Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What is a "cal-mag" deficiency anyway? The GH flora micro bottle is where you should get your calcium if you're using their 3 part system. If you really do have calcium deficiency, you should use more of the "micro" bottle. The worst part is when the problem goes away after adding cal-mag+, people conclude "yep, i had a cal-mag deficiency" as if that's even a thing, then keep buying the product.

There must be an army of paid shills who insist everyone needs a product called cal-mag+ in their arsenals. When I started growing, we didn't have cal-mag+, we had nutrients. Now, I tell people exactly what's inside it, and people will just ignore me and get cal-mag+ anyway. Biggest ripoff product on the market. It's just some calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate with iron chelates.

It's so simple, it repels the mind.
Been thinking the same thing. I mean, "if you aint got Cal-Mag in yonder tool box, you aint shit."


Well-Known Member
If you're in hydro, I'd agree. In promix, fp or grow works a lot better than combos of grow/bloom during flowering.
I'm actually in promix. So now that I've got the FP dialed in veg would you recommend FP and protekt only ALL THE WAY THROUGH? It's funny. I'm sure that works amazingly well. We've just been so conditioned to think we need 10 bottles of boosters and catalysts etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually in promix. So now that I've got the FP dialed in veg would you recommend FP and protekt only ALL THE WAY THROUGH? It's funny. I'm sure that works amazingly well. We've just been so conditioned to think we need 10 bottles of boosters and catalysts etc etc etc.
I'd recommend you give it a try. I once started out using combos of grow and bloom in promix during flowering and here we are three years later and I ONLY use FP and protekt in promix from start to finish. It took me a while to unlearn things too and while I could have blindly followed UB's advice and saved myself a few years of 'testing', I'm the sort of person who likes to 'see for myself'.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend you give it a try. I once started out using combos of grow and bloom in promix during flowering and here we are three years later and I ONLY use FP and protekt in promix from start to finish. It took me a while to unlearn things too and while I could have blindly followed UB's advice and saved myself a few years of 'testing', I'm the sort of person who likes to 'see for myself'.
Awesome thanks HB. I also like seeing for myself. Wasn't looking for some perfectly dialed ratio or anything. Just making sure I didn't get a, "Dear god do NOT use FP all the way through!" :)
My new clones that are vegging are loving the FP.

Hey man... It was your ak47 test grow that turned me onto Dyna. It would take a LOT for me to switch nutrients now. Thanks.


Active Member
i am a believer. grown is roots soil. i grew this under an led light that is not for growing canna. its an led light used for lighting gyms and warehouses. here is my list of ingedients. cal mag, fp, protekt, and some seaweed. thats all nothing else. cheap and easy as can be



Well-Known Member
Glas to see some love for Dyna-Gro.. they are without a doubt, the absolute best all-round nutrients in my eyes... especially in a "pound for pound" perspective. I've used AN and GH- I say blah, just run some DG and look at how clean the solution is; all the while usually, out-performing whoever is 2nd best. They have worked long and hard perfecting their hydroponic nutrients & experience trumps budget every time.


New Member
I read here UB saying that his tap screw his plants and then it hit me:
Do you guys think that a tap water with less than 0.2 E.C could have something in it that would fuck everything up?
I've been using Foliage pro and things have not been easy.
I belive that everything is mostly my fault, but would be awful do the right things and be fucked by the water.

By the way, I grow in soilless, used ff nutes before switch to FP in the middle of the run.


Active Member
I read here UB saying that his tap screw his plants and then it hit me:
Do you guys think that a tap water with less than 0.2 E.C could have something in it that would fuck everything up?
IMO no. Thats a pretty low ec and as long as your water is not overly chlorinated you should be fine. I water straight from tap (.14 ec) on my coco soilless blends and in the previous rdwc at this same location. I however do not use dynagro, I use dutch master products. Do you supplement calmag? I do at the rate of 4ml/g. Here is some pics of my previous and current grows.

EC to PPM chart


New Member
I used to use cal mag with the ffs, but since foliage pro is a complete formula and I use tap water, I was trying to use FP only. I think my problem was low ph and high e.c :(

And in the previous post I wrote UB but I meant to write HB. Sorry :$


New Member
Know what? Dynagro is fucking AWESOME. Not 'good for the price', or a 'good value', it's fucking awesome, and isn't any worse than anything that costs any more.

I'd put Dynagro against anything - not in a side-by-side done by AN, or by some guy who can't even adjust the PH, but in the hands of someone who actually knows how to grow.

Just sucks AN and GH make all the money (not that DG doesn't, but they are better about it)

To be fair, I'm basing this off my buddies feeding system, which also includes stuff like SuperThrive, Cannazyme, Hydrozyme, ect. No other base nutes or bloom boosters though.
Im starting my first grow in a DIY Aero flow 2.... i am wondering what is a fair priced, great nutrient line i can run? i have done tons of research on everything just getting mixed up here as im guessing every beginning grower does.


Active Member
Just finishing my first bottle of DG GROW and DG Bloom. We ran them in various mixtures throughout the grow. Very good results. Not quite as impressive as when using the House & Garden however. That being said, the only downside I can see is we have major buildup on the bottom of the bottles of crystalized salts. Which makes me wonder how that sits in the Coco.


Active Member
my led pulls 200 watts. i posted more info in the led section. its under a thread called my warehouse led bud. i dont know how to post links or i would

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Im starting my first grow in a DIY Aero flow 2.... i am wondering what is a fair priced, great nutrient line i can run? i have done tons of research on everything just getting mixed up here as im guessing every beginning grower does.
You'd be a lot better off buying a conventional, "normal" plant food and going with soil but you first timers pull this stuff all the time. IOW, you're setting yourself up for failure.


Active Member
And you're blaming that on DG? Could be a dozen things at work there.

Exact same environment, exact same PPM, exact same feeding regimen in the exact same room and climate. Not "blaming" anything on anyone. DG did well, the HG did a bit better. 1.5lb per light with the Dg and 1.7lb with the HG. Same genetics, same age, same size, same training etc etc..

Dg is good shit and CHEAP


Well-Known Member
I am so impressed with Foliage Pro in Promix HP!

I have a friend that has an ebb and flow system, he is using gh 3 part and I want him to use DynaGro. Should I suggest a 50/50 grow/bloom combo ph to 6.3? Any other hydro advice in regards to Dynagro?


Well-Known Member
I am so impressed with Foliage Pro in Promix HP!

I have a friend that has an ebb and flow system, he is using gh 3 part and I want him to use DynaGro. Should I suggest a 50/50 grow/bloom combo ph to 6.3? Any other hydro advice in regards to Dynagro?
50/50 is pretty fool-proof, assuming he's getting consistent results with GH.
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