burnt fat , sugar etc) , your organism make harder work to assimilate good material , and also harder work to get out whats need to be eliminated.
It's result that your organism get "dirt" , and cann'ot function well.
Then your blood and fat stock bad nutrients and poisons.
In the case of cannabinoid , we all know that it take time to get them out.
So if you cannot eliminate them , your tolerance increase , increase , increase...

I also insist on the point that a good and light diet give you a lighter,better mood , wich is an important point (if no the most) about how you will perceive cannabis effect.

Eat fruits , vagetables , seeds and a lot of clean water , you will get you higher , that's not a joke.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a "go-to" yet, since none of them seem to work. So far everything I made has been cannabutter based. I'm actually a smoker so I don't have to take sleeping pills or opiates anymore.
Maybe this will help, I tried several cannabutter products my fiance made. None worked very well for me. Next we made brownies out of oil...

1/4 lbs of cannabis leaves
5 cups of water
2 cups of oil

Boil for a couple hours. Worked way better than the butter for me. Was absolutely ripped for an entire night off two brownies. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Maybe this will help, I tried several cannabutter products my fiance made. None worked very well for me. Next we made brownies out of oil...

1/4 lbs of cannabis leaves
5 cups of water
2 cups of oil

Boil for a couple hours. Worked way better than the butter for me. Was absolutely ripped for an entire night off two brownies. :weed:
I had seem some talk about oils working better for some people. I'll add it to the list. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I had seem some talk about oils working better for some people. I'll add it to the list. Thanks
No problem. Forgot to mention you have to strain the mixture with a cheese cloth after boiling and freeze it to separate the water and oil.