The above responses are exactly why I stopped coming in here and participating, and I'm not at all interested in being part of your site...if this is the accepted behavior. I often use sites I don't frequent to reference data I offer in my posts elsewhere. But let me get this straight...Y'all post in EVERY site you visit? Seriously...? I only post in 3 sites, but am overworked as it is.
As far as lurking goes, I have -
A: referred others to relevant posts here when the need arises, and
B: I have often cruised-around various sites looking for interesting posts and techniques, in a quest for learning the different approaches some site "guru's" take. RIU was one of those sites.
I was sent a garbage e-mail under the auspices of being from the admin here, and I had a complaint about the content. Now that it appears that the site was hacked...(I do appreciate the one post clarifying the issue) But I can still clearly see the interest this membership has, in protecting thier turf by attempting to bash others. Looks to me like the site hasn't changed much in this respect.
Frankly, I don't much care either way...Just as easy to remove RIU from my favorites, as it is to justify my post and my actions, to an apparently youthful membership full of angst.