eat cake, lose weight

again when you visit the STATES do you drive or fly.

Again...? What's the matter, you don't like my answer? It's right there for all to see. How is it that you, who remembers everything and is never mistaken about who said what, could miss a 3 fucking word answer to your question?????????? Hmmmmmmmm?
Again...? What's the matter, you don't like my answer? It's right there for all to see. How is it that you, who remembers everything and is never mistaken about who said what, could miss a 3 fucking word answer to your question?????????? Hmmmmmmmm?

Are you serious... you walk from your home in Mexico and then just walk all around Texas :shock: ...ok I will just say I believe you use public sidewalk or public
Are you serious... you walk from your home in Mexico and then just walk all around Texas :shock: ...ok I will just say I believe you use public sidewalk or public

Texas? No, I don't walk to Texas. Aren't you tired of making all the wrong assumptions about me?
Texas? No, I don't walk to Texas. Aren't you tired of making all the wrong assumptions about me?

You say when you visit the U.S. from Mexico you don't fly or drive... you walk. So when you visit California OR Arizona OR New Mexico OR Texas do you use public roads or public sidewalks???
You say when you visit the U.S. from Mexico you don't fly or drive... you walk. So when you visit California OR Arizona OR New Mexico OR Texas do you use public roads or public sidewalks???

Well, if I cross the border on foot, I don't think I would be using the roads. Besides, roads are paid for with fuel taxes. So, I use a sidewalk now and then. Is that what someone who is at the poverty level in income, has to pay income taxes for? Using a sidewalk once in a while?
Is that what I paid income taxes for 44 years, for? So I can be taxed again when I can least afford it? Is that your idea of being fair?

What's next? The air we breath? I'm starting to peel back the onion here. I see what your aiming at. You want the tentacles of Big Brother to invade every little nook and cranny of our lives, then everybody is subject to the state. It infests society just like it has infested the minds of what would otherwise be ordinarily competent people. Did you get attacked by terrorists today? No? Well, you owe us for that. Did you die from dirty air or water? No? You owe us some money, honey.

So, if you use any of the public infrastructure, you better pay some income tax, no matter how little you make. If that is your argument, then you are destroying your whole political philosophy. The compassionate liberal attitude of yours is overwhelming.
So just outta interest...

Where's this fucking cake (as advertised)?

[h=1]Potato cakes recipe[/h]

Use up leftover mash in these classic potato cakes. Perfect with an egg or two for brunch​
Serves 4
Take 10 minutes to make and 25 minutes to cook

  • 450g floury potatoes, peeled
  • 1 onion, grated
  • Handful of fresh chives, finely chopped
  • 125g feta cheese, grated
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten, to bind
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  1. Boil the potatoes in a pan of salted water for 15–20 minutes until soft. Drain, then mash. Mix the mashed potatoes with the onion, chives, feta cheese, and egg. Season with plenty of salt and black pepper.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Using floured hands, scoop up large balls of the potato mixture, roll, and flatten slightly. Carefully add to the hot oil, and fry for 2–3 minutes on each side until golden, topping up the pan with more oil, if needed. Serve hot.
Are you serious... you walk from your home in Mexico and then just walk all around Texas :shock: ...ok I will just say I believe you use public sidewalk or public

he's like the jesus of persecuted white conservative males, walking from place to place (minus the whole banging mustachioed hookers thing).
And a Tea Party member with placard suggesting Obama probably likes fried chicken and watermelon would be welcomed with the same tolerance?

how about newt gingrich and his "rhythm rhythm basketball part time sleepy rhythm" tirade the other day?

totally innocent stuff, right?
Well, if I cross the border on foot, I don't think I would be using the roads. Besides, roads are paid for with fuel taxes. So, I use a sidewalk now and then. Is that what someone who is at the poverty level in income, has to pay income taxes for? Using a sidewalk once in a while?
Is that what I paid income taxes for 44 years, for? So I can be taxed again when I can least afford it? Is that your idea of being fair?

What's next? The air we breath? I'm starting to peel back the onion here. I see what your aiming at. You want the tentacles of Big Brother to invade every little nook and cranny of our lives, then everybody is subject to the state. It infests society just like it has infested the minds of what would otherwise be ordinarily competent people. Did you get attacked by terrorists today? No? Well, you owe us for that. Did you die from dirty air or water? No? You owe us some money, honey.

So, if you use any of the public infrastructure, you better pay some income tax, no matter how little you make. If that is your argument, then you are destroying your whole political philosophy. The compassionate liberal attitude of yours is overwhelming.
as I showed you before and now once again...You do use things that taxes paid for, so please stop saying that you don't.
as I showed you before and now once again...You do use things that taxes paid for, so please stop saying that you don't.

Yeah, you showed me alright. So now I guess income taxes pay for sidewalks?

Oh, I get it, it's because I'm not a socialist commie that wants to subvert further, the home of liberty.

The only thing you showed is your hypocrisy, ignorance and dishonesty.
how about newt gingrich and his "rhythm rhythm basketball part time sleepy rhythm" tirade the other day?

totally innocent stuff, right?

I haven't seen or heard about what you're referring to. Maybe Gingrich is a flaming racist, I wouldn't defend him if he said something inappropriate. I was simply pointing out that certain food references are considered racist, not defending them or arguing against the presumption. I have no patience in my life for that kind of attitude and yes, I do run into it here in NC. Two or three times a year, I have a customer make a subtle bigoted comment with a wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean look on their face. I ignore it and take their money. On the few times in my life an acquaintance has done the same thing, I immediately let them know I don't share their viewpoint.