eat cake, lose weight

I can assault Romney too on many many issues. This one I can't though because I want a president who works with the other branches like intended, one who works with both parties because we are in the same boat in the same country. I don't agree with the tyranny of the majority, if you use this method you are a scumbag piece of shit who doesn't care about anyone who thinks differently than you. Just my opinion.

Actually, McConnel.
According to actual numbers of money spent during this admin and GDP growth those programs are worth 20 cents on the dollar. In other words, using actual facts instead of Pelosi math, for every dollar they spend, it costs taxpayers almost 5. That's not really anything like you claim is it.

Those numbers include military spending, and since Obama did not extend any Bush era military spending or sign any status of forces agreements, you can look forward to those spending cuts.
Those numbers include military spending, and since Obama did not extend any Bush era military spending or sign any status of forces agreements, you can look forward to those spending cuts.

good deal, how much is that.

After we get out of wars (believe it when I see it) I'll edit my post to 1 dollar for every 4 instead of every 5. Doesn't make that 1.3 to 1 any less idiotic does it?
Those numbers include military spending, and since Obama did not extend any Bush era military spending or sign any status of forces agreements, you can look forward to those spending cuts.

Obama put 30,000 new troops in Afghanistan after telling us it was a bad idea.


That's the most retarded thing Iv ever read. Simple equation.

Taxes - Administration cost = Welfare.

Therefore Welfare < Taxes.

There needs to be a safety net, but don't use retarded pie in the sky fail-theory to try say its a net positive to the "amoral" economy.

I think you are ignoring the part where I said it stimulates demand. This is the most important part. This is why people would rather sell things in America than in other places. WE BUY THINGS. It isn't pie in the sky, it is investing at home. It is good for middle class too, since THEY GET TO SELL THINGS.

You are also ignoring the fact that people need to effing eat, yeah, begrudge them all you want, but when Americans start dying in the streets of starvation, patriotism will decrease.

Ginwilly, this also answers your barely intelligible comment about 1:5 or 5:1 or Nancy Pelosi or something.
I can assault Romney too on many many issues. This one I can't though because I want a president who works with the other branches like intended, one who works with both parties because we are in the same boat in the same country. I don't agree with the tyranny of the majority, if you use this method you are a scumbag piece of shit who doesn't care about anyone who thinks differently than you. Just my opinion.

Talk to republicans about that - 400 filibusters and a declaration that Obama is to fail even if Republicans have to vote against their own bills.
Talk to republicans about that - 400 filibusters and a declaration that Obama is to fail even if Republicans have to vote against their own bills.

Sounds like they should stop sending stupid, progressive bullshit over for a vote. Gotta love the dedication to stopping a suicidal ideologue from getting his wishes, willing to vote against their own that's what I'm talking about. Oh, you thought that was a negative?

<peanut bounces off canndo's head>
Sounds like they should stop sending stupid, progressive bullshit over for a vote. Gotta love the dedication to stopping a suicidal ideologue from getting his wishes, willing to vote against their own that's what I'm talking about. Oh, you thought that was a negative?

<peanut bounces off canndo's head>

he said suicidal. how surprising.

come up with some new material, hack.

<nutsack bounces off of muyloco's chin>
I'm sorry, would you prefer self destructive? Counter productive? Mind numbingly foolish?

those would be good descriptors of your plan to have minority rights put to a majority vote.

do you understand how america works? do you even know what rights are?
we're going to cut $5 trillion out of our revenues, but don't worry about the deficit.

we're going to add $2 trillion on top of that for the military, but don't worry about the deficit.

we're going to give you all the things you like about obamacare, but we're going to gut the provision that pays for it. don't worry about health care costs.

don't worry guys. eat cake, lose weight, look great.

also, let's fight medical cannabis tooth and nail. you guys are all cool with marinol, yes?

So true. But what really caught my attention what your last line about "fighting medical cannabis tooth and nail". While President Obama has been.. let's say frustrating when it comes to medical marijuana, Romney's stance is just plain scary and should concern all of us here at RIU. Now here's the thing- You can say our President's justice department has carried out raids, just as when President Bush's D.O.J. did- But Romney's stance on medical marijuana (MM) is frightening and archaic. Hearing him speak about marijuana is like it was in the 80's when Reagan's "Drug Czar" (SIDE NOTE: The term czars were popular when P. Obama took office. In fact, one of the first "czars" were under the beloved Reagan administration. "Czars" as some people put it, have no power on law- They are simply heads of departments that can only council the President)-- Long side note sorry- Romney sounds like its 30 years ago when marijuana was considered this evil, gateway drug with all these terrifying side effects that's soon going to have our youth hooked. It would be funny if he was running for President- But he is, which should concern us all here.

As far as policy though- I remember, I think it was at a campaign stop in Colorado, when he was asked by a local news reporter on what he would do about medical marijuana- which I believe is on the ballot there this November. Instead of his usual answer of how dangerous it is and how he wouldn't be in favor of legalizing it he said something similar to "who cares about M.M.- I'm concerned with the economy. Now this is startling on many fronts. First there are patients relying on it. Next, he pandered because he didn't want to state his real feelings because of the likelihood of young, voters going to the polls in Colorado just to vote for M.M.... and lastly, perhaps most importantly- Marijuana laws ARE important to the economy. Why?? Because this country locks up so many people for marijuana- This not only ruins peoples lives, stigmatizes them, locks them up, disqualifies them for student aid, and more... But it also blows budgets out the water locally, state wide, and nationally. Local municipalities have to hire more police, more paper work, ect. State and county governments have to pay for jails and prisons- And with an ever so growing prison industrial complex (Which would be a great topic for a thread) it has terrible effects on fiscal budgets. So for Romney to say he is concerned with the economy and doesn't want to talk about MM is not only scary- but also misleading and contradicting.

Now I know what many of you all will say- Why vote for Obama if his D.O.J. is conducting raids? Well its a simple answer. He is in favor of MM and doesn't have such an archaic view, like Romney. But most importantly, he's not saying ban it, ban it like Romney. This at least gives room to work with! With Romney- He flat out says no. If you say you can, you can. If you say you can't, you can't.

Politically speaking... I think P. Obama's D.O.J. has conducted these raids for politics. To grab up independent and on the fencers that don't favor MM. If he wins there will be no third term to run for- so no more politics. Furthermore, in an interview with Rolling Stones a few months ago- I remember him hinting on a bigger push for MM in a second term.

So what do you all think? Was it disingenuous for Romney to answer the question about MM in Colorado like he did? And doesnt't marijuana laws have an economical effect, especially with a growing prison industrial complex? ............ Substantial Responses only.. Please!
hey falafel, can you point to one case of a state compliant grower being busted?

wipe the sand out of your vagina and see if you can't formulate an answer there, sistah.
Freedomworks- That cartoon looks like your work- I mean you do call the forum police when I put you to shame, I can just imagine you calling the police at home.

WOW! This has got Uncle Buck written all over it. I thought this was against the rules to start threads for the sole purpose of attacking members. I love how you think I'm so special that I deserve my own thread. Can I get my own forum too? :shock:

"You asked for it... I was just doing you a favor. And I don't even have to say it.... wait.. yes I do... Be careful what you ask for :o. And please don't cry now. ; ) ...... But yea, beg for it to come down because you know how foolish you sound! Lesson learned huh? :clap::clap:"
those would be good descriptors of your plan to have minority rights put to a majority vote.

do you understand how america works? do you even know what rights are?

It isn't MY plan, it was Obama's AND you'll notice quite a few states putting it to a vote without any input from me at all. You might also notice a MAJORITY of your fellow citizens (even in enlightened California) voting against gay marriage (incorrectly IMO). Just because YOU say it's a right doesn't MAKE IT SO, Captain Picard.