Easty's 2014 single plant grow- Mako shark


Well-Known Member
If you win you get a free pack of mr nice seeds...any pack you want. Second and third are dvd's or something like that. The details are in the thread :)
Sounds good bro, if we all get on and vote im sure one of us will win eventually ;)
Lol damn bro, odour control is a must for me hey, stinks out my whole house otherwise ha ha


Well-Known Member
Nice man!! Ha ha i meant to put your pic in the june/july thread mate so i can vote for it next month lol. Doesnt matter, hopefully one of us win!!

As for my scrog mate, i reckon i'll be lucky to get 5oz off her hey, she hasnt performed as well as id hoped under the 400w! I'll be happy if i get that though, its only personal use anyway :)


Well-Known Member
I was put that pic in next months but but next month i should be ready for pullin so i should have some rate juicey pics lol. And if that ice water flushin trick u told us bout works and i squeeze some colour out that'd smashin lol

By the way which method did you end up using when you went away?


Well-Known Member
Ah ok cool man no dramas :)
Sweet man, looking forward to your finished pics too, they should be real nice :-D and yeah man, putting ice in your res will keep it welp cold, just turn off your heater if you have one on now, thats all i do. I dont need ice at this time of year here as we get frosts consistently so its more than cold enough to get colour out ;)

Not sure what yoy mean about the method i used when i went away...but all i did was set up another res with some pH'd water and base nutes which came on half way through the week and topped my other res up, just used a digi timer to have it come on for 2 mins mid week, that added 18L to my res :) i also had another small pump pumping water to my cfl box that has the soil grown med man in there, kept her nice and hydrated too!!


Well-Known Member
Ah your in the wet stuff. Im liking that i can water coco more and how it works.
I'd really like to give hydro a go but im so clumbsy man (i'd do damage lol


Well-Known Member
Ha ha nah it isnt too hard mate, more maintenance, but its pretty easy :)
Im moving to hempy after this grow, sick of the weekly maintenance lol


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, flush day yesterday and into the final week.
Day 50 Flower:
No nutes added just plain pH'd water and turned the heater off to get some purpling happening. I'm expecting a few more nanners as the coldwater will shock her a bit more, I'll just have to keep on top of them!

Some pics:

And a couple of pics of the Medicine Man which i chopped yesterday. She went 11 weeks in total!



Well-Known Member
Cheers brother :-D she's definitely come out ok for the issues I had with the nanners.
The bottom leaves have started to turn purple too so with any luck the rest should follow suit pretty soon ;)

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
They both look like they will get the job done mate, top quality smoke! You have done a pretty good job keeping those nanners under control by the looks of things!
11 weeks flower for the Medicine Man? I think my Jack Herrer may be around the 10-11 week flower time, very slow compared to Space Dawg and the Cotton Candy. I didn't take any babies from any of my plants this time around, Had no gear to take any and closest shop is three hours away. So my next grow I will start from seed again and give Mr Nice Seeds - The Shit a turn in the tent. Going to try and win myself some free seeds too!! I will sign up on the forum and vote for ya too mate!


Well-Known Member
Cheers Chipper, its been a bit harder this time but im hoping ive gotten away with it!
Yeah man i think i took the med man a little too long, she took ages to show sex so i let her got a little longer than normal.
I have seen JH's go for 10 weeks too man, the longer ones are the haze phenos which are potent as hell :)
Spewin you didnt get any cuts this time mate but im sure the shit will be good, stinks to high heaven but has a very deep heady stone ;)


Well-Known Member
Nah Scrogs didn't have to bro. I just turned off the res heater and because we've had some frosts, it's kept the res pretty cold. I probably could've used some to get more of an effect but ah well, you get that on big jobs :)


Well-Known Member
Well she's all chopped and i must sat im very impressed with the amount of frost on this girl, she surpised me very much! I'll upload more pics when i get a chance but here's a quick taste! Surprisingly i didnt find any seeds but that may change when she's dried! Got absolutely no popcorn buds this time either which is unreal :-D20140523_121054.jpg


Well-Known Member
How can you not be satisfied with this frostiness? i'd take a pics of my criticals and show some crystals as well..it sure snowed in there :D .Man i wanna try and go for a soilless grow,1 pot 1 clone,to see what can i get of it..perlite or coco would you suggest ? i need your advice on that :D.Have a good time smoking it mate,i'm off to get some sleep ;)