Easyryder in DIY CFL Growbox

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Cracking job mate!!! Healthy as she can be.

Just wondering here, do you have any more cfls you could put around the middle of the plant? So the smaller bud sites can ripen up?

If you did you could turn the plant a quarter ever day or 2.


Active Member
Cheers mate, she is coming along pretty nicely. About 5 weeks to go I reckon.

Dont have any more room for cfl's in the grow box unfortunately, all 8 spots are taken up.

I have been turning her around, but I've been doing a full 180 turn every day. I like your idea of a quarter turn, might start doing that


Active Member
day 41

added another banana peel today and gave her a big drink with worm wee and molasses

today is the 10th day in a row over 30C - it got to 38C for about the 4th time in those 10 days - but the cool change is coming, thank dog



Active Member
day 42

noticed that the buds actually seem to be filling out a bit now.

the temps outside are back to a more humane level



Active Member
thanks nugget - i think your outdoor monsters will produce a pound or two over mine though.

kinda cool though, even with my outdoor male disaster im still on track to harvest around the same time


Active Member
day 44

she is holding a lot of water now, gave her a drink of a litre of spring water and molasses and it only barely made the tray underneath wet



Active Member
lookin good mate! I had a sample of mine last night, not too shabby at all but definately needs another week or two!
gotta admit it, ive been thinking of taking a small sample of this girl as well - havent had a smoke since christmas, and having all this bud (albeit premature) around is really hard.


Active Member
day 45

really starting to notice that the buds are starting to thicken up, especially the main cola. starting to see the lightest dusting on the sugar leaves too



Active Member
Always exciting when the sugar arrives haha. Just watch it explode over the next few days :)
Totally, im trying not to get too excited because i know its still another 4 weeks or so till harvest. But its so hard not too when things are coming along like they are


Active Member
day 46

tried to get a photo that showed the dusting of triches that are starting to come up. a couple of the lowest fan leaves are starting to yellow a bit, i figure that she is starting to divert her energy into the buds.
