Easy Ryder Grow 125W Dual Spectrum


Active Member
Sorry everyone Had a few difficulties with my cam the usb has broken havin to buy a memory card plastic thing so i can upload from memory card instead Really sorry everyone!! Tomoz should be sorted Sorry again guys BTW THERE LOOKING AWSOME the smell is sweet Buding point goin allover 2 of them...the 3rd 1 is a little behind but the other 2 look like there on steroids =) Sorry to keep you all anging guys =)


Active Member
Pics from 5 days ago =) sorry about the late update guys had troub;le Grrrr well here they are The smallest 1 has just started to bud the other 2 are well on there way!! =)



what happend brotha no updates?? im following along with this grow, how old are they now?? they look AWESOME man thats a bushy fucker on that one girl man... very good looking. GIVE US AN UPDATE!!


Get out the tape measure and check the length man those girls look TAAAAALLL looks like they really shot straight up for you.. maybe alot of stretching??


Active Member
Sorry dude no 1 reply'd so kinda got bored lol ill measure them for ya tomoz there due to be cropped in 2-3 week from today..Ill post sum pics and update tomoz Sorry dude thort this thread was dead =) Be back tomoz =)


Well-Known Member
what up dude,

plats are looking super healthy, just a crap load of stretch, if you can try getting another light or 2 in there possibly on the lower parts of the plants, they will thank you when it comes to harvest time. keep it up man. should be some dank for sure



Active Member
wow thanks guys...I allways kept the light around 2-3 inch away from the bulb Yeah next grow im guna supliment the plants with 2 T5 strip lights down either side Hopefully =) Thank you for your comments guys =)

Also just to add i have now bought and installed a carbon filter..Will post pics online later today..£60 from ebay inc delivery..Works awsome and great on the energy too..For my grow costs me around 74p per 24h So not bad..Thats with light on 20/4 fan 24h and carbonfilter + Another fan for that to run 24h..So all in all a good energy saving set up..Lady's are looking awsome Guys =) 2 of them are still quite away infront of the other 1 but it will catch up when it gets abit more space =)


Well-Known Member
Alright mate, your plants are lookin' great! I'm growing the same strain under a 250w red cfl. My plants are no where near as tall/bushy/healthy looking as yours though! How are they so much better under half the light? lol :)


wow they look awesome,, ive just ordered my 125w dual spectrum :) . i actually grew a northern lights plant over the summer without lights , but in full sun indoors, then moved it outdoors in september, the plant lookd great , i got loads of pics........but then it started to preflower, and it turned out to be male :( , still i let i grow as theres a big patch of wasteland nearby and maybe some of it s pollen could be of some use in the event of any "wild" plants in the area !


New Member
dang nice strain look at that fat old stem! my plants are about 4weeks old and the stem is half the size ...