Guy's I Don't Worry About High Res Temps Cause I Run A Beneficial Bacteria Tea That Takes Care Of All the Nasty's That High Res Temp's Bring.You could try wrapping your buckets with the silver bubble wrap insulation like @The Dawg does on his waterfarm setups.
Maybe he has a few pointers as well on temps.
I run RDWC with big buckets and res/control bucket outside the grow so temps are no problem here
Hey Smokey, clearly you got problems and you got options too. Before you go and waste a lot of money Do you really know if you are having a water temperature problem or are you having a Lo-O2 problem? That’s 2 different problems treated in 2 different ways.What other options do i have?
I put my DWC buckets in a water bath, only 3" deep, about 1.75 gallons of water. I'm making a small peltier powered water cooler for about $100 with temp sensor, ordered the parts today. I"ll use that to cool the water bath, which keeps the buckets cool. It will have no problem keeping bucket temps where it needs to be at 66.5. Right now, I'm using gel packs, but I wont be able to for long when it warms up
Hey Smokey, clearly you got problems and you got options too. Before you go and waste a lot of money Do you really know if you are having a water temperature problem or are you having a Lo-O2 problem? That’s 2 different problems treated in 2 different ways.
If you have a hot water problem, buy a water chiller or ice machine and chill your water.
If you have a Lo-O2 problem, consider this… O2Grow - Air Stone Alternative | Oxygen Bubbler: Increase Yields
O2 Grow Increases Dissolved Oxygen 50% over traditional bubblers.
Increase your cannabis yields! Find out how O2 Grow can help your plants thrive, shop ...
NO NOISE - No air pumps, no water pumps, no air stones stopping up, no water chillers –guaranteed plenty Oxygen continuously 27/7 at any water temperature for the entire grow season. That’s cool.
Never had a low-O2 problem, but I did experiment with an oxygenator a few years back. They are stealthy, makes no noise, produces oxygen and make very tiny oxygen and hydrogen bubbles. Their literature is impressive, their salesmen are more impressive.
You really need a DO meter or some way to actually measure the DO to know if you are having a low-DO problem or not. Of course you can just wait till the roots die and fungal outbreak is clear to discover that you might have a low O2 probably.
Have you ever used one?
You do know water temp and DO are highly corelated, correct?
Personally, I find that my water temps stay about 2-3 degrees below the room if you lower your room temp to 75 degrees, your res temps should go down accordingly. Then invest in some Hydroguard, it is a preventative root inoculant, and in my own experience, blows h202 treatments and "sterilizing the root zone of all bacteria" out of the water, as well as creating massive root growth. It can be simple as you would like, but you have to create the right conditions....I have a 6 bucket DWC in the 1st week of growth. 5 gallon buckets with 4 gallons of water each. 5x5 grow tent, two 600w HID with air cooled hoods, 6 inch fan, charcoal can filter. From the beginning I felt i was going to have a problem with rez temperatures being to high. That is what is happening. Room temp 80, rez temp 77. this looks like a perfect eviroment for algae, root rot, etc etc. The whole idea of going DWC was so that I would not have to pump water. Looked real simple for my first aqua grow. Using frozen water bottles might work but i am not prepared to change out ice bottles 2-3 times a day. What happens when using ice bottles later in the grow when the bucket is full of roots. Ice bottles touching the roots can't be a good thing, major shock and stress i would think. This was supposed to be simple. Everything is working just like advertised but no one really mentions that the water temp would be to high. i can't see in ANY DWC (not rdwc) that water temp would not be a problem. Water chiller doesn't seem to be an option as they are expensive and i would need 6 of them. I have tried running the air lines thru a cooler full of ice hoping that running cold air thru the air stones might help but it only dropped by one degree. What other options do i have?
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Yes, I understand the relationship between water temp, salinity, barometric pressure, gas saturation and gas concentration. All SCUBA divers have a functional working understanding of this concept, this understanding is absolutely vital to all divers.
Now think scientifically applying Henry’s Law res water in your DWC pot grow. This may be way out of the box thinking at the hobbyist level, beyond the limited predictions of the common DO Chart where oxygenation capabilities are often very limited because of ambient air and air delivery devices.
Here’s a mind-bender to ponder during a period of sobriety. The soda pop bottlers manipulate gas partial pressure every day bottling pop except the gas they use is CO2 gas, not O2 gas. How do they make that gas bubble fizz when you open that bottle?
Regarding dissolved O2 predictions in fresh water exposed to ambient air at 1 ATM… Your air DO Chart predicts that 80F fresh water will Saturate 100% with 8 PPM DO and change.
The partial pressure of O2 in ambient air at sea level is 159 mm/hg.
Just imagine what would happen if you increases the oxygen partial pressure oxygen from 159 mm/hg up to 400 mm/hg and you keep the water temperature @ 80F. Actually you can easily increase the fractional concentration of oxygen up to 760 mm/hg if you like under normobaric conditions at home.
Now-thing BIG like the Dr. Pepper people. What do you think the DO Concentration (PPM DO) and DO % Saturation would be then after you increased the oxygen partial pressure an additional 241 mm/hg?
Most people are seriously limited only by their lack of knowledge, imagination and motivation. Ho disrespect intended.