Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Its Beautifull man All of it. MM damn bro. Very nice. Grow has been put on hold again due to another Re-organization.
Thanks RIU. And To the Original DWC Grow Club Crew.
Enough Said.


Well-Known Member
How is it going everyone? I went and put the hedge trimmers to the mother's today! My buddy stopped by this weekend and say the DWC in action and his jaw dropped! He is A old school soil grower and looking at trying the jump!


Hi All,

I'm fairly new to the forum, having just started to build my first DWC Bubbleponics system.

The photo attached is my interpretation of the FAQ DIY setup which was posted by Pipedream.

His setup really appealed to me on first reading, and because I couldn't see the pics he had posted, my mind started to run wild...:hug:

The basic tenets of this grow/setup are:

- 1-3 plants max in seperate Bubblers, to allow for staggered harvest (good term Pipedream)
- Discreet; grow cab should blend in with environment, and should be smell and noise free, as far as allows. Ideally I should be able to stand in the room, and hear virtually nothing.
- Cheap. I have sourced all parts myself, excepe the fan/filter combo, which I bought together.

The first DWC Bubbler has been made, and I am SO impressed with it:

1x 5L food container with tight lid (lid covered in diamond mylar to reflect heat and light from water).

5" airstone connected to air pump

4" basket

I am planning to test the first one with some capsicum, and then to make the improvements I need on the rest.

I am loving every minute of my new hobby, and although I've grown before, this is way more fun, and is turning out to be much cheaper too

So, the question is; can I join the club?

Thanks guys, your input is greatly appreciated...The building continues...



One more question...In a 45x45 cm space< i am looking at 1-2 plants with 150w sodium cooltube.

Will 2 plants be ok in here, or is 1 scrogged plant going take all the space?

Any input greatly received...


Active Member
Hey all, permission to join?


Nice work! I do see some possible problems with your containers, though. First, if you use a clear container you have to make absolutely sure you cover it so that NO light can get in from any side. Paint it, duct tape it, wrap mylar around it, but make sure NO light can get in, not even filtered.

Second, your container is awfully small. I'm not saying you can't grow in something that small, but the potential for problems increases dramatically. You'll only be filling it about 2/3 full, so you'll have less than 4 litres of solution left. My older DWC plants easily drink 4L of water a DAY...you'll have to top off your res numerous times a day. A small reservoir also allows salts to build up rapidly, you'll need to flush often. Finally, the smaller your resevoir, the higher the water temperature will be and faster it will change. You want to try to keep the water temp below 24* C to have the best success. If you want to use containers that small, you should look into a recirculating system where you have a separate reservoir/pump that is connected to the "satellite" reservoirs that have the plants in them.

One more question...In a 45x45 cm space< i am looking at 1-2 plants with 150w sodium cooltube.

Will 2 plants be ok in here, or is 1 scrogged plant going take all the space?

Any input greatly received...
If it were me, I'd go with two plants, no ScrOG the first time around. You really need to have everything working good and understand the characteristics of your plant (how tall/bushy they get, when to flower, how much they stretch during flowering, etc.) to to have a successful ScrOG. Also, you need to design your system for ScrOG - for instance, unless you've planned appropriately once the plant is in the screen you won't be able to move it or even lift the lid on the container, so you need to figure out how you're going to do res changes, etc.

With proper training (topping, LST, etc.) you can get just as great as yield as you can from ScrOG...so I would save the ScrOG until you have at least one successful DWC grow under your belt. JMHO. :peace:


Active Member
how often are you suppose to flush?Im new to the hydro grow and still learning

In DWC the reason you flush is to dissolve and remove built up salts. As the plant matures it uses the various nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, etc.) at different rates and drinks more water. If more of a particular nutrient is supplied then the plant is using at that time then the excess nutrient will build up as the water is used. Eventually, this build up can cause other nutrients to become locked out and your plants will start suffering.

Many people flush every reservoir change, and you can't go wrong doing that. I personally flush with a solution of water and Clearex when I change from vegging to flowering, half-way through flowering, and prior to harvest. You also want to flush anytime you are having a problem with your plants.


Well-Known Member
Whaddup dudes and duddetettes. Atrum bro thats awesome man. Just keep um between 5.8 and 6.0 and u should be str8 man.
SUP club.


Well-Known Member
No kidding man.. Purps.. Thats exactly why i try to just mind my own Biz and stick to growing stuff my friend. I aint here to start drama man and like i said anyone coming in the club thread to start it can miss me with all that lol..
Anyway man been keeping up on ur J at least trying to man.. Everythings looking good as of the other day man.. Havent really been posting much cause i really aint doing much but working right now.. Started a couple beans but thats about it. Waiting on some other things too.
So how's everyone been.. And whaddup's to the new members and all good advice being thrown down.
LOL i better get a grow going soon. Im feeling all left out man.


Well-Known Member
Whats up gang,Put the White Berry buds in jars for curing.
Wet wgt was 900.5 grams,Dry Wgt was 225 Grams.
Not to bad for my 3rd grow.


Well-Known Member
here is A question for everyone! My DWC mothers are about 2-2.5' tall and the lower half of the plants are not doing so well! Is this due to no light getting to the lower branches? I am running A 400w MH over them and there are 5 buckets total. Should I add another 400 and spread them out, or should I do some under lighting on the girl's? The canopy's are looking great so That is why I was thinking it was low light level's to the lower area! Any help would be great....


Well-Known Member
You should get some supplementary lighting for the under side branches. Plants tend to shed any leaves that aren't getting as much light so they can be more efficient over all.

So get some CFL lighting for the undersides. should help a great deal. Be Cheaper too.