Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
How goes dl? when is the new grow startin up?

Question...Do you think we spoil our plants with dwc?:shock::confused::?:

We get GREAT results with this method...be it a bubbler or a drip. But as I float around on this (and other;-)) sites, I run into other, slightly similar, methods that use less water and get similar results. I look at techniques such as ebb n flow and hempy buckets and notice that these methods use only a smallish amount of water compared to dwc. :?:

My last plant, a simple lowryder 2, would drink a gallon of water (often more) a day with the dwc method (just a simple bubbler).

But with an ebb n flow or hempy bucket method, the plant only has access to a fraction of that water supply. With hempy bucket alone, the plant only gets access to a 2" rez. :clap::?

As a dwc'r, i can't fathom my plant being able to sustain off just that rez size!
That's just crazy.:spew:

And ebb n flow, they get fed about 6 times per day for all of about 10 to 15 minutes (i think) and yield very good results. :weed:

Is a particular plant's water uptake a fixed amount (given identical conditions like temp, rh, feeding, etc), or is it dependant on the grow technique? By using dwc, do we teach our plants lack of appreciation of water? A type of water gluttony if you will? Water in-efficiency? :o

I would imagine that an ebb n flow/hempy bucket plant has a greater appreciation of the water it gets. Just waits each day for the precious water supply. Quite the anticipation I would imagine. But a dwc plant...ehh...i can drink as much as I want whenever...no special preparation or anticipation needed.:roll:

Wonder what happens if we take it's huge water supply away during the grow? Switch from dwc to hempy or ebb n flow mid-grow? Probably shocks it for a bit...but what will our girls do with water then? Can they relearn to use water more efficiently (on a time-based system like e&f)? or do they perish? or can they even be switched back and forth between high water volume and low water volume grows and vice versa?:???:


Well-Known Member
How goes dl? when is the new grow startin up?

Question...Do you think we spoil our plants with dwc?:shock::confused::?:

We get GREAT results with this method...be it a bubbler or a drip. But as I float around on this (and other;-)) sites, I run into other, slightly similar, methods that use less water and get similar results. I look at techniques such as ebb n flow and hempy buckets and notice that these methods use only a smallish amount of water compared to dwc. :?:

My last plant, a simple lowryder 2, would drink a gallon of water (often more) a day with the dwc method (just a simple bubbler).

But with an ebb n flow or hempy bucket method, the plant only has access to a fraction of that water supply. With hempy bucket alone, the plant only gets access to a 2" rez. :clap::?

As a dwc'r, i can't fathom my plant being able to sustain off just that rez size!
That's just crazy.:spew:

And ebb n flow, they get fed about 6 times per day for all of about 10 to 15 minutes (i think) and yield very good results. :weed:

Is a particular plant's water uptake a fixed amount (given identical conditions like temp, rh, feeding, etc), or is it dependant on the grow technique? By using dwc, do we teach our plants lack of appreciation of water? A type of water gluttony if you will? Water in-efficiency? :o

I would imagine that an ebb n flow/hempy bucket plant has a greater appreciation of the water it gets. Just waits each day for the precious water supply. Quite the anticipation I would imagine. But a dwc plant...ehh...i can drink as much as I want whenever...no special preparation or anticipation needed.:roll:

Wonder what happens if we take it's huge water supply away during the grow? Switch from dwc to hempy or ebb n flow mid-grow? Probably shocks it for a bit...but what will our girls do with water then? Can they relearn to use water more efficiently (on a time-based system like e&f)? or do they perish? or can they even be switched back and forth between high water volume and low water volume grows and vice versa?:???:
Hey butters.. Thier are all kinds of great hydro method's to use in ur grow.
I chose DWC at the time when i did cause i was very limited to space and just putting a tub or bucket in it suited me just fine. I sriously had no other room to work with other than a small cabinet closet.
Ive tried soil.. And ive also been dabbling in coco a little.
Would really like to try stinkbud's system but currently stuck in between the Ebb and Flow or Aero...
Here's a secret tho man.. Not really a secret persay cause ive talked about it alot but..
At some point i guess all my tub's or bucket's actually do become a mix hybrid of DWC/Aero.
I start out with my water at levels to manipulate my plants to grow roots.. Most of the time just below my Net pots bro.. Ive always got plenty enough air in the water to push up plenty enough water to force the roots to grow down..
As my plants grow nice root system and mature.. I begin lowering my water level's just enough so the bottom third of my roots are submerged in the water and the upper portion on my plants roots are still being feed by PH'd oxygenated water and food mix..

So in a sence i try to mimmick all these things inside my tubs that u would get with the other styles and to me.. To be able to yield comparable yields with my DWC to some of these other setups with higher wattage HPS is worth all the effort..
DWC for me was an accident really. Ive donw alot of things with my system bro.. Its been a long road..
I do like the qualities that these other hydro set-up's offer tho like being able to move plants around in ther own pots is really sticking out to me right now after what ive learned simply by trying coco in small cup's..
Either way there is no better system man.. Ive said it before any set-up can and should be exploited to bring the greatest potential to evey grower..
This one just worked well for me.
Hope that help's man..


Well-Known Member
How is everyone doing? How are your grow's do'n? I have mite's and it is bullshit!!! I am so cautious on my room's and I don't know how it happened! I feel like I have done everything with in my power to kill them, but no results. What do you guy's use? Has anyone ever tried the alchol method?


Well-Known Member
sup, clubmembers?? i have a small citral plant germinated from seed that looks weird as hell. it's about 4 weeks old and i'm trying to grow it out so i can take cuttings to put into flower to show sex of plant. but seedling doesn't seem to be growing as fast now that i've put it into a bucket and i have short branches on a tall stretched plant. the 2nd pic is the citral seedling with a supergirl clone i took at the same time i germed the citral and she looks good. should i abort and try again?



Active Member
Did alot of reading in this thread... my first grow and attempt at dwc. Got rid of the plant in the back left cos of spider mites. The front left plant just got put in yesterday so itll look alot healthier in the upcoming days.
