dxm extraction


Active Member
saw some stuff it looked like it was a crystal powder but then later in the directions they were dealing with syrup shit again saying it was acidic and would melt gelcaps and u had to eat 15 of them?? can i get a crystal powder and not have to take 15 caps of it to trip?
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Tussin Cough Syrup- See sources section for DXM-only syrups. basically and cough syrup where the only active ingredient is Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide (DXM HBr). Syrups containing Guaifenesin may also be used, but no other active ingredients should be present.
Ammonia- Can be found in any grocery store as floor cleaner. Get only clear, non-sudsy ammonia.
Naphtha- This is a petroleum product professionaly used by woodworkers as a solvent and is an ingredient in lighter fluid. If there is a paint store near you, go there and buy VM&P Naphtha (Varnish Maker's & Painters). This is pure naphtha, and the best product to use. Zippo or Ronsonol lighter fluid also may be used, but they both contain other levels of petroleum which may cause your finished product to taste like lighter fluid which can stay with you throughout your trip. It's very nasty.
Lemon Juice- Realemon brand or generic equivalent . *Countrytime lemonade can be used in it's place if you are making agent lemon liquid, but lemon juice is required to make lemondrops. See Lucidity's Simplified Method for details on how to use Countrytime.
Glass Carafe or Pan- Yes, it has to be glass. Most grocery stores sell The Whistler for around $10.
Ziplock Freezer Bags- or generic equivalent- get the big ones. Large Glass Bottle- of grapefruit juice. Drinking grapefruit juice before taking DXM helps inhibit the enzyme that converts DXM to DXO, which means your trip should be enhanced. You will use the bottle to shake your mixture, so make sure you get the largest bottle you can find, and make sure it is glass. Glass Jar- about the size of a pasta sauce jar. make sure it is clean! Scissors A Stove or microwave. See Lucidity's Simplified Method for details on how to use a microwave instead of a stove, but for our method, we use a stove.
-Additional Materials Needed to Make Lemondrops-
Gelatin Capsules- can be purchased online or at many health food stores, or you can buy a suppliment that comes in capsule form and dump out the powder inside to use the caps.
Plastic Drinking Straw- regular-sized straw.
Step 1. Extracting the DXM from the Cough SyrupTake your clean, empty glass grapefruit juice bottle and pour your tussin syrup inside. Add to it an equal amount of ammonia. No need to be exact, just eye it. Put the lid on the bottle and shake that mixture vigorously for about 3 minutes. The DXM molecules have now been bound to the ammonia molecules. Step 2. Extracting the DXM from the AmmoniaOpen your bottle back up and add some naphtha. Use about 1/10 the amount of Naphtha to the amount of liquid that is currently in the bottle, usually around a quarter to half inch of naphtha. Put the lid back on and shake that mixture for 6 minutes. The naphtha has seperated the DXM from the ammonia, and the DXM molecules are now bound to the naphtha's. Step 3. Seperation #1After you are done shaking your mixture, pour what you have in your bottle into a Ziplock freezer bag, and hang it up using thumbtacks. You should see your product begin to seperate almost immediately, and after 5 minutes it should look like this:
The clear top layer is your naphtha layer which contains the DXM. The bottom layer is your ammonia/syrup layer which you will discard. If using a Guaifenesin-containing syrup, you might experience a bubbly, oily layer between your naphtha and ammonia layers. If this happens, just wait an extra 5 minutes for those bubbles to settle. Step 4. Draining your ProductMake sure you are outside or in a well-ventilated room and have your bottle and jar handy. Carefully take down your bag and hold it by one corner. Hold the bottom corner of your bag over the mouth of your bottle, and with your scissors snip a tiny hole in the corner of your bag so the bottom layer slowly drains into your bottle. When your naptha layer gets close, get ready to pinch the opening of the bag. make sure every last bit of red stuff drains, and when a tiny bit of naphtha leaks out, pinch the bag shut and drain the rest of it into your glass jar. Inspect your naphtha in the jar for little red bubbles. You want to make sure there is no ammonia in your product because ammonia is toxic. If you see any bubbles in your product, dump the contents of your jar into a fresh Ziplock bag and hang it up for a few minutes. The bubbles will now have settled into the bottom corner of your bag, which you can snip and drain. Now empty your naphtha back into your jar. Step 5. Extracting the DXM from the NaphthaGrab your jar and your lemon juice, and add an equal amount of lemon juice as you have naphtha into the jar. Put the lid on your jar and shake that mixture vigorously for 6 minutes. The lemon juice has now unbound the DXM molecules from the naphtha's. Step 6. Seperation #2When you are done shaking your naphtha/lemon juice mixture, take a fresh Ziplock bag and pour the contents of your jar into it. Hang the bag by it's corner. If you are making agent lemon and have chosen to use Lucidity's Countrytime Method, the seperation should take about 15 minutes. If you are making lemondrops or have used lemon juice, the seperation usually takes 45 minutes to an hour. Leave the product to seperate for at least 45 min in this case. Your seperation should look like this:
Now the lemon juice has seperated from the naphtha, and your DXM/lemon juice product is the bottom layer while the naptha layer, which you will discard, is on top. **note: some experience cloudyness or foaming in their product especially when using lighter fluid instead of pure naphtha, which makes the seperation look more like this-
If your seperation looks like this, don't worry - it's still usable. It is just harder to distinguish between the layers because the seperation is so faint . When you drain this in the next step, be sure to do it slowly and in a well-lit area so you can follow the seperation. Step 7. Draining your ProductReady your jar, which you should have washed and dried well, and your bottle. Place them side-by-side. Take your bag, and again snip a tiny hole in it's corner to allow the bottom lemon juice/DXM layer to drain slowly into your jar. As the naptha layer approaches, get ready to pinch the bag closed. When 99.9% of the bottom layer has drained into your jar, pinch the bag closed and empty the remaining naphtha layer into your bottle. The contents of the bottle should now be disposed of properly. Step 8. Boiling and Cooling your MixtureTake the contents of your jar and empty it into your glass pan or carafe. Put your pan on the stove and turn the heat on to just over medium-high. Let your lemon slowly come to a boil and watch it carefully. If you let it get too hot quickly, your lemon juice can come to a furious boil allowing some to splash out of your pan, and you don't want this to happen because you are losing DXM, so watch your product carefully as it boils. It is helpful to take the pan off the stove every minute or so, and swirl the mixture around by carefully shaking the pan in a circular motion- be careful not to spill! You should boil this mixture for at least 5 minutes to make agent lemon. Your liquid will evaporate down to a couple of ounces or so, but we recommend boiling your product down to about an ounce if you plan on drinking the agent lemon liquid. This stuff really tastes disgusting, so the less you have to drink, the better. If you are making Lemondrops, go on to Step 9. If you are making Agent Lemon liquid to drink, proceed here - Drain what you have back into your cleaned jar, put the lid on, and hold the jar under a cold water faucet for a minute - this will help speed-up the cooling process, and you want to drink your agent lemon cold, there is less of a gag-reflex that way - place the jar in the refridgerator for 15 minutes. Your product will look similar to this:
Now you have made Agent Lemon! Just drink the mixture, and have a good trip! :D)
-Further Instructions to Make Lemondrops-
Step 9. Boiling your ProductWhen making Lemondrops, the objective is to boil the liquid down to as little as possible - the less liquid you end up with, the less capsules you have to fill and swallow. So continue boiling and swirling your lemon until you have about a quarter-shotglass amount of liquid. The liquid will be dark-brown at this point - almost black, and it's consistancy will be thicker than that of agent lemon. Carefully drain what you can into your jar. Since the product is so thick at this point, some of it will remain stuck inside the pan. To get it out, squirt a small amount of lemon juice into the pan and swirl it around until it dissolves the goo from the sides of the pan and the lemon juice turns brown. Boil this down like you did the first time, although not as thick, and add it to what you have in the jar. Your pan should be pretty free of residual goo at this point, and you should have just enough liquid in your jar to about cover it's bottom (about half of the amount of liquid shown in the pics above). Put the lid on the jar, hold it under cold-running water for a minute, then let the product cool in the refridgerator to for 15 minutes. Step 10. Preparing, Filling and Dropping your CapsulesIf you have empty capsules, wonderful. If you have purchased a suppliment in capsule form and intend to use the emptied capsules for your Lemondrops, be sure the caps are well cleaned- out beforehand. This can be done with Q-Tips or some tissue twisted up into a point to get inside the cap. Set aside about 10 to 15 empty capsules, and get yourself 2 large glasses of cold water or orange juice. Grab your product from the fridge. It will be very thick at this point from being cold, so loosen it up and bring it to room temperature by running the jar under warm water for a minute. You want the product at room teperature because it is less thick that way, and it is not so warm that it dissolves the capsules immediately. Grab yor drinking straw, some tissues or paper towels, and set it all out with your empty capsules and water/oj. Get ready to dose! The liquid is very acidic, and will dissolve the capsules if left in them for longer than 45 seconds to a minute, so you will drop each cap as you fill them. Lay down your tissue/paper towels in front of you because you want them to be right there when you fill each cap. To fill the caps, take your straw and dip it into your liquid. Suck on the straw gently so you draw the liquid about one inch into the straw, and cover the sucking end of the straw with your finger so you create a vaccum, which makes the liquid stay in the straw. Keeping your finger on the end of the straw, slowly withdraw it from the jar and lightly tap it on the rim of the jar to shake off the excess at the tip. Grab a cap - the longer, male end of the cap - and insert the straw slightly. Release your finger, and the liquid will drain into the cap.
Get the other end - the fatter, female end of the cap and join. Wipe the closed, filled cap well with your tissue so it is clean and dry, pop it into your mouth and wash it down. You are now dosingLemondrops! Keep on doing this until all your liquid is gone, which should be after dropping 10-15 caps. You are left with no bad taste whatsoever, little if any nausea, and a clean, happy trip!

take this seriously

from the sounds of the description you gave and then the tutorial given

you didnt grasp it all

now this is not meant to be a shot at yah

just letting you know that this is a Agent lemon extraction

as well i dont suggest doing these types of extractions unless you know what your looking for in result not (oh thats close enough)

as for extraction i always goto freebase



then to lemon juice for straight hydracitrate

the most god aweful tasting shit in the world

but the fastest most effective way of taking it

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    this part i dont get

    When you are done shaking your naphtha/lemon juice mixture, take a fresh Ziplock bag and pour the contents of your jar into it. Hang the bag by it's corner. If you are making agent lemon and have chosen to use Lucidity's Countrytime Method, the seperation should take about 15 minutes. If you are making lemondrops or have used lemon juice, the seperation usually takes 45 minutes to an hour. Leave the product to seperate for at least 45 min in this case. Your seperation should look like this:
    Now the lemon juice has seperated from the naphtha, and your DXM/lemon juice product is the bottom layer while the naptha layer, which you will discard, is on top. **note: some experience cloudyness or foaming in their product especially when using lighter fluid instead of pure naphtha, which makes the seperation look more like this-
    If your seperation looks like this, don't worry - it's still usable. It is just harder to distinguish between the layers because the seperation is so faint . When you drain this in the next step, be sure to do it slowly and in a well-lit area so you can follow the seperation. Step 7. Draining your ProductReady your jar, which you should have washed and dried well, and your bottle. Place them side-by-side. Take your bag, and again snip a tiny hole in it's corner to allow the bottom lemon juice/DXM layer to drain slowly into your jar. As the naptha layer approaches, get ready to pinch the bag closed. When 99.9% of the bottom layer has drained into your jar, pinch the bag closed and empty the remaining naphtha layer into your bottle. The contents of the bottle should now be disposed of properly. Step 8. Boiling and Cooling your MixtureTake the contents of your jar and empty it into your glass pan or carafe. Put your pan on the stove and turn the heat on to just over medium-high. Let your lemon slowly come to a boil and watch it carefully. If you let it get too hot quickly, your lemon juice can come to a furious boil allowing some to splash out of your pan, and you don't want this to happen because you are losing DXM, so watch your product carefully as it boils. It is helpful to take the pan off the stove every minute or so, and swirl the mixture around by carefully shaking the pan in a circular motion- be careful not to spill! You should boil this mixture for at least 5 minutes to make agent lemon. Your liquid will evaporate down to a couple of ounces or so, but we recommend boiling your product down to about an ounce if you plan on drinking the agent lemon liquid. This stuff really tastes disgusting, so the less you have to drink, the better. If you are making Lemondrops, go on to Step 9. If you are making Agent Lemon liquid to drink, proceed here - Drain what you have back into your cleaned jar, put the lid on, and hold the jar under a cold water faucet for a minute - this will help speed-up the cooling process, and you want to drink your agent lemon cold, there is less of a gag-reflex that way - place the jar in the refridgerator for 15 minutes. Your product will look similar to this:
    Now you have made Agent Lemon! Just drink the mixture, and have a good trip!
    -Further Instructions to Make Lemondrops-
    Step 9. Boiling your ProductWhen making Lemondrops, the objective is to boil the liquid down to as little as possible - the less liquid you end up with, the less capsules you have to fill and swallow.

    why is it white and clear in a bag like u would drain it dry it and scrape it for powder then all of a sudden they have this red liquid again?

skip all that

get to the part where you only have the naptha + dxm

evap the naptha

theres dxm free base

if you want a salt form

add your own

lemon juice

lime juice

citric acid

either one of these
why would anyone choose a nasty liquid over a crystal powder? im just like why is this because? i get the easy naptha separation but it loses me at the end part there
the reason people choose to go "liquid"

is that getting a powdered salt like hcl or citric acid and what not is hard

dxm freebase powder is not as bio-available as if you were to attach a salt to it

as with lots of other alkaloids they can come in many forms each with their own bio availability
What unnk said is as simple as it gets, if you can't do that then don't even think about trying to make meth.

Its as simple and taking so said syrup and mixing it(slowly, it'll heat and foam) with sodium hydroxide or in the tek that you posted they used ammonia.
Sodium or potassium hydroxide are way better IMO then ammonia.
You could use sodium carbonate(washing soda) if you had to.

Once you add your base to your syrup and raise the pH to 10+ you put the concoction in a closed container with naphtha(or any choice of NPS)
and you shake it for a minute then let it sit for 5 minutes or until the layers seperate.
The syrup will be on bottom, naphtha will be on top.
You want to remove the naphtha and either discard the syrup or add more naphtha to it to do another pull(wont yield much but still some).

At this point you have collected the naphtha, it contains the DXM.
You need to evaporate this naphtha to recover the DXM, then you can take said DXM to do your research with.