Dynamos Emerald Harvest coco run

before the feeding update, a bit abought our favorite plant.
ever wonder why the highest flower is the biggest? the plant evolved like everything else. with survival and reproduction in mind. in nature the highest point of the plant has the greatest chance of being pollinated so the plants puts more energy into the highest cola. this is why training is soooo important. a good flat canopy will have the plant putting the same energy into all tops mot just the highest one. Any that care to look at my journal from my last grow will see that all the colas are the same height within inches of each other, a very very flat canopy. still think I will yield more this run with the addition of co2, but I still cant wait for the next run. any that haven't read the entire thing.... move during veg had my veg crammed wasn't able to do my usual daily training.

a word on support. ever notice that some of the flowers on side branches grow good then seem to stall out and stop growing in size while other flowers continue to swell? if so you also noticed "flopage"
it is where the weight of the flower is bending the stem or stalk. the plant doesn't want to break its self and will stop putting energy into a flower if it is in danger of breaking due to weight. support your plants! I personally don't like stakes. they get in my way at feeding time. also be careful if you have a lot of stakes not to put your eye out! lol. If you do stake if possible stay away from bamboo or other wood stakes. ya never know what kind of spore or pathogen made that bamboo home during its travels and storage.
before the feeding update, a bit abought our favorite plant.
ever wonder why the highest flower is the biggest? the plant evolved like everything else. with survival and reproduction in mind. in nature the highest point of the plant has the greatest chance of being pollinated so the plants puts more energy into the highest cola. this is why training is soooo important. a good flat canopy will have the plant putting the same energy into all tops mot just the highest one. Any that care to look at my journal from my last grow will see that all the colas are the same height within inches of each other, a very very flat canopy. still think I will yield more this run with the addition of co2, but I still cant wait for the next run. any that haven't read the entire thing.... move during veg had my veg crammed wasn't able to do my usual daily training.

a word on support. ever notice that some of the flowers on side branches grow good then seem to stall out and stop growing in size while other flowers continue to swell? if so you also noticed "flopage"
it is where the weight of the flower is bending the stem or stalk. the plant doesn't want to break its self and will stop putting energy into a flower if it is in danger of breaking due to weight. support your plants! I personally don't like stakes. they get in my way at feeding time. also be careful if you have a lot of stakes not to put your eye out! lol. If you do stake if possible stay away from bamboo or other wood stakes. ya never know what kind of spore or pathogen made that bamboo home during its travels and storage.

As far as bamboo goes (or any other stake)...A simple wipe with a chlorine or H2O2 sanitizing solution will cure any left over, hitch hiking unwanted pathogen on them. I love my bamboo stakes....renewable resource!

Nice observations on budding!
Thanks dr. Any compliment from you makes me proud lol. Ya think the wipe would get deep in the pores and any cracks?. I have used bamboo in the past with no problems. Not saying if ya use them you will have problems hands down. Just like not baithing every time and changing your clothes before ya enter your garden. Maby not the first time maby not the thousandth time but eventually you will bring in something you dont want. Just saying if there are two kinds of stake available try to get a synthetic one.
20171123_094457.jpg Monday i will be starting the week 7 feed almost done! Started dialing back the nutes. Droped the crystal burst to 7 mil per gal. Be spending the next hour supporting the side branches with twist ties. What happens if you misjudge your stretch when you trellis lol
emerald harvest transition feeding
2 mil sturdy stalk 40 ppm
2 mil cal mag 100 ppm
tsp grow a 160 ppm
tsp grow b 193 ppm
4 mil emerald goddess 90 ppm
4 mil king kola 50 ppm
6 mil honey comb

633 ppm
nitrogen 122 ppm
calcium 90
boron 5
colbolt 1
copper 1
iron 19
manganese 8
molybdenum 19
zink 8
phosphorous 104
magnesium 27
potasium 247
sulfur 9

Let me drop a bomb on you here.
If you got Mn SO4 (manganese sulfate) in powdered form and balanced those 2 (Fe and Mn) you would enhance the THC levels a bit. The key in soil for that. Is to have as close to 100 ppm available in the soil with organic water only growing. Those small levels in nutrient lines. Would need to be as low as you could get for the Fe and again, balance the Mn SO4 to that Fe....

Higher Fe levels will enhance CBD levels.

Your gassing, correct? I'll like to suggest an environmental controller to maximise the co2 effects to the plant.


Now your VPD charting gets close attention. Higher temps and RH are now inline to make the best of that Co2... 70 deg. F and 45-50% RH are limiting that increase in Co2 effectiveness...

Looking good!
Thanks dr. Any compliment from you makes me proud lol. Ya think the wipe would get deep in the pores and any cracks?. I have used bamboo in the past with no problems. Not saying if ya use them you will have problems hands down. Just like not baithing every time and changing your clothes before ya enter your garden. Maby not the first time maby not the thousandth time but eventually you will bring in something you dont want. Just saying if there are two kinds of stake available try to get a synthetic one.

It's all really up to personal choice but, yeah, the sanitizing wipe will get everything...

And Thank You too....

I have a step on mat, used by chicken farmers to sanitize shoe sole's at my door (inside). My wife say's I'm a tad anal about it for the grows.


Naturally, this is expensive but, effective..... I suspect a smart fellow could make one..... I have them for the farm, sooo...........I tax deduct them and the solutions as needed equipment/tools of the trade. :mrgreen:
It's all really up to personal choice but, yeah, the sanitizing wipe will get everything...

And Thank You too....

I have a step on mat, used by chicken farmers to sanitize shoe sole's at my door (inside). My wife say's I'm a tad anal about it for the grows.


Naturally, this is expensive but, effective..... I suspect a smart fellow could make one..... I have them for the farm, sooo...........I tax deduct them and the solutions as needed equipment/tools of the trade. :mrgreen:
Fantastic thanks for the link
ill look into powerded mag sul. I do already know abought the adition of sulfer as a ripning agent. the microbes In photo plus are kept in suspension with sulfur until mixed with water. at least that's what the rep told me and you can smell the sulfur. thanks for the tip again on mag sul
ill look into powerded mag sul. I do already know abought the adition of sulfer as a ripning agent. the microbes In photo plus are kept in suspension with sulfur until mixed with water. at least that's what the rep told me and you can smell the sulfur. thanks for the tip again on mag sul

NOPE! MANGANESE Sulfate! Mn SO4 You'll be using tiny amounts (weighed powder form) in a gallon to hit that 19 ppm of the Fe. Balance that with the FE and your better at reaching potentials.

Mag sulfate = Epsom salts. 8 TBL to a gallon of water with 1.5 tsp of DARK BROWN sugar. 10ml per gallon of feed.

I make a liquid Potassium Sulfate that I use at the same time as the one above. I make a 6% solution and apply at the same 10 ml per gallon of feed. 227 grams of 53% Potassium Sulfate to a gallon of water and the same amount of dark brown as above OR 1 tsp of fermented molasses.

YOU STOP the use of each at 2-3 weeks left before harvest - I prefer 3. Otherwise you hamper THC production. N, Mg and K are antagonist and Mn is protagonist to THC production. Fe increases CBD production.

The THC thing above is about lowering or controlling the D9 levels. This is being applied to HEMP for production reasons.

I'm showing you how to increase THC A and D9.

It's not hard to decrease final THC. Simply over feed Mg, K and/or N....Like I said above. That last blast of high P&K in some "booster" supplements. Actually reduces the final THC contents in your finished product.. It's trading yield for THC content. What do you want more of?

I'm going into more detail here, then I have on this subject anywhere else.... Mel Frank writes about early cannabinoid manipulation in one of his books. He gives a formula for it in there too.
Thing is he is delivering higher Fe and that's giving him higher CBD levels, over higher THC levels. He didn't know that at the time. Newer info gives us the balance or tic higher Mn then Fe to increase THC. So with your synthetic feeding, balance the Mn to the Fe and get a little bump to the THC.
Don't use increased amounts of Mg, K, or N for the last about 2-3 weeks....
abought 2 weeks left. cut the co2 and weaning off the feed will scope the trikes next week and post pics
grow a 5 mil
grow b 7 mil
cal/mag 1 mil
crystal burst 7 mil
g-10 5 mil
carboload 6 mil
tested at 940 ppm
you may have noticed I dropped some of the grow a and cal mag. not only do they have the most nitrogen per mil so I lessened them first
calyx are swollen so we used the scope. mostly clear and cloudy. abought a week and a half left going to drop the feeding again enjoy the following porno