Early voting shows Romney +7.....

I was watching O Reilly with stossel today and they were saying that like 17% of teachers in universities identify as conservatives and how they think it is unfair. They think they should have a more balanced teaching philosophy. My thing is, does a school ask you your political affiliation before they hire you? Another thing does math, science, anatomy and astronomy have a right and left view? I realize history, polyscience and philosophy can have a left spin or right spin. If schools do not ask political affiliation, then that tells me most reasonable educated people are liberals and conservatives are crazy interview poorly ; ).


Most teachers are introduced to the Socratic method which is basically the root of liberalism, you ask questions with questions and getting to the answer is a logic exercise, in which, the student may question the teacher and many times, there is no wrong answer. Conservative education is basically dates and information passed down by an authority figure. This is basically why the old conservatives think as they do, in terms of absolutes, good and bad. They admire this system because authority is the giver of "truth" They'll tell you the date, time, and place of Lincoln's assassination. The question "why?" is often abandoned for useless facts.