Easty's 2014 single plant grow- Mako shark

Hell yeah bro, Im bloody stoked at how frosty she turned out hey, definitely has the white widow in her :-D
Sweet man, id love to see how frosty your girls are getting :)
As for soiless, im a perlite man all the way. I hear coco is good but ive never used it so cant really comment on it. Perlite has always worked real well for me man.
Looks very tasty Mo, bet you can't wait to throw some in a pipe and blaze it up bongsmilie Look at all that frosty goodness!!! Did you keep all that fine trim for the bubble bags? Whats strain will we see next?

As for qroox's question on whether to go coco or perlite, I would go straight perlite. Have grown in both and I feel i have had better results in perlite for some reason.(faster growth I think?) One advantage with coco though is when your finished growing, you can throw it straight in to the garden and it compost down really well.
Thanks heaps Chipper :) I reckon she came out pretty nice. I found a few more nanners this morning too so I'm glad she's chopped. I'm hanging to try it out hey :-D
For my next round I'm doing away with the tent and going into an old wardrobe. I'm also dropping right down to a 250w CMH and doing probably 6 strains at a time. I'm looking to do some bodhi gear, the blue shiva, and one a blue rhino that i made recently too. I'm over having a bigger setup, I don't smoke enough to justify it and I refuse to sell it, it's just costing me too much money!

Totally agree with you too on the perlite, it just seems to work better for some reason. I've used clay balls and different blends of perlite/vermiculite and the straight perlite has worked best.

Anyway, time for some pics of chop day! I'm thinking around 120g dried but I dunno hey lol. There's about another ounce on the floor of the tent too that's not in the pic, I reckon there's about an oz there.

Sorry Chipper, also forgot to say that i kept all the trimmings for bubble too man :-D going to freeze it for a bit first. I didnt get that much off it to be honest, bout 2 oz i guess...

Ah thats better than nothing mate, especially since there is no pop corn buds to add to it! Your strain selection for next round sounds interesting. Did you also make the blue shiva up? I am keen to see how they all work out under the 250 watt.

I am hanging out for mine to be ready, since I have all but run out of buds and I refuse to buy it. I stupidly threw away about 3 or so oz's of trim a few weeks back, so wish I didn't now:wall: The bubble would of just about seen me through! Today has been my first smoke free day for some:clap: The space dawg and cotton candy should be done in 4 weeks or so hopefully!
On a totally different note, Missus and I just put are old house on the market, was put on last tuesday and sold it on the saturday. Bloody unreal, 4 days and it was gone:D One very happy, not so stoned Chipper Pig!
Yeah bro, it should make me some nice bubble hey :)
And yeah man, next run will be interesting. The bodhi strains im running are dream lotus, dream beaver and synergy so really looking forward to them. The blue shiva is also one of mine too, i grew out a couple in soil and wow she was awesome so hoping i can find that pheno again and see her bloom in hempy :)
Oh no man that sucks balls hey, i bet you are spewing :(

Great news on the house though mate, congratulations to you and your missus! One less stress for you to worry about :-D

Did you see the chop pics mate? On the page before this..
Yeh I seen the pics on the other page, mighty resinous mate. How did your pics go in the photo of the month comp? I haven't got around to signing up yet so I have been no help to ya.
I have never heard of bodhi seeds before, but they also have some sound strains in their collection by the look of things. There are so many breeders these days it's very hard to keep up with them all. I reckon your breeding program has been a great success, great names and pics to show. Well done eastcoast:clap: Best of luck getting the blue shiva pheno back too!
Yes I shouldn't throw my trim away, but the month or so with little or no smoke will do me some good. My first puff on the space dawg should blow me away after a month of the buds!!
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Well she's all chopped and i must sat im very impressed with the amount of frost on this girl, she surpised me very much! I'll upload more pics when i get a chance but here's a quick taste! Surprisingly i didnt find any seeds but that may change when she's dried! Got absolutely no popcorn buds this time either which is unreal :-DView attachment 3159920

I aint overly impressed with min atm either bro.

That mako looks fookin insane man top marks there bro.
Well she's all chopped and i must sat im very impressed with the amount of frost on this girl, she surpised me very much! I'll upload more pics when i get a chance but here's a quick taste! Surprisingly i didnt find any seeds but that may change when she's dried! Got absolutely no popcorn buds this time either which is unreal :-DView attachment 3159920

Holy crap man! She turned out to be such a beauty! Stellar grow man.
Yeh I seen the pics on the other page, mighty resinous mate. How did your pics go in the photo of the month comp? I haven't got around to signing up yet so I have been no help to ya.
I have never heard of bodhi seeds before, but they also have some sound strains in their collection by the look of things. There are so many breeders these days it's very hard to keep up with them all. I reckon your breeding program has been a great success, great names and pics to show. Well done eastcoast:clap: Best of luck getting the blue shiva pheno back too!
Yes I shouldn't throw my trim away, but the month or so with little or no smoke will do me some good. My first puff on the space dawg should blow me away after a month of the buds!!
Thanks brother, wasnt sure if you saw them hey lol. The voting hasnt started for pic of the month as yet either, will put up a link when it goes live ;)
Mate if you want pure fire genetics, bodhi is the man at the moment hey. His strains arent massive yielders but they produce some very resinous and extremely potent buds!
Cheers for the props bro, i reckon the breeding went well too, have gotten some really good results thus far :-D
Man I'll find the pheno again too, pretty certain on that one!
Lol too mate, hindsight is such a lovely thing hey ha ha.
Ah no good man, hope yours pic up soon hey, im sure they'll impress by the end :)
And cheers bro, she came out very sexy in the end!!
Yh me too mate lol. On one of em the tops (top half inch) has matured already? Swollen and Got the deepest orange hairs its. Ive read i could be under watering but i think not lol may just feed every other day til done.
You'll have ta pop on the thread nd peek mate
Oh man that doesnt sound good hey :( hope it works out ok for you!
Which thread are you uploading pics to? The random thread or the 1g/w thread?
Hey mate, Just a few pics of the progress in my tent. Pics not the best, taken of my phone. Lost the camera when moving house.
IMG_0807.jpg IMG_0806.JPG
The JH on left is a lot slower in it's flowering. Middle is the Space Dawg and Cotton Candy on right.
It is a little hard to see in these crappy phone pics but the Space Dawg as huge resin production already. Cant quite put my finger on the smell yet. SubCool's not wrong when he says he goes for resin production!!
The Cotton Candy is one fast growing plant. I popped the seed about 3-4 weeks after the other two. She also got quite a stretch to come 12/12. Those little white specks on the leaves are some tiny little moth, don't know what they are, but it is to late to do any thing about I think. They don't really seem to be affecting any of my girls to much though!

Thanks for letting me hijack your page buddy!!!
@ chipper I'll go straight perlite then ! Gotta see how it works that for me.. I'll try and do a side by side clone experiment in the future. JH and Cotton candy look lovely man. They will yield quit a lot :) .

@ easty lovely yield there mate. It will last quite a while and it will be even better when you get the buds cured. I can see the difference already , a month after the Green-O..:) I gotta end this grow and change house .. Im thinking to move out myself tho I don't know if its the right thing to do with all the crisis thing going on here. I'd like to pop more seeds too.. Not the right time tho. I wish we could start seeds at the same time to find that blue Shiva pheno heh :D
I am sure you love the 100% perlite, recirculating system. It dries out faster than coco so requires more frequent watering. Not sure on eastcoast's watering regime but when running mine, I would run water pump for 15 minutes for every hour of light. And once in the middle of lights off. Worked fine for me. I am in coco now, only cause I wasn't set properly to run a recirculating system and had to hand water. Hand watering is a complete pain, give automatic watering any day! Running coco drain-to-waste next to a !00% perlite recirculating system would be very interesting to see.

Thanks for the kind words about my plants too ;-)