dwc cloner. pH issue?


Active Member
No all the other leaves fell off and then the tips started burning and curling upwards. I thought mag but it didn't show like this in my other plant and the new groth looks super pale so I thought N but idk I can't pinpoint it


Active Member
So I'm going to take three water samples down to the hydro shop and have then ph it. Hopefully I can only buy ph up our ph down instead of both. This grow has gone way over budget and the organic ph up and down are expensive.


Active Member
u need some roots bur there startn depends on meduin if clay pellets as any system little bigger is better when comes to roots but u want size thats enough to supply needs 2inch total w/l is easy placing added bnus more roots if any get damaged placing stones ive found water planting are nice as pellets float nicly and gently settle round roots when drained lifted out with care i dont use this meduim for this reson its a pain also pepples wash n before use


Well-Known Member
I tried using a DWC hydro bucket idea for just hydro and i could never keep the pH in check...some people say it is because of something having to do with the airstones...all I know is I use a cloner with no airstones now, just a submersible water pump and now have no issues...makes me want to try the hydro again...lol...Since it was the pH messing everything up before...anyway...perhaps it is the airstones...i don't understand why, but I do notice a difference without using one...so perhaps...I don't see how an airstone could cause pH issues, but it seems as though they actually might


Well-Known Member
Well I grom in soil and clone in hydro...I use a DIY cloner bucket...they are super easy to make and around $30....and you get roots in about 4 days...6 if it is a strain that takes a little longer...as soon as the root nubs look rootish I move them back into soil before I can mess them up with the hydro and that seems to work for me.. And I don't have to leave the cloner hooked up all the time...I can use it in 4 day intervals...move the plants to the cloner, wait 4-5 days take the clones out and repot and then break the bucket down again...works awesome...cloning in soil takes a long long time and I always get some sort of fungus...powdery mildew, or some sort of algae...because it seems like if the soil isn't soaked my clone falls over...so I don't like using soil to clone...but as I said a cloner with a submersible pump and some sprayers seems to work much better than any other cloning method I have tried so far.


Well-Known Member
and when you only need it for 4 days there are very few issues the hydro can cause that the soil can't fix...so hydro and then soil is the ticket...