Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Yea its not really going to hurt ur plants persay. But i put my pumps in a corner.mine are suctioned to the side of the tub.root end up in a huge ball at the end either way.putting it in the corner creates a whirlpool effect and distribute ur solution the the ball.it all kinda works out real nice.if u change ur water on time. every 2 weeks u wount really have any problems with the tny roots that may end up getting severed.
I havent had any


Well-Known Member
I am a bit concerned about changing out my nute solution every 14 days right now cause I only have 8oz bottles of each nutrient (remember I had to bring everything from overseas and I'm a was/am 1st gro newb!!!- I've learned tons- also helps that I've got a few degrees from MIT and was former director of one of the worlds largest banks!!!).

I'm going to try and stretch out my nutes as long as possible (I'm going to pick more up on my next trip in Feb). I'm keeping veg nutes real light for now.

I also picked up some anti-algae stuff (from a fish store- all natural microorganisms in pellets- I'll post exact details as might be a beneficial product- although I'm not even sure if algae is a problem??)

Have you had any algae issues??



Well-Known Member
Yea bro i think ill always consider myself a newb. im always learning. this is a hobby for me as well. be careful bro ur sutuation is unique. algea is a problem u should be concerned with. but in ur particular case.yea u can prolly go as long as 3 weeks to a month as long as u keep as little light penetration on ur water as possible. ive also found that allowing ur water levels to lower considerably in ur tubs this forces my plants to actually eat the food im feeding them and it keeps a fresh supply of water.
these are only things ive found that help bro. im not a botanist or scientist although sometimes i feel like a robot.cuz it is all very easy. it looks like ur grow is coming along nicely. i was just reading in the faq that a big thing people do just starting out is they tend to want to overcare there plants. i tell people to change there water every 2 weeks but u dont really have to as long as u cover all ur other bases at the same time. plants dont really use alot of nutes as well. i barely feed my plants in veg.
In flower its different just follow the directions on ur bottles.yea u can wait on res changes man just keep the light out.


Well-Known Member
thanks as always DL. Have a good one. Too bad we don't happen to live close, I could visit, burn one, and shoot the shit in person!!!


Well-Known Member
Wpw, just got back... I think I've missed out 30 pages or something LOL... It'll be awihle before I catch up on all that


Well-Known Member
eh bro if u look closely on the left side i do believe i see a nutsack man. the pix are hard to discern but i believe i do see a sac.


Well-Known Member
idk man, its hard to tell for me to...yea it popped up yesterday or the day before. i guess we'll c what happens when i switch to flowering.

OPZ :leaf: