Ebb n Flo 6" inch rockwool blocks without hydroton?


Active Member
Hellraizer, i veg for over month feed once a day or every other day and no problem but aways the same problem on the 2nd week of flowering. fan leaves yellow and fall off. brown root. why? My room condition are high 80F, co2 burner 1300-1500ppm. Dutch master nutes..I really dont want to lose this round. I am really afraid to try 3x a day.


Rebel From The North
Flood x3 isnt going to make you loose your crop! The issue you are having will
do that! You say brown roots right? Normally if your roots are brown you have
root rot/bactiria issues! But im thinking with the lack of water your roots are
Drying out and turning brown, could this be the case?


Just so I understand, if using rockwool with hydroton, one must either; have enough rockwool to sustain the entire root mass, or, keep the rockwool more or less dry and use the hydroton to support the roots?

first post. thanks for all the great info.


Active Member
Flood x3 isnt going to make you loose your crop! The issue you are having will
do that! You say brown roots right? Normally if your roots are brown you have
root rot/bactiria issues! But im thinking with the lack of water your roots are
Drying out and turning brown, could this be the case?
I dont think my root are drying out. the rw stay pretty heavy and wet. plant are about 12-15 inch tall. yellowing start on the 2nd week of flowering. I think its root rot or bacteria.


Active Member
hey hellraizer, i just start a new batch. i fed 3x day. once hr after light, 2nd mid and 3rd hr before light off. it has been almost a week. lower fan leaf are yell0w again!! i use advance nutes sensi grow, b52, heis tea. water temp r about 70f. i have 120w air pump on 100gallon res with some hydroton for the tea bennie to thrive on.. why is this still happening??? pLease help! i dont want this to happen again!! this is my 4th attempt.


Rebel From The North
Your using sensi a and b?

does this yellowing only take place in flower? Or veg to?

your res sounds fine with the tea, your roots are a bit on the iffy side of things,
could be stained from nutes though. By the way what is your water temps?
and your ph as of right now?


Active Member
How long do you flood for?
How high does it get up on the rock wool?
How long does it take to drain?
Is that a coco mat under your rock wool?


Rebel From The North
Nuff said....they are some pretty sad looking plants in RW. Reduced oxygen to roots, algae, lack of control when feeding, the list goes on.......

I use just hydroton and I don't lose a single leaf throughout the grow. It's a no brainer to me.
Might be enough said for you but your comments dont help!


Active Member
hey hellraizer, i just start a new batch. i fed 3x day. once hr after light, 2nd mid and 3rd hr before light off. it has been almost a week. lower fan leaf are yell0w again!! i use advance nutes sensi grow, b52, heis tea. water temp r about 70f. i have 120w air pump on 100gallon res with some hydroton for the tea bennie to thrive on.. why is this still happening??? pLease help! i dont want this to happen again!! this is my 4th attempt.
Without more info I would advise.......

1. put ya plants in the bath and flush em through good and proper.
2. Fuck the teas unless tried and tested by a experienced grower in your area with similar setup.
3. Get yourself a decent 2 part ph buffered nutrients and EC to approx 1000 (ppm 700). I use Dutch Pro now and love it. PH to 5.8
4. change ya res / system and run some H2O2 through and add a weeker solution every week.
5. A bit of superthrive and nothing else.
6. Keep It Simple Stupid. Watch her and master the simple things b4 delving into teas and all that hippy shit.

And finally....... Fuck RW next time, Hydroton all the way.


Active Member
I'm not the biggest fan of rw but for its simplicity it can't be beat. I'm pretty impress with how well these 6" cubes are doing for me thus far.

The only reason I brought up the coco mat is because those are known to hold lots of water. I don't know what kind of tray he's got but I wonder if it's not draining properly and the coco mat is making it worse.

It could be that he has a small pump like I do. It takes my pump 10 minutes to flood two inches on a 4x4 tray with 10 6" cubes in it and 8 mins to drain approximately. I think this is relevant since the longer it takes to drain and flood the longer the cubes are wet and wicking water to the top. I tried 3 floods and the plants didn't look happy. 2 floods is good for me for my set up. I may get a bigger pump on my next run and than do 3 feeds to get more oxygen in the roots. Currently on 12/12 and I flood for 10mins at 8:10 pm for 10 mins and than I believe for 5 mins at 3 am and that's it.

With all that said I think it may be root rot due to his roots sitting in water all the time.

Chops Hellz has a lot more experience and me and I can tell that he is trying to help you out. I think you're in good hands.


Active Member
they yellowing only happen in flowering. I add tea straight onto the rw and 1cup per gal to res. water temp r about 72-73. my 120w air pump r really hot and blow out hot air to res. my ph stay around 6.0 cuz im using sensi a and b ph perfect from advance nutes. I veg for about 1 month and no problem untill i move it to flowering. usually yellow on 2nd week on.. what u think about the pics?


Active Member
How long do you flood for?
How high does it get up on the rock wool?
How long does it take to drain?
Is that a coco mat under your rock wool?
I only flood to about 1inch of rw, it take about 5-7min to drain. i cut 7inx7in coco mat under rw. its on a 4x8 black table.


Active Member
would it be ok to flood longer since i have 120w air pump in res? there are alot of DO oxygen in water. i know for dwc the root stay in water and grow mad root cuz alot of DO oxygen in water..should i flood for 20-30min?