Dwc Grow Club


New Member
Honestly, I've been drinking way too much these past couple of days. I have the entire week off from both jobs and got a bonus so it covered rent and I already had some cash, so i've been inviting frineds over to drink and smoke. I feel crappy though. Headache in the morning followed by drinking mid afternoon. I havent drank like this in a long time. Plus there is a b-day party tonight, and all the old friends want me to go but I don't think I can handle another drinking night.


Well-Known Member
Yea im just trying to chill today ive been getting tore up! ive barely smoked even today. somedays i come on here just to see how much trouble i got in the day before. dont want to give peeps the wrong impression haha


Well-Known Member
Yea im going to start chilling myself. Kinda acting like im a youngster all over again. I have alot of things to take care of. its nice to be able to let go sometimes tho.


Well-Known Member
Good haha check this out...
could u make a logo for the club using the matrix back ground but with dwc falling down the screen instead randon # and letters....just a thought..


Well-Known Member
No dwc grow club would be better but they have to roll down the screen like the matrix lol. i feel like a robot nerd now but wouldnt that be cool?


New Member
Yeah it would look good. But I wouldn't be able to pull it off. At least not now with this headache and grogginess. What about leggo?


Well-Known Member
Hes prolly around lmao he pops up in wierd places when not expected hahaha i love that dude yea leggo what up....

Anyways why havent u checked out my new sog anyways?


Well-Known Member
Damn! Those lil nugs look really good! Yes expect a nice top on her for sure!
Wow thats just awesome seriously. Im so glad u got one of those hps lamps!
Damn U should be hitting the newbie section and showing that to the peeps wondering about lighting. Thats only 70 watts right?


Well-Known Member
Looks great net!!! Mine are around that with a 150HPS... get 'em!!! Can't wait for our harvestessssess LOL

Yeah DL I could try that matrix type logo... gimme a day or so and we'll what I come up with :)