Drip Clean In Ebb N Flow Hydroton?

Ok Well quick recap for me. Drip clean dont do squat in hydroton in a ebb-n-flow. However I did find a good use for it. It makes a decent bloom booster! I didnt get picks of the first plant but I pulled 7 O's from the first and this is the second. She fell open when the other was cut from the screen had to tie her up. estimate another 5-7 O's from her!! best auto grow I have gotten in this cab to date! it';s this cabs last.these outgrew the cab. I had to build an emergency roof addition week 8. anyhow that's it for me! peace! Oh ya,I promise to get a real camera soon! these pics are the last dirty crop yesterday @ day 84 Im taking her at 90 regardless.


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