Early voting shows Romney +7.....


Why does blue go to the angel, and red to the devil?

I see subliminalism...
Why does blue go to the angel, and red to the devil?

I see subliminalism...

Those color assignments (sky/fire) are older than the political assignment of those colors. If you see subliminalism, you have the rationally-sound option of disregarding it. cn
I'm not sure, you could be right, my guess is the creator probably had US politics in mind when he came up with the image and/or in most classical instances blue symbolizes good while red symbolizes bad. I had an English teacher once explain this to me, then I couldn't stop myself from identifying with it while watching movies. In just about every thriller type movie I've seen, the bad guy is wearing something red at some key moment in the movie, it actually ruined the ending for a few just picking up on that subtle theme.

I think the message still holds true though, would you agree?
Those color assignments (sky/fire) are older than the political assignment of those colors. If you see subliminalism, you have the rationally-sound option of disregarding it. cn

I'm not sure, you could be right, my guess is the creator probably had US politics in mind when he came up with the image and/or in most classical instances blue symbolizes good while red symbolizes bad. I had an English teacher once explain this to me, then I couldn't stop myself from identifying with it while watching movies. In just about every thriller type movie I've seen, the bad guy is wearing something red at some key moment in the movie, it actually ruined the ending for a few just picking up on that subtle theme.

I think the message still holds true though, would you agree?

You guys take me too literally. Here, take this...bongsmilie.

I was mocking the whole devide between the two parties and their 'walkers'...oops, I mean followers.
Ah, I see.

Tough to distinguish sarcasm from text, and there are actually posters who wouldn't be sarcastic about saying something like that..
Too funny, John Fund just said about the 2 million dead people on the voting rolls in Ohio.

"No representation without respiration."
Early exit polling data shows Romney coming in at 52 with Obama hitting 45...

This is really really bad news for Obama.

In addition, Romney is buying ad time in Philadelphia PA.... The Democratic stronghold in the state.

States that were solid Obama are moving into the lean Obama category.

Reality is arriving to bite the libs in the ass...

You remember this original post lol? Just had to bump it to get a chuckle. Wonder how this guy feels right now. Tail between the legs I imagine.

You remember this original post lol? Just had to bump it to get a chuckle. Wonder how this guy feels right now. Tail between the legs I imagine.


he hasn't really shown his face since it got slammed by reality a few tuesdays back.
LOL!!! You poor confused little man... What you posted is a wishlist of things that I am not...

I just got an offer from a liberal to fly out from Chicago and suck my dick if Romney wins and all I have to do is buy her a ticket... It would be a nice topping to the WIN!!

If your wife is nice to me I might trim her lawn ;]

How was that flight?....?.....? I hope she was on the rag!
I don't blame him for thinking that Romney would win. You know all he does is listen to right wing pundits and FOX news, hearing their lies, distortion, and exaggeration. I'm not really a democrat or a republican, but I feel the republican propaganda machine is made for absolute morons. These people are the same that don't say anything when republicans raise taxes but if Obama does it he's a communist Nazi dictator. The funny thing is he hasn't even raised taxes, so the whole T-axed E-nough A-lready party look like complete fuckin idiots.
Not only that, their entire base expects the white man to succeed, the minorities to sit down and shut up, women to listen to their white masters (husbands), and minorities to accept it as normal. Well, I'm glad to report, minorities are becoming majorities, women actually have equal rights, and traditional religions don't control the majority of the population of America via moral high ground and an illusion of moral authority. The people are waking up, they're realizing the traditional teachings of organized religions are simply... bullshit. What once kept the minority down is seen as oppression, which has led to the enslavement of millions. Those millions have risen up, and discovered they need not be oppressed to be accepted as first class citizens in a free nation. 50 years since the civil rights movements, and there are still pockets in the South that support segregation.. Shit is disgusting, sad. They aren't true Americans.

The GOP has a lot of work to do to even compete in 2016, Jindal? A fucking joke, especially with the bullshit he recently proposed about private school education. I see no one at the forefront of the Republican party to combat a Democratic 12 year domination of the presidency..

To the GOP, change your fucking tactics, idiots! Accept abortion, gay rights and marijuana as a platform of the fucking people, you dummies. If you continuously oppose them, YOU WILL LOSE. I guarantee it. Weed will be legal, nationwide by 2020, as will gay MARRIAGE. Opposing abortion rights for individuals and opposing contraceptives + Planned Parenthood will LOSE YOUR DUMB ASSES THE NOMINATION. GET THE FUCK WITH IT.

PS. Limit the goddamn reach of the military industrial complex. Trust me, the majority of Americans support reducing the DOD's budget, so long as they're not brainwashed by bullshit "News" organizations like FOX news.

I could fucking run for president if there weren't restrictions on the amount of money I have to be considered viable. I'd win too.
I was watching O Reilly with stossel today and they were saying that like 17% of teachers in universities identify as conservatives and how they think it is unfair. They think they should have a more balanced teaching philosophy. My thing is, does a school ask you your political affiliation before they hire you? Another thing does math, science, anatomy and astronomy have a right and left view? I realize history, polyscience and philosophy can have a left spin or right spin. If schools do not ask political affiliation, then that tells me most reasonable educated people are liberals and conservatives are crazy interview poorly ; ).
