ecigs and bho glycerin?

The Growery

Active Member
Hey y'all, has anyone use bho in ecigs before? I was wondering if mixing bho with vegetable glycerine would work. Hoping someone has already tried and perhaps has some advice to offer. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I mixed pg in my first Kanger tank and can not stand pg .
I decided to go with straight oil in an Joyetech Evic.
The tank/atomizer is kanger for sure. You can pack this around in your pocket all day.
Any other tank would end up broken in your pocket. The kangers are solid as can be.
Sometimes the oil gets a little thick and some pre-heating is needed , this can lead to a bit of oil in the mouth if you heat it too much. If this happens just swallow and go about your biz!
I've run some pretty thick oils in my evic.
Without the pg its more of like an electronic pipe and smokes more than vapes.


Well-Known Member
im making the e-cig thc juice now....well just waiting on my stuff to get here to make the vials up. you might want to use PEG 400 USP (medical and food grade). use a 5:1 mixture PEG/THC (was a number I got from others making this). drop your PEG and THC into a shot glass. heat to 140, stir well together. let cool, inject, smoke, be happy.


Well-Known Member
I've got it dialed in at a 2:1 pg:bho as 5:1 is way too diluted and 1:1 is just too strong for my patient using pretty much the same method as demontrich. I use a test tube in a shot glass filled with hot water to heat and bind the mixture. similar to a double boiler. you can find flavored pg at smoke shops too I believe if that's your thing.


Well-Known Member
I have also found that between 2:1 and 1:1 levels the BHO will begin to gum up and clog the weaker atomizers of eCigs.


Well-Known Member
my patients would be using this on a hourly basis type. kinda walking in public times, you know what I mean. this is my 1st go at it, as I have a TON of extractions to use in it and its just another avenue to expand my "medical portfolio" to my patients :)

blueberry, cotton candy, bubblegum, strawberry, champagne flavorings


Well-Known Member
my patients would be using this on a hourly basis type. kinda walking in public times, you know what I mean. this is my 1st go at it, as I have a TON of extractions to use in it and its just another avenue to expand my "medical portfolio" to my patients :)

blueberry, cotton candy, bubblegum, strawberry, champagne flavorings
Play with mixture ratios as well as PG and VG to find the patients sweet spots/likes. I ended up with a 2:1 ratio PG mix personally. I found the PG vape sweeter and smoother than VG. These days I just use a viscous CO2 oil strait, but it is pricey and likely too powerful for most.

The Growery

Active Member
hey guys, thanks a bunch for sharing your experiences making this stuff. I bought a 4 oz of pure vegetable glycerin at a local health shop and used a double boiler setup at 150F and began mixing in some Hexane and butane honeycomb. I could not get either to dissolve into the glycerin despite mixing at 150F for about 10 mins. What I ended up with was a cloudy glycerin with the majority of the honeycomb in large globs floating around in the mixture. I strained out the globs and vaped the remaining cloudy glycerin with no effect.

How are you guys diluting the bho into glycerin? I feel i am missing something critical like using some alcohol to dissolve it better.


Well-Known Member
How are you guys diluting the bho into glycerin? I feel i am missing something critical like using some alcohol to dissolve it better.
I use a metal dental pick to stir. that's all. just time, heat and agitation. but again I'm not using vegetable glycerin I'm using propylene glycol usp as that's what my patient favors. btw he took his cartomizer and a few full syringes to Disney with him and used it often at 2:1 which seems to be perfect for him.


Well-Known Member
I could not get either to dissolve into the glycerin despite mixing at 150F for about 10 mins. What I ended up with was a cloudy glycerin with the majority of the honeycomb in large globs floating around in the mixture. I strained out the globs and vaped the remaining cloudy glycerin with no effect
its gonna take more than 10 mins btw. usually takes me 30 to fully mix

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Excuse my complete and total ignorance on this topic, i have never even looked at a ecig before. I do however own and use a Grenco Science Micro G Pen which is the only experience i have with a personal battery powered vaporizer. My G pen was dirt cheap ($23 for two complete pens, charger, jar, dabber and case) and does not require me to mix my medicine with any solvent to vap it, just add straight oil and enjoy.

What are the benefits of cutting your oil with glycerin before vaping? Also, what are some of the benefits to using some of these pricier ecigs vs my g pen?


Well-Known Member
I've got a g pen as well for wax but the tank vapes are nice because you can dial in the potency by diluting with pg/vg. theyre also convenient for those who already use them for vaping nicotine rather than smoking like my patient does. he already had one for nicotine and it only made sense to start using it for thc as well.


Well-Known Member
maybe ill give the 2:1 a shot. im not quite sure the peg can absorb 1g of qwiso oil though. if so its going to be a thick liquid for the vape pen, no?


Well-Known Member
I do 1 gram bho to 2 grams pg. yes I weigh the pg as opposed to volume. no problems with mixing it or with it separating once in the tank. been doing it this way for a year and theres been no issues vaping it either. cheaper carts will begin to leak after awhile though.


Well-Known Member
yes its a little thick but not so thick I cant suck it up into a blunt end 3ml syringe. think maple syrup, maybe not even that thick

The Growery

Active Member
hey guys, I've ran into a bit of a road block. I've been trying to make glycerin tincture using dry meds (ran out of bho but still needing a glycerin-based tincture) using this method:

1. 14g of finely ground dry herb mixed with 120mL of VG in a mason jar, sealed.
2. Double boiler setup at 180F for 3 hours. Stirring twice per hour.
3. Strained and tested with no effect through vaporizer or oral intake, tincture was dark green.

I thought that perhaps it was because the tincture was not decarbed enough so I set the tincture in the oven at 250F for 30 mins. Tried to vape and ingest with no effect.

Can anyone see anything I'm missing?