easy ryder CFL grow- need some help to specific questions scattered in my post please


ok so its been about a week since i last posted and sadly i can't report any growth. i'm watering around midnight each day. the stronger plant looks a little better but is showing very little new growth. the other plant lost its first set of leaves and its second set are half yellow. its showing a tiny bit of new growth though. so this is an obvious speed bump. i kinda think the plants will still make it and i'm hoping they stay female even after such stress. my newest question is what happens when an autoflower has its growth stunted for a couple weeks?? autoflower plants are supposed to flower on their own schedule as i understand it and i feel like the girls have fallen behind. is that true or can they recover and just take longer to finish?


ok so i actually kinda found the answer. which makes me think i'm sure to have small plants and also maybe a nitrogen problem which i'm trying to collect some rainwater to do a little something about. does anyone have any good suggestions on how to pick up lagging plants? i'm just stressed cause if this 75 days schedule is for real, i'm over 1/3 of the way in and my plants are less than 2 inches which is not the right idea. i'm so much of a noob here View attachment 1510979


right now i'm running 4 led spotlights 24 hours a day. they're supposed to supply only the kinds of light the plants want and they give off almost no heat. it was the only way i could get the cab under 80


so lately the plants have shown some growth in the middle. still not much and still very slowly. i removed one fan so now i just have one fan blowing air down in between the lights. i also dropped the lights down towards the plants since they're not hot at all. i just made the changes hoping to get some sort of positive reaction. the leaf tips are still turning yellow and i don't know why.

to the few who look at this, i'm wanting to go some soil-less route also and am curious about the best ways to do it. i found this http://www.hydroponics-simplified.com/deep-water-culture.html and it seems pretty nice. i know i could build it but i could also swing that price and want something that will work and also educate me as to how its supposed to work so i can go about doing my own future building.