DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2012


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Awwwww yea it's 2012 with the scroggie-stylez :D Just wanted to say hey to everyone! Hope the new year brings all of us better results and may the cultivation gods be with you ;)

Here's what I got goin on now btw---> 1 Mystery Fem from Round 1 (Flaming Kirby/Danakush) under a 400w light in 3x3x6 tent. She has the whole screen all to herself...

My bad she's at Day 10ish of Flower


Active Member
I finally have something worthy of posting...

(Sept 3 2011)

I started 3 Northern Lights/Big Bud from seed on July 27th. I wasn't finished with my grow room yet swo I had to use a makeshift cabinet and that slowed development. I used 3 gallon pails with large netpots plumbed together so I could use drip irrigation then have it run out back into the res. I vegged them until early october and continued to weave them down for the first week of flowering.
(november 15th 2011)
Slowly, a bunch of colas rose up. They are under a single 600 watt HID with a lumatech ballast (it's a dual ballast with another 600 next to it on my power kush plants. I used the Technaflora program throughout and have had amazing growth. I decided to use rubbermaid wire shelving as my screen. I just have a ton of it around and it works fine.
(December 12th 2011)
Right away one plant did way better than the others in forming buds. This was the plant that I used a larger piece of rockwool and had to let the cube stick out fromt he top of the netpot by two inches. It seemed to allow more room and created much better root growth than the other plants. The yield was 30% better too.
Finally, the colas started to fill in and fatten up. This shot was two weeks ago after I harvested one plant that was small and more advanced than the others. I got 4 ounces off that. This week I harvested the rest and it is drying now. It's still drying but I think I will get close to a pound from the three plants. This is great news, I will have weed to treat my glaucoma untill the summer when a batch I am just starting is ready. I highly recommend NL/BB for ease of growth and monsterous yield. The smoke is great too though I have not smoked any cured bud yet.
bud- nl-bb2.jpg
This is a terrible quality pic from my crappy iphone3 but it gives you an idea of the giant buds I got. Some are two feet long and wiegh over two ounces! They are hanging from wire closet shelving. Overall this was a big success despite the very long time it took to grow.


Well-Known Member
Damn nice work all! Killer crop Nugz and Ray that plant's a phuckin tree mane! I tried to rep ya, but it wont let me :/ Excited to see how everyone's crop turns out, but as alwayz I have no doubts they'll be satisfying ;) Keep em coming everyone!


Active Member
I'm thinking about a scrog setup for my next grow. Is the water change a pain in the ass with the screen in place?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about a scrog setup for my next grow. Is the water change a pain in the ass with the screen in place?
It depends on how you have it setup. You can put a small submersible water pump in the bottom of the rez and turn it on to suck the water out when you want to change your rez water. Me personally I changed my rez water once right before I switched to flower and have a float valve in my rez that is hooked up to an external rez that constantly feeds fresh water and nutes into the grow rez. The constant fresh water coming into the grow rez makes it to where I don't have buildup or water issues which means I don't have to change the water during the grow. As long as you can keep your rez clean during the grow then there is nothing saying you have to do weekly changes. Some people can really over think things and make them harder than they actually are or need to be. Good Luck and Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome Blu. You can make your setup super hard or super easy. Gotta plan shit out or it will and does suck....for a bit, you'll figure stuff out and say "fuck that's so simple, wish I did that earlier." My lady is just starting to pack on those clear mushrooms. She's a super slow starter but I've read she finishes nicely.


Active Member
It depends on how you have it setup. You can put a small submersible water pump in the bottom of the rez and turn it on to suck the water out when you want to change your rez water. Me personally I changed my rez water once right before I switched to flower and have a float valve in my rez that is hooked up to an external rez that constantly feeds fresh water and nutes into the grow rez. The constant fresh water coming into the grow rez makes it to where I don't have buildup or water issues which means I don't have to change the water during the grow. As long as you can keep your rez clean during the grow then there is nothing saying you have to do weekly changes. Some people can really over think things and make them harder than they actually are or need to be. Good Luck and Happy Growing!
Got ya. What type of float and switch are you using?


Well-Known Member
Now you should get yourself a mini pvc float valve for like $10-15 from USPlastics.com They save alot of time and headache on watering and adding nutes and with the fresh water always coming in it seems to help keep the rez cleaner. Just install it and hook it up to an exterior rez and it works like a champ.

This is the float valve he was talking about.


Active Member
I have read that the res should be changed not just to get fresh water, but also to make sure the nutes are in the right abundancies. For example if say you are using a nute that is 5-5-5, but for some reason your plants are wanting more nitrogen at a certain point in time, it seems like you would quickly run out of nitrogen, and only adding more nutes when you top off wouldnt fix the problem.

That being said if there arent any problems or deficiencies than this works totally fine and is way easier, but i could see how it could create problems.

Personally I stopped changing my res every week, and have been changing it every 2 weeks during flower, but i am going to try to get away without changing it the last month because it is a huge bitch. so far so good.
Next time ill definitely have a different setup with a pump and an exterior res.