Easyryder in DIY CFL Growbox


Active Member
day 23

the smell is really starting to come on strong, and she is still in preflower - cant imagine how pungent she is going to be when she really gets going



Active Member
Day 24.

Still growth spurting. Tucked some more leaves down today. You can see it in the pics.

Got an old Chili Peppers song in my head when i was checking up on her tonight - Stone Cold Bush



Active Member
day 25

still growing a couple of cm's (1 - 1.5in) a day. going to have to do something about the smell soon - will look for some ONA Gel in the shops around here, but will probably have to order it online - any aussies reading this let me know if you have used anything equivalent.

gave her a big drink today, with added worm tea, molasses and powerfeed+seasol - the water was a pretty much black and stunk like a mixture of old fish and fruit.



Active Member
day 26

i know ive said it a couple of times now, but the rate of growth is amazing. and ive still only got 4 x 23w 6700K going.
my 4 x 105w 2700K should be arriving any day now.

tried to take a few comparison shots based on earlier photos



sweet to see another vicco going for it mate! looks strong! let me know what u end up doing about the smell too, everything i read seems to be an "overseas" solution haha


Active Member
day 27

my 105w 2700k bulbs arrived today and goddamn they are huge monsters. had to secure the light fittings with a few rounds of gaffer tape.

also put the timer on and set it to 20/4.

she is still growing really well and i suspect she is going to love the new lights.



Active Member
day 28

first 24 hours under the new globes and also with the timer giving her a 4 hour sleep. everything going good, the smell has increased a bit with the new bulbs.



Active Member
day 29

some more worm wee and molasses with spring water. starting to get a little concerned about the height.

can anyone tell me how long through the flowering period they stretch before they start filling out?



Active Member
day 31

gave her a good feed of chook poo, blood & bone meal with added potash and watered with spring water mixed with molasses and worm wee



Active Member
day 33

the growth spurt seems to be tapering off at last, she is still getting taller but nowhere near the 3 or 4cm a day she was doing before
