Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Yea luckily ive been really fortunate as not to have alot of the problems i see. I dunno why.. I make all kinds of mistakes. Knock on wood man i dont want to jinx that either.. Dont really want to start another journal. Maybe ill just use this thread as a PORNFEST thread to track the progress i guess.
Yea thats what ill do for now.
Be back with some pixels to kick off todays PORNATHON.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm .. So i took some clones during my freak out and threw them into plugs. The same way i always do. Nothing new there. Again I allowed them to root in 18/6 and once i had roots on enough clones maybe like 2 weeks i threw them into the tubs.
Here they are exactly 7 days ago at transplant..


Well-Known Member
Here they are now..
7 days later..

Here's whats most interesting to me... KEEP in mind. 7 days old... I had a root or 2 in the water the day after transplant but here's the root mass after 6 days of feeding..

P.S.. Dont worry about the dark staining on the roots its only Liquid Karma attaching itself and doing its job.

Much love... This is my 12/12 perpetual Sog. Inspired by the sog growers wanted thread. Many of Al B's ideas all twisted and FUCT to fit MY needs in my particular grow.
This is probably going to be the most exciting grow ive ever done.


Well-Known Member
DL were are the pic's???????

That is what piss's me off the most is my buddy is so lazy with his grow but he is not doing all that bad... I went over there with my meter and tested his sog res and his ph was 7.2 durring flower and his ppm was 700! His mothers are in soil and have never had the soil tested, and never check's anything in his feeding of them. I tried pulling that same garbage and everything tottaly went array for me! I have done hydro for acouple of years but this last round with the DWC was my first, and I am so excited to give it A second run and have these things just boom. But back to the bitching about my buddy I tried soil and went and bought all the testers for it and was tottally unsuccesfull at it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Some people are just lucky lol.

I was lucky my first couple of times. (although i got no buds) but the plants were green with no signs of trama.

But once you start doing shit by the book. you will be amazed for sure. I know I was. :D


Well-Known Member
Knock on wood Ive been getting some beginners luck so far 8 for 8 females on assorted bagseed. I pray odds dont catch up and give me 8 males in a row...lol.


Well-Known Member
yo im almost 4 weeks into flowering under the sun, texada timewarp if i'm not mistaken. wooord

p.s. put a new screen on today, have got more tieing down to do. what are your opinions on tieing down while in flowering? what are your thoughts on the energy it may take to upright each shoot?


Well-Known Member
Good start M.
So was the Monster tree worth it or what SA?
Damn bros im so bored i think im gonna go pimp talk my plants in a bit.


Well-Known Member
a shit load of branches were already broken off in the pic above but yeah it was worth it.. i made 6000 dollars off it


Well-Known Member
Thanks man it keeps looking better and better. I can't wait :D

Nice pic's man! I am trying to root some clones but they arn't giving me any as of yet! They went into the cloner on the 9th and as time has show'n me they should have root's already... I am pissed at this point.


Well-Known Member
Atrum man nice pixels.
LOL trouble man.. Sometimes it happens. If they look healthy chances are they are working on some real nice root structure man.