DWC res water to hot



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Grab some 2 part epoxy or putty and carefully install one in your res or even 2!

Take the cooling fan off the cold side first and seal the hole where the wire was running from. (Depending on make) Then get your measurements for the res and carefully cut it out so it's a tight fit for the cold side heatsink and pre glue area then epoxy away!

Don't forget to scuff the area for better adhesion. Also to make it easier to install if you don't already have one, pick up a vernier caliper for precise measuring.
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Hi there mate . i run a chiller on a rdwc ,however its important to note roots grow just fine in warmer waters. add lots of air to the rez with decent brand of bennies change regularly on a specified day and check res at least once daily.
take notice of methods you use to clean and maintain the rez's avoid things like;
not cleaning your air stones
putting your hands in the rez
make sure you sterilize everything at t change overs etc.
its important to note things like pythium is not algae.pythium is a pathogen that can use algae as a conduit for infection and usually they go hand in hand. so if the rez are free of infection then theres only the dissolved oxygen situation to worry about ..so up the air to the rez's keep the enviro in check.no infection no rot i have a chiller that i use however cold water can also have negative effects on roots and shocking the plants especially at a young age.
always make sure the header/control tank is airated ,if solution sits here to long its a good way to start infections.
cheers ;)
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...so if the rez are free of infection then theres only the dissolved oxygen situation to worry about ..so up the air to the rez's keep the enviro in check.no infection no rot...
cheers ;)

Hey there Rez, Good points.
Have your ever actually tested your DO just so you really ‘Know” your O2 situation?... if your winning or losing in the oxygenation game challenge?

I like warmer water > 75F because that increases plant and benny metabolism (faster growth), but the biological oxygen demand (BOD) is much greater too in warmer water for 2 symbiotic eco systems. Elemental oxygen (O2) being the most Import nutrient must be plenty and continuous without any low O2 slumps. Like how ling can you go in a low O2 environment... minutes, hours maybe before to begin to die.

Do you ever wonder/hope there will be enough oxygen to keep both eco systems healthy for months? I have.
Hey there Rez, Good points.
Have your ever actually tested your DO just so you really ‘Know” your O2 situation?... if your winning or losing in the oxygenation game challenge?

I like warmer water > 75F because that increases plant and benny metabolism (faster growth), but the biological oxygen demand (BOD) is much greater too in warmer water for 2 symbiotic eco systems. Elemental oxygen (O2) being the most Import nutrient must be plenty and continuous without any low O2 slumps. Like how ling can you go in a low O2 environment... minutes, hours maybe before to begin to die.

Do you ever wonder/hope there will be enough oxygen to keep both eco systems healthy for months? I have.

Hmm not really sure on what your meaning ... As i change out every two weeks i dont have issues i also run a chiller currently on a dyi rdwc running 120lpm of air with Orca and a nip of voodoo on occasion. bottom line is you can indeed run hot rez's successfully with the req change outs and hygiene. im actually running 5 in my baby root spa now without chilling at about 24-25c with about 30lpm and im just getting rdy to put 5 healthy plants in the system via a hot rez ;) im not sure if thats what your getting at (?). im not a scientist but i can dwc like a mothf**ker ;) ^5C23BEE2FA98267D48E3257B20F654C18BF494D220BF1838B5^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
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Hmm not really sure on what your meaning ... As i change out every two weeks i dont have issues i also run a chiller currently on a dyi rdwc running 120lpm of air with Orca and a nip of voodoo on occasion. bottom line is you can indeed run hot rez's successfully with the req change outs and hygiene. im actually running 5 in my baby root spa now without chilling at about 24-25c with about 30lpm and im just getting rdy to put 5 healthy plants in the system via a hot rez ;) im not sure if thats what your getting at (?). im not a scientist but i can dwc like a mothf**ker ;) View attachment 3903930
Sounds great, is great.
Thanks bro @J Henry ,sorry i should have read better bro (mega stoned). no ive never tested it i imagine the equip would cost a lot haha .

i think its worth mentioning silicon is a major conduit for algae with temps also , i would deffo not run silicon in hot rezzies either ;)
and as @J Henry mentioned he prefers warmer temps, i second that because roots seem to grow faster in a warmer (highly controlled haha) range. they say this is true for sativas but i believe this to be the case with either.
Thanks bro @J Henry ,sorry i should have read better bro (mega stoned). no ive never tested it i imagine the equip would cost a lot haha . $20 and change, that's all.

i think its worth mentioning silicon is a major conduit for algae with temps also , i would deffo not run silicon in hot rezzies either ;) Good point, thanks for the heads-up.
and as @J Henry mentioned he prefers warmer temps, i second that because roots seem to grow faster in a warmer (highly controlled haha) range. they say this is true for sativas but i believe this to be the case with either.
What you see is what it is, warmer the water, higher the metabolism, faster roots and bennies grow, sooner the maturity and better the more harvest yearly.
SM90 and cool water temps around 65-68 give me the best growth possible in my personal experience. I always pull around 2.5 to 3lb per 1k. If I change what I did it wouldn't work out so well. My system stays clean and no "gunk" to swing PH out.

I have done bennies, teas, organics. It's a waste of time, my time and money. You might get quicker root development in the beginning but that's it.

Less is more, save your money and do things right. Half a week of less vegging and a system full of gunky lines, hoses and the costs associated with it. Is not a win !
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I have a 6 bucket DWC in the 1st week of growth. 5 gallon buckets with 4 gallons of water each. 5x5 grow tent, two 600w HID with air cooled hoods, 6 inch fan, charcoal can filter. From the beginning I felt i was going to have a problem with rez temperatures being to high. That is what is happening. Room temp 80, rez temp 77. this looks like a perfect eviroment for algae, root rot, etc etc. The whole idea of going DWC was so that I would not have to pump water. Looked real simple for my first aqua grow. Using frozen water bottles might work but i am not prepared to change out ice bottles 2-3 times a day. What happens when using ice bottles later in the grow when the bucket is full of roots. Ice bottles touching the roots can't be a good thing, major shock and stress i would think. This was supposed to be simple. Everything is working just like advertised but no one really mentions that the water temp would be to high. i can't see in ANY DWC (not rdwc) that water temp would not be a problem. Water chiller doesn't seem to be an option as they are expensive and i would need 6 of them. I have tried running the air lines thru a cooler full of ice hoping that running cold air thru the air stones might help but it only dropped by one degree. What other options do i have?
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You'd just plumb your system together into a RDWC and use one chiller.
unfortunately, the peltier cooler is a waste of time and money for a hydro setup. They cool too slowly to be effective. i tried it. if water chilling is what is needed, there is no shortcut around a chiller with a compressor and thermostat. look on craigslist or ebay first
I put my DWC buckets in a water bath, only 3" deep, about 1.75 gallons of water. I'm making a small peltier powered water cooler for about $100 with temp sensor, ordered the parts today. I"ll use that to cool the water bath, which keeps the buckets cool. It will have no problem keeping bucket temps where it needs to be at 66.5. Right now, I'm using gel packs, but I wont be able to for long when it warms up
Agree visjoe, Peltier coolers are where its at,, cheap,effective, no moving parts, and very efficient. Peltier coolers start at 60 watts which will cool a 5 gallon dwc insulated system. I cant imagine what a 400 watt peltier cooler could cool down.
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unfortunately, the peltier cooler is a waste of time and money for a hydro setup. They cool too slowly to be effective. i tried it. if water chilling is what is needed, there is no shortcut around a chiller with a compressor and thermostat. look on craigslist or ebay first
I have no problem with mine, hardly runs even when the temps reach 100F. Did you insulate your bucket? Anything you cool you must insulate like beers, cokes, and resevoirs. I use a 5 gallon cooler but have seen huge setups with stronger peltier devices.
Hmm not really sure on what your meaning ... As i change out every two weeks i dont have issues i also run a chiller currently on a dyi rdwc running 120lpm of air with Orca and a nip of voodoo on occasion. bottom line is you can indeed run hot rez's successfully with the req change outs and hygiene. im actually running 5 in my baby root spa now without chilling at about 24-25c with about 30lpm and im just getting rdy to put 5 healthy plants in the system via a hot rez ;) im not sure if thats what your getting at (?). im not a scientist but i can dwc like a mothf**ker ;) View attachment 3903930
Jhenry will eventually try to sell you his 02grow products...of which he has already admitted to me in a public forum that he has no experience in neither growing cannabis in soil or hydroponics. So his opinion holds no water.
In your opinion, what makes you think this is this truly the only option? Do you sell water chillers?

Wait.. You ask for people's advice then when you get it you ripp on them. Dude you act like you sell o2 grows to be honest. People here have given you many options and you won't listen. You can run sterile,go with bennies, add more o2, or get a chiller and add a pump and small rez. you shouldn't get all bent out of shape when people give you good advice as they have experience and from what I am reading you have none. Try to be cool..
He does advertise for O2 grow, unofficially, he doesn't have to pay the Ad fee if he acts like just another member. Just ask him if he has ever once in his life ever grown cannabis....and he'll reply "No" just like he did with me. I've ran him off of 3 threads now pushing this BS O2 crap before he could even get around to advertising it by, as you see above, posting a disclaimer that the dude has never grown pot in his entire fucking life. Tell me how to efficiently oxygenate my res? Do it yourself one time first Jhenry, and I'll be all ears....
He does advertise for O2 grow, unofficially, he doesn't have to pay the Ad fee if he acts like just another member. Just ask him if he has ever once in his life ever grown cannabis....and he'll reply "No" just like he did with me. I've ran him off of 3 threads now pushing this BS O2 crap before he could even get around to advertising it by, as you see above, posting a disclaimer that the dude has never grown pot in his entire fucking life. Tell me how to efficiently oxygenate my res? Do it yourself one time first Jhenry, and I'll be all ears....

Lmao.. The funny thing is he thinks his magic o2 generator that I can make in my garage is the answer to all. It is nothing more than an overpriced hho generator. I kinda sensed he was full of shit after many people given him good advice and all he could do was argue or make statements like" why is that the only way? Do you sell water chillers?" lol He is a total dickhead and the mods should kick him off the site. Good luck selling that silly shit to people who know better... Peace bro..
Hey Smokey, clearly you got problems and you got options too. Before you go and waste a lot of money Do you really know if you are having a water temperature problem or are you having a Lo-O2 problem? That’s 2 different problems treated in 2 different ways.

If you have a hot water problem, buy a water chiller or ice machine and chill your water.
If you have a Lo-O2 problem, consider this… O2Grow - Air Stone Alternative | Oxygen Bubbler: Increase Yields www.o2grow.com/
O2 Grow Increases Dissolved Oxygen 50% over traditional bubblers.
Increase your cannabis yields! Find out how O2 Grow can help your plants thrive, shop ...
NO NOISE - No air pumps, no water pumps, no air stones stopping up, no water chillers –guaranteed plenty Oxygen continuously 27/7 at any water temperature for the entire grow season. That’s cool.

Wow you a rep for them or the owner? lmao