Dynamos Emerald Harvest coco run

The eclipse already happened lol. They went outside at the start of it in ohio and brought them in 3 hours later when it was over
Maybe they got the goodie out of it. I plant by the moon signs. Today and tomorrow are good above ground days. I'm working today, but I might put a few seeds in soil tomorrow for my fall/winter crop.
1503878061145.jpg usually use red solo cups as my first contaner but i found these lil baby pots at manards so ill use them from now on. Here is one next to a quart jar
20170827_211648.jpg mixed 2 mil grow a and 2 mil grow b as per directions for seedlings. Tests at 212 ppm. Seams a bit low for seedlings but better low than high! Phed to 6.0 planted plugs. Top dressed with half tsp of uprising foundation roots organic super soil powder. watered in to 20% runoff
Note to self grab another tray and dome from the shop.
1503883970311.jpg 1503884041266.jpg Some may be wondering why add the organic powder to a synthetic coco run. Benificial bacteria serves 2 porpouses 1 out populate bad bacteria and feed the plant with there waist. Bacteria eats organic and or simple sugars its waist will be composed of what its eating. I want the bennies to eat more than just sugar and make available trace minerals that may not be in the synthetic nutes
the girls are looken good. i will post a pic update tonight. In coco it has been suggested to water every day even twice a day in late flower. i am letting the seedlings dry out before there next feeding to promote root growth. i am also nervous abought the surfice staying moist and the plants dampening off. this may just be a phobia i have left over from soil but this phobia has kept me ever from having a baby dampen off.
also i promised 2 grows with emerald harvest but i think it will only be 1. emailed them almost 2 weeks ago and again on Monday and still haven't received a response. there web site promises a prompt response. the only reason i am continuing with them is i have there entire line and dont want to just pitch it. i dont care how good a product is if the customer service sucks! thats why im not caring mammoth p in the store anymore. Maby when its time to put in more seeds ill email a couple nute companies im interested in and chose which one based on there response.
20170830_223909.jpg As promised a new pic. They look awsome in general. There is one or two retards but there always is. They will grow out of it. Also added an hour so we are at 13/11
Got the cal mag and sturdy stalk is so decided to do a more complete analyses for thoes who know how to make there own feeding scedule

Grow A 156 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 57 ppm
calcium 38 ppm
boron 5 ppm
cobalt 1 ppm
copper 1 ppm
iron 19 ppm
manganese 8 ppm
molybdenum 19 ppm
zink 8 ppm

Grow B 193 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 18 ppm
phosphate 74 ppm
potassium 110 ppm
magnesium 18 ppm
sulfur 9 ppm

Bloom A 144 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 52 ppm
potassium 52 ppm
calcium 35 ppm
iron 2 ppm
sodium 2 ppm
boron, copper, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, and zink all trace and together add up to 1 ppm

Bloom B 230 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 18 ppm
phosphate 74 ppm
potassium 110 ppm
magnesium 18 ppm
sulfer 9 ppm

Cal/Mag 238 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 87 ppm
calcium 129 ppm
magnesium 22 ppm

Sturdy Stalk 88 ppm/tsp
potassium 88 ppm
the bottle is 11% by weight silica which dosnt register in ppm silica also acts as a ph up base water started at 8.1 gh added silica ph jumped to 9.8 after 4 hours the ph was 9.4

Emerald Goddess 100 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 29 ppm
phosphate 14 ppm
Potassium 58 ppm
also contains vitamin b and humic acid

King Kola 62 ppm/tsp
nitrogen 2 ppm
phosphate 24 ppm
potassium, 36 ppm

I didnt bother with the Honey Chome. Tds meters work great with the assumption that all the solids in your res have the same conductivity. they dont lol. they are however close enough to not make much of a difference. With sugar its different, sugar does not register on a tds meter.
fed again last night gave 2 mil each of grow a, grow b, cal mag, and sturdy stalk top dressed with uprising grow
340 ppm ph to 5.9
broken down....
nitrogen 64.8 ppm
phosphate 29.6 ppm
potassium 79 ppm
calcium 66.8 ppm
magnesium 16 ppm
zink 3.2 ppm
sulfer 3.2 ppm
iron 7.6 ppm
manganese 3.2 ppm
cobalt .4 ppm
copper .4 ppm
molybdenum 7.2 ppm
Fed again. I will be feeding everyday from hear out. I am not going to post every day. From hear out untill the feeding changes i will only post the ocasional pic update or if i am doing some kind of training.
increased light by an hour. up to 14-10. At least once a week in coco you should test the runoff. if the ppm is over 100 what your feeding you should flush with your solution until its within 100 ppm. tomarrow night they will receive there first top. I will post a couple new pics then
was going to add this last night....
I try not to cut the stems flush. always leave a lil nubby. cant remember ware I read it so I cant attest as to its scientific proof but it just makes sense. plant tissue just like flesh can become infected. if the wound you inflict pruning the plant becomes infected and the cut flush the wound/ infection is on the stem and can travel through the entire plant killing it. if you leave a nub the wound is on the leaf or branch you took off. if it becomes infected the nubby will just die and the plant will shed it.
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tonight is transplant night. as before expanded coco in ro water charged to 300 ppm of cal mag ph to 5.5
flushed with water charged to 300 ppm cal mag ph 5.7 untill run off was 500 ppm
uping the feeding tonight to 3 mil grow a, 3 mil grow b, 2 mil cal/mag, 2 mil sturdy stalk
total ppm 437
nitrogen 78.8 ppm
phosphate 44.4
potassium 101.2
calcium 80.1
magnesium 19.6
boron 3
cobalt .6
copper .6
iron 11.4
manganese 4.8
molybdenum 11.4
zink 4.8
sulfur 5.4