Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
What compact's should I use and were is the best place to get them? I was thinking that route but I do have 2 70w MH's sitting here!


Well-Known Member
Get some 27W 100W Eqiv CFLs. Best place to get these is at Home Depot.
Get some reflectors and sockets there too. Over all each bulb reflector and socket will cost you about 15 bucks.

Make sure you get the Daylight CFL 6500k temp.


Well-Known Member
use microsoft paint and resize it then post them. Save them as jpg.

Also no one would email anyone on this forum, kinda security issue just fyi.


Well-Known Member
Alright. So we decided to start an actual club for all the DWC (DEEP WATER CULTURE) growers on this site. After much thought and anticipation. We would like to extend an open invitation to all the DEEP WATER CULTURE growers here to come and share ur grows.
DWC Club is an equal oppurtunity grower Community. And does not discriminate against race or gender. Color and creed are kinda the same thing.
Many ideas of this club were founded on the original secret society ideas of FIGHT CLUB.The movie.
LIke fight club. The excitement of growing DWC growers share kinda makes ya want to sock ur self in the face.
And should be able to be vented somewhere in secret which is the first rule of DWC Club.

Never speak of ur DWC grow with anyone in real life. This thread was created for solely this reason. It's very easy to get overwhelmed with excitedness growing this style. Just know this club is always here and that sharing this excitement with anyone in real life is wrong and a wrong directed to ur fellow club members.

Which brings me to the second rule. DWC = Deep Water Culture. Point being. Our plants roots live and grow submerged in water. There are no other needs for any extra attachements and gadgets such as aero and drip. Every true secret DWC grower knows they can manipulate these systems to mimmick all the styles inside there reservoirs. Which brings me to the second rule of DWC club.
Drip rarely only tastes good when its leaving the sinus cavity.
Rarely does it do any good in our systems.There are other threads dedicated to this. Find one. U may share ur grows with the DWC growers but not become a member. U will be left on the porch like the fat dude with the tig bitties.
I can only think of 2 rules right now. BWAHAHA lmao.

Without futher adue. DWC GROW CLUB!
LOL man. Maybe some never even read the very first post.
first time cannabis grower. long time plant grower. was thinking about going Dwc. any special treatment my ladies should get or are they just weeds?


Well-Known Member
first time cannabis grower. long time plant grower. was thinking about going Dwc. any special treatment my ladies should get or are they just weeds?
Here is a bunch of information on DWC and hydroponics in general.

Over all it is easy.

Just a few things you need.

1. Something to hold the nutrient solution.
2. net pots
3. hydroton
4. something to root your seeds, such as rockwool, or rapid rooter plugs.
5. nutrients. There really isn't one brand of nutes that is better than another, all about what works for you. However if you use MG (miracle grow, you'll probably be shot. just fyi hehe.)
6. PH meter

Just follow the instructions for mixing the nutes you choose, adjust the ph to be somewhere between 5.6 - 5.9. Watch your baby grow hehe.


first time cannabis grower. long time plant grower. was thinking about going Dwc. any special treatment my ladies should get or are they just weeds?
Sup Wizard,

I'm a gardening enthusiast and a first-time weed farmer and I can tell you this, "This shit may be a damn weed but boy can you kill it easy with DWC!"

Don't get me wrong, DWC is THE SHIT. However, because it is SO efficient, one small oversight can beat the living shit out of your beautiful ladies. I am that LadyBeater, sir. And I have beaten them... REPEATEDLY. Some even died.

But, thanks to the knowledge of the cool guys around here, I have since made a full recovery. I soon realized that even though the principles are the same, The technology is radically different. Compared to soil gardening, with DWC, everything you do good, gets multiplied by 10. As such, every bad thing you do also gets X 10.

Losing those ladies really sucked though, dude. I hope to save you from the same. Happy Growing, brah!


Well-Known Member
Sup Wizard,

I'm a gardening enthusiast and a first-time weed farmer and I can tell you this, "This shit may be a damn weed but boy can you kill it easy with DWC!"

Don't get me wrong, DWC is THE SHIT. However, because it is SO efficient, one small oversight can beat the living shit out of your beautiful ladies. I am that LadyBeater, sir. And I have beaten them... REPEATEDLY. Some even died.

But, thanks to the knowledge of the cool guys around here, I have since made a full recovery. I soon realized that even though the principles are the same, The technology is radically different. Compared to soil gardening, with DWC, everything you do good, gets multiplied by 10. As such, every bad thing you do also gets X 10.

Losing those ladies really sucked though, dude. I hope to save you from the same. Happy Growing, brah!

Well, I wouldn't say X 10, but the results you can get from DWC are quite impressive. However, you do need to be a lot more attentive to things like: Salt build up, Ph fluctuations, and nutrient ratios. If you play your cards right, then for sure you will get some icky sticky ganja.


Well, I wouldn't say X 10, but the results you can get from DWC are quite impressive. However, you do need to be a lot more attentive to things like: Salt build up, Ph fluctuations, and nutrient ratios. If you play your cards right, then for sure you will get some icky sticky ganja.
Absolutely true, Atrum. I got a little excited and got carried away with my multiples. I guess I could say 10x is what it felt like. I hope my post didn't turn anyone off DWC. For beginners with some gardening experience like me, DWC is a truly fun and attitude-changing experience.


Well-Known Member
Eeeeeaaaaassssssy grow clubbers!
DL How u been keepin man?
usual case , done a quick read over n heard about eddie and net! WTF < can i even say that or will i get revoked?
Anyway i hope this will be the start of me checkin in on the regs again.
Gonna do some more catching up but ill be back with some floral snaps in a bit.
x no homo