dwc cloner. pH issue?


Active Member
So I made a dwc cloner and it worked well untill the leaves started turning yellow then dying. Outside inward. I'm using tap water. I'm unsure of the pH of it but was wondering if that looks like the issue?



It's likely your water is too high or low pH.

Do you have a meter or a pH kit?......Yer gonna need one if ya don't have one.
the liquid ones are dirt cheap. last awhile, and will be accurate enough for ya for right now.
You can take a sample of your tap water to your friendly neighborhood hydro store, and ask them test it and hook you up with some pH solution according to what your water tests out at. it might need pH up, or down...we don't know.....YET!!!
But they can tell you, and they'll sell you what you need to correct it.

Are you using any nutrients or root enhancer, or just tap water?
You are gonna want to use 1/4 strength DWC nutes (whatever kind you like to use) and add some root starter to your DWC water....I use "rapid start"......and keep that pH down!!!.....around 5.3 to 5.6 is just fine......check it often!......especially if it is a small DWC reservoir.

Also, I've had bad luck with DWC cloners coz they tend to keep the coco or rockwool too wet....it hinders root production if it's too wet.
When you don't get root production after about 10 days, the cuttings start to tap into their own reserves and essentially eat themselves because they haven't got the roots to absorb food with, and are starving. If it's too wet, that means the cuttings aren't stimulated enough to send out roots to FIND moisture....if moisture is already there in abundance..... Then they get "lazy" and starve.

I did some experimentation with lowering the water level in the DWC cloner, it helped...but it didn't solve that problem.
I ended up going back to coco/rockwool and a clone dome again.....it worked waaaay better.

I hope this helps!!!


Active Member
Okay I see! No test kits or anything but ill hit the hydro store tomorrow! And I guess idk my terms but its a res. With two air stones and holes in the lid for plugs that hold the cuttiings in it. Is this dwc or something else?

But yes you did help! Thanks Roller!


Active Member
So the guy at the hydro shop said he lives by me and had similar issues and that switching to RO water helped a lot because there is a lot of ca in our water. I also got olivias cloning solution or whatever and he said adding tht to the res helped shorten rooting time. So I switched to the RO/Olivias mix and am waiting to see what's up. If its not that ill go back for the pH up/down. Thanks again for the help!


New Member
Sounds like hes trying to sell you a ro system. Are you getting roots at all? did you use clone gel? water temp is the most important thing to keep track of rite now. dwc works good at 5.8 to 6.3 any higher or lower you will have lock out issues with plants. In your case you don't have plants you have cuttings so nutrients will just hurt you at this point. If you give a cutting nutrients then it wont search for them by growing roots. believe it or not the best thing ive found was plain water. I used power clone once it did promote root development but it stops as soon as they start growing. even the directions on the bottle says dilute after a week not to mention its not for food crop use. Just try to keep your water at 78 degrees and you will be ok.


Active Member
Naw I just got a gallon of the ro water at frys.
And I wasn't getting any roots and the leaves looked like the pic above starting with older growth. I used cloning powder as it was available when grabbing other supplys. Is the gel tht much better?
But I did no nutes and 3/4 the recommended amount of cloning solution. Should I just do the RO water or is this good?
Thanks for the tips ismokealotofpot!


New Member
gel is better imo. check the ph of your ro water before and after adding nutrients. make sure your water temps are at 78 degrees


Well-Known Member
if you cant find a pH tester at the hydro shop, try a pet store, every person who has fish needs a pH kit.

you can get a lot of other good stuff there too, air pumps, water pumps, tubing, lighting, and micro nutes.


Active Member
Yeah the hydro store has air pumps hella cheap. And I didn't get the pH kit cause I'm tight on cassh and the guy at the store said he doesn't pH his and gets 95% success. But if the clones don't look better by tomorrow ill get a kit!


Active Member
go hydro shop way man they need our cash to keep doors open but yes u will find cheaper (on all fronts quailtly reliablity etc)so hit hydro store just dont take their advice without doing ur research first half them know nothing and cant keep up with a noob let alone and get talked in circles with a experianced grower do ur research ull be a better grower for it


Active Member
also lillte tip drop ur n in mother stock week before taking cutting this forces plant to carb load resulting in 5 days roots out rrockwool starters on table thriving in 10 or less given all variables needed are meet(temp rh ph ppm etc)


Active Member
also lillte tip drop ur n in mother stock week before taking cutting this forces plant to carb load resulting in 5 days roots out rrockwool starters on table thriving in 10 or less given all variables needed are meet(temp rh ph ppm etc)
No effin idea what "ur n in mother stock" means? Clarify please? :)


Active Member
So not related to the clones is one of my plants on my grow, I figured id ask you fine people instead of starting a new thread. I have a soil grow going, its just topsoil and perlite with some ewc and bone meal mixed into the added soil in last transplant. I have lime in the soil so I don't pH water but haventt had an issue with it yet. I've been doing everyother watering with nutes or every third watering. Depending on how they look. The plant in question is in her fourth or fifth week of veg and is some dank bagseed from a nice purp sac. So I watered two days ago, I guess the 19th, yesterday just left em because I'm afraid I'm doing too much training and shit. So I checked today and saw some burnt leaf tips and upwards curling of new growth. I didn't use epsom salt in the water like I always do(time crunch). So I feel like its the begginning of mag but idk cause it never showed up like this before.
Whatts do you guys think?

