there are a lot of reasons that the government has laws in place..some of these we know others we dont. citizens out-number government enforcers by a lot. a million to one maybe. fierce odds. if the public wishes a referendum on a law, we only need to be willing to pursue it. if this is done without the tumor of violence that erupts in any large protesting crowd, the government will not be able to use its enforcers to extinguish the threat. everytime they do, against peaceful demonstrators, they're bound to lose a lot of money in court. to put some examples toward the point im talking about say if eveyone in san diego or eugene or any sizable city desided they were going to plant their entire back yards and all the local parks with ganja. as long as no one resisted arrest or attacked officers, they couldnt hold a fraction of everybody. people being this organized im sure would bail out the first few people they tried to arrest. imagine if they tried to imprison cigarettes smokers. but what im saying is if the public desides its going to grow herb, our government wont stop it. they make plenty of money now. when they are forced to legalize they will make money then as well. i dont assume they arent prepared. if plethra of people follow eddy's ambition for our right to smoke, then victory will be afoot. im sure at that point all the organizations of lawyers and civil rights groups (norml aclu etc) will swoop in like vultures for the steamy meat of bloated law-carcus. but that would only be the beginning. there would be internal struggle amongst those who want it taxed so they can sell it and those that want to be able to grow their own. hopfully by that time people will make good about working together and the petty crap will stop. im a little outta my gorde tell me what u think. [CENSORED] has some pretty good protest 'blueprints' for making giant and successful protests. hopfully [CENSORED] can get things going by summertime.
sidenote: i wonder who or what owns this domain. dns info was limited =\