Economy Is Improving

Well I agree with that
But there are jobs now.

Ok. But there aren't enough jobs to employ all the unemployed people. So while their are jobs, there aren't enough to go around.

And people wont take them becuase they dont pay as much as they used to make.instead They Whine and Bitch and Complain. Get off the net and get a fucking job, I took a job that paid 80 bucks more a week than unemployment paid. I now have a job that pays more than i made before I got laid off. There are Jobs available, And you cant blame the goverment, illegals or Corporations for people not taking them.

Ok Mr Romney.

Problem still remains, there aren't enough jobs to employ everyone. That's the real problem. The problem isn't that everyone all of a sudden because more lazy than they were before.

The recession is not improving for the majority of Americans.
I'm not blaming Obama, just pointing out a fact. If anyone is to blame it is the Federal reserve, Wall Street and the Congress.

If anyone is to blame it's our corporatocracy, to be fair Obama is a part of that, as was Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. Along with the yes, Wall St, the fed, congress, K st, and most major corporations.

The fed, the whitehouse, congress, etc have all become the puppets, including our supreme court. The companies are the ones pulling the strings via lobbyists. They are in charge of all of this.
Well I agree with that
But there are jobs now. And people wont take them becuase they dont pay as much as they used to make.
instead They Whine and Bitch and Complain. Get off the net and get a fucking job, I took a job that paid 80 bucks more a week than unemployment paid. I now have a job that pays more than i made before I got laid off. There are Jobs available, And you cant blame the goverment, illegals or Corporations for people not taking them.

We know your a true American hero Duke, but so is everyone else in this thread. If everyone on UC were kicked off UC the debt would continue to rise at a slightly less blistering rate then it is now.

So after you kick everyone off of UC what is the plan?

I'm sure it includes every possible government agency sans the Millitary, Defence dept and CIA.

The bottom line is that if you have a job and pay your taxes your are a slave. Which is 100% fine if its worth it. If I can go to work everyday and slave my ass off and feel fullfiled because I am paid a reasonable and liveable wage, my retirement savings are truly protected by a sound financial system and my children and my childrens children aren't doomed in even more debt enslavement than me, then it wouldnt be the end of the world.

But that is not the case. I go to work everyday and pay my taxes every year knowing that the system is slowly eating my future. The harder I work the less I will make. Whats worse is that even if I do manage to make more from my extra hard work, those dollars will be worth even less. My children will be forced to pay much higher tax rates, with a much higher percentage of those taxes going directly to the individuals that own the system. Which will leave less money for my childrens education, social safety net, financial future etc etc.

Very few people are milking the system . Odvioulsy some are. Cutting off the people who are genuinley looking for work every single day (the majority) will make things worse.

And why exactly do you care if people milk the system anyway? You seem completely committed to the infinite money printing system, why not just get it over with and raise the debt ceiling to infinity and borrow 100 quadrillion dolars? Then we could rain the people in money........

Heres a video, its a little old (2010) but I doubt you'll watch it anyway.

If anyone is to blame it's our corporatocracy, to be fair Obama is a part of that, as was Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. Along with the yes, Wall St, the fed, congress, K st, and most major corporations.

The fed, the whitehouse, congress, etc have all become the puppets, including our supreme court. The companies are the ones pulling the strings via lobbyists. They are in charge of all of this.

The Corporatocracy is owned and operated by the owners of the banks on Wall st.

A good break down of the Corporateocracy at 5:40

when i was trimming this year, i had a change of perspective.
i was sitting alongside a group of people from my very progressive town who were all not only very racist, but homophobic and anti-semitic to boot.
it wasn't that they were poorly educated (although they were), per se, but i would wager it had a lot to do with growing up with the same core group of people in the same town their entire lives.
they never had to deal with someone like me, who was not afraid to make them question their prejudiced beliefs to the core. a lot of conversing happens when you are sitting around a table trimming for 10+ hours in a row.

long story short, i riled them to the core of their beliefs and things got somewhat contentious. i kept my cool way better than they did by asking simple questions. they dug in their heels toward their horrible belief system. but i bet if we go back to that table to trim next year, they will have changed a bit.
I think you nailed it. Sometimes people think different is bad. We are all after the same things. Too many examples to refute peoples prejudices.
Always good to see things in a different perspective, walk in my shoes philosophy..
Well I agree with that
But there are jobs now. And people wont take them becuase they dont pay as much as they used to make.
instead They Whine and Bitch and Complain. Get off the net and get a fucking job, I took a job that paid 80 bucks more a week than unemployment paid. I now have a job that pays more than i made before I got laid off. There are Jobs available, And you cant blame the goverment, illegals or Corporations for people not taking them.
Right, too many see it as why should I work for 40 hrs just to make a little bit more. Not realizing they are losing their work ethic. No way a person can get a head in life on unemployment.
People like to be taken care of. Usually something big or life changing kicks them in the ass and they get going. Had a friend who wasn't working and told me the day his roommate fed the dog the leftover pizza crusts instead of giving it to him he realized he needed to work or starve, lol.
I've never been to proud to work any job. I enjoy what earning money brings me.
If anyone is to blame it's our corporatocracy, to be fair Obama is a part of that, as was Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. Along with the yes, Wall St, the fed, congress, K st, and most major corporations.

The fed, the whitehouse, congress, etc have all become the puppets, including our supreme court. The companies are the ones pulling the strings via lobbyists. They are in charge of all of this.
Economy not recovering-
With oil prices trading above the $100/barrel benchmark (first time since June), airline stocks are once again taking it on the chin. Amid positive news of flight additions across all major airlines, the surge in oil prices comes as a massive jolt for the U.S. carriers, resulting in the recent selloff in shares.

Rising oil prices have become a serious problem for the hard-hit airline industry. Since 2002, crude oil prices have been registering new highs thanks to soaring demand from the emerging markets and a weaker U.S. dollar. Fuel expenses now account for approximately 30% of the industry's costs.
when i was trimming this year, i had a change of perspective.
i was sitting alongside a group of people from my very progressive town who were all not only very racist, but homophobic and anti-semitic to boot.
it wasn't that they were poorly educated (although they were), per se, but i would wager it had a lot to do with growing up with the same core group of people in the same town their entire lives.
they never had to deal with someone like me, who was not afraid to make them question their prejudiced beliefs to the core. a lot of conversing happens when you are sitting around a table trimming for 10+ hours in a row.

long story short, i riled them to the core of their beliefs and things got somewhat contentious. i kept my cool way better than they did by asking simple questions. they dug in their heels toward their horrible belief system. but i bet if we go back to that table to trim next year, they will have changed a bit.

funny UB as usual you try to make yourself the moral hi ground. How do you know your way is the right way, because you believe it to be so, that doesn't make it true it just means thats what you believe. and thats ok. But please don't condescend what you THINK is wrong.
So Hemlock. If UB is wrong than you believe its ok to be a bigot and racist dickhead
No I believe there is more than one way to live. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying different. But don't impose what you perceive as a moral hi ground and shove it down my throat, like UB does. He better be glad I wasn't sitting at that table.
Did ya ever think there might be a reason someone felt that way about another. Like I don't know maybe someone got raped or held up and formed an opinion based on that. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. that doesn't mean I'm right and it doesn't mean UB is right. but I don't go around shoving my beliefs on someone I feel is inferior, or poorly educated. thats called being a condescending prick.
How do you feel about me not giving you a job a loan or rent you a place because i am prejudiced against you necause of the color of your skin or your religion? Nevermind you wont give me an honest answer

And dont assume anything about anyone. You might be lucky you weren't at that table. UB might of stuck a pair of scissors in your eye
How do you feel about me not giving you a job a loan or rent you a place because i am prejudiced against you necause of the color of your skin or your religion? Nevermind you wont give me an honest answer

And dont assume anything about anyone. You might be lucky you weren't at that table. UB might of stuck a pair of scissors in your eye

IMO if you own something and wish to not rent to someone for whatever reason, I'm OK with that. Its yours, you own it. You can do whatever you wish with it.
If you are in charge of hiring and you don't want to put someone on the job for whatever reason, I'm OK with that. Because it works both ways. When minorities get in charge they hire minorities. So it goes both way. and In the end it evens out. We do it ourselves.
EX: when I was in the USMC we self segregated, When we would arrive at a new barracks whites would go one way, Blacks another, Brown another, Asians another. No one forced us to do it just what we did. it still happens today. But that doesn't mean anybody looks down on anybody. Its just how it is.

And I KNOW UB would NOT have the balls to do anything to me face 2 face. USMC 0311 takin out the garbage since 1775!
You IMO if you own something and wish to not rent to someone for whatever reason, I'm OK with that. Its yours, you own it. You can do whatever you wish with it.

And I doubt UB would have the balls to do anything to me face 2 face.
So businesses should be able to hire or not just because of skin color?