Early 12/12 Grow


Well-Known Member
its day 50 flowering killa!!....and she's doing great,..i gave her nutes and some of grandma's molasses yesterday and let her sunbath a little

here she is after she woke up

and a few bud shots

its day 26 flowering flame and i took a few shots of "her" and measured her...im still waiting for her to show sex...she's growing faster and faster everyday...i gave her 1/4 stregnth nutes yesterday and molasses

it's also day 26 flowering trilogy,the jury's still out on trilogy's sex also...but i keep hope alive...lol...and i hit her with 1/4 stregnth nutes and molasses yesterday..she took to em pretty well

and i took a family portrait...lol



Well-Known Member
ha ha i would if i had enuff of her.....im goin to lowes a little later to pick up a hps!!.....as austin powers would say....im sooo excited!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Be nice to that monster or she might get mad and smoke YOU!:-) Like in scary movie. Make sure you get some ventilation for the HPS


Well-Known Member
nono cannaboy i mean the plants that are at day 50 lol ! ^^

when did they show sex thnx....