Easy Ryder Grow 125W Dual Spectrum


Active Member
Hello Everyone,
This is my frist ever grow i chose the Easy Ryder Strain cause of how easy is it to grow..We have 3 female easy ryders and at the moment there 4 weeks old and 2 days..

Ryt to get started ill tell You what i have so far and what i intend to buy in the near future..

What i have is ..
1.Diamond reflective Mylar (100%reflective)
2.Light reflector (with roller's)
3.Timer for the on/off period
4.Vita Link Bloom Nutrients
5.125w dual spectrum CFL light
6.5LTR Pots
7.Regular Multi Purpose Compost from our local garden center
8.12 inch fan (ossilating)
9.3 female easy ryder Seeds.

Intend to Buy in near future/for next grow
1.Rhizotonic root stimulater
2.hammer head Booster
3.carbon filter
4.125w blue bulb CFL
5.300w Red bulb CFL

Would apprciate any comment/advice

I will upload some pics in an hour or so..
Thank You For Looking/Suscribing =)


Active Member
Hello all heres the pics that i promissed have a good look these are them at 4 weeks and 2 days =)

Also to add to this,There light scheduel is 20/4 and there currently Gettin 2 LTR's of water to 3ml's of nutes every 2 days
Advice much apprciated =) Thank you


125w actual or equivalent?
I'm ordering my lowryder 2 seeds this week
and growing with cfls too
looks like you are well on your way!


Active Member
its is a 125w dual spectrum..its the 6 U version (Its got 6 u bends in the light) 3 are blue for veging and 3 are red for flowering..i paid £30 just for the bulb alone and it is massive i highly recommend 1 if the Funds arnt low like mine were Then i suggest a 125w blue spectrum and a 300w red spectrum..U can pick those up on ebay for like £20-£30 each
Let me kno when you start your Lowryders ill help as much as i can
Hope that was Helpful


Active Member
They are looking nice homie, I can't believe how wide the are. I have one female easy Ryder that I haven't planted yet, I look foward to checking this grow out. How big are those pots that you are using and do you plan to finish them in those pots? Your doing a great job for your first grow, keep up the good work. I'm also doing some autos at the moment, look in my sig if you want to check them out. P'z!..


Active Member
i was guna just leave them in these pots to finish because of there short span life i didnt wanna go too big but i think for the next grom im guna do them in 10 LTR pots.
I will sure take a look i am very interested in looking into diffrent auto's ,Peace


Well-Known Member
They are some massive fucking stalks for 30 days old. I am also growing under a 125w CFL but i have a 6500k for that i used for veg and recently switched to a 2700k for flower. I also use a few 24w for side lighting. Mine are fem'd white rhino and have just started showing the preflowers so buds are on their way. I think you are doing very well so far. Going to sub. Good luck bro. I must say that 2L of water every two days does sound like a shitload but it seems to be working for you.


Active Member
Thanks for your comments .. we thort 2Lr was too much too, compared to what others are saying but they seem to guzzle it and be growing fine.


Active Member
Hello there 3 days later and plants are growing beautifull..i Havent changed anything as of yet..By monday i should have a Home Made CarbonFilter Will Post Pics and an how to guide if any 1 is interested =) Well here they are 4 weeks n 5 days old =)...I will take them out and take individual pics in another 3 days time that way you can see them growing that bit more =)
Enjoy please comment any advice would be great thank you =)



Active Member
You're doing it right. It looks like you could probably start flowering now, I don't know how much room you have left in your grow space, but if it is short, it might be a good idea.


Active Member
Already started flowering =)
...Yeah not much room left they just seem to get more and more bush'y everytime i see them =)
Thank you


lookin good brotha, hope my growth is that nice by that time they look healthy.. if i have a pheno that shoots out that tall i plan to do some lst work, was there a reason you didnt? i like to hear peoples opinion on the subject of lst'ing autoflowers thats why i ask. Anyway im subbed up bro ill be watchin for sure, keep up the good work.


Active Member
The reason i didnt is i just want mine to be as natural as possible plus size is ok for me i have plenty of room for it to grow =)
Will upload more pics in the next few days =) And welcome to the grow =)


RYAAAAN whats up man, thought id come by and check your grow out brotha, lookin goooooood, no signs of anything goin wrong on those ladies thats for sure, cant wait to see your harvest man. your a bit ahead of me haha im at day 23 now come drop by and keep an eye on my easy ryders soon.. i just got done posting on the thread about how I was worried about having root bound issues but after taking a look of your big girls im no longer very concerned considering how bigs yours are and you not having any issues with root bound girls. keep em green man, peace.

my grow- (stop by soon) https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/322830-auto-easy-ryder-ak-47-a-4.html#post4144500


Active Member
Nice grow.

I'm growing my ladies in same pots as you, they are a good size, look healthy and I don't think root binding is an issue.

I'm 5 weeks into flowering and pleased with results, running a very similar looking closet cab. I ran on 250w 2700k CFL mostly, but currently I've got 2 85w sidelights as well, giving me the magic 420.

Looking forward to seeing how these progress :)