o yea about thatyea whateverspellcheck.....i know your angry but keep your jackass comments off my thread.......please dont reply with your misspelled comment antics,because i will only laugh at you
yeah i flowered mine at 3 weeks and there turnin out good so its up to you whenever you thin kthere ready there probably ready just look for pre flowers or alternationg nodes
oooh youre the guy that made me want to join this forum man
i saw your buds and said DAYUM
Well what would happen you dont see preflowers, and the nodes arent alternating yet![]()
just keep waiting....the true sign is the white hairs....you should see signs within a week or so...i know its painful to wait but time fly's so fast when your twistedwhile growing
no... if its a male its a male.. if female its a female..........No im saying I've already started to flower...without seeing alternating node growth or preflowers, will this be a problem??
bro...how the fuck were you able to upload such a long video? I'm trying to upload mine and it tells me all videos must be less than 100MB which is about a 55 second video. So you must know something I don't...lol
lmao....so ghetto...wtf felll...lol....beautiful plants by the way...where is erika badu at?...who dat??