Dusting off old seed packs, Juggernaut (BCHP X SQ), The Sight (Vision Thai X SQ)


Well-Known Member
Getting time to pick a few new mothers and I decided to dig deep into the depths of the seed archives where I found a few that I have little info on...
After purchasing everything offered, a few freebees were given to me and some how made their way to the dusty back corners of my seed bank where they remained for years.

Now its time to dust them off and get them started to see whats of them...

I would however like some info if I could.
Subcool, what say you?


Well-Known Member
Once I have a few good mommies, I will scrog them in a journal if anyone is interested let me know, Ill get you a link.


Well-Known Member
The sight was supposed to be tossed as it was hermie prone sorry mate The distributor was told to destroy them and assured me he had. In fact he told me he tossed em in a garden at a mcd's drive through.
The pure thai was an amazing mom but it was simply to risky to put out.

Juggernaut is pretty sought after though the mom was a massive hash plant and the male added some needed resin to the cross I think I may have a few shots



Well-Known Member
Some luck big mac maker is smoking the Sight. :lol:
No problem, story seeds.
Ill report on the Juggernaut. Anymore pregame info you care to share would sure help out and be much appreciated.
BTW, the wife says she has a piece carved up for Jill. "She’s a Native Alaskan; Ivory Artisan" its about yall gettin hitched...Its like a Native Alaskan offering I suppose...


Well-Known Member
Two Mom's were chosen and are vegging. Got the new room for the clones, 12 X 24 X 10. Ill do 12 with 6 & 6. Medi rule. The first six will be 3 X 3 off each mom.


Well-Known Member
The two mom's are vegging in an organic bath, DWC. Two Pheno's One indica looking dom with even spacing, another with long leaf stems huge broad leafs close on the hybrid mix it seems.

" Juggernaut is pretty sought after though the mom was a massive hash plant and the male added some needed resin to the cross "
So Who's the dude?


Well-Known Member
The two mom's are vegging in an organic bath, DWC. Two Pheno's One indica looking dom with even spacing, another with long leaf stems huge broad leafs close on the hybrid mix it seems.

" Juggernaut is pretty sought after though the mom was a massive hash plant and the male added some needed resin to the cross "
So Who's the dude?
Spacedude was the male.


Well-Known Member
What a season: Rain for a month strait here, no good outdoor crop this season for us.

Our shops dehumidifier was on full bore all summer doing fine until about three weeks ago when it quit all together (shipped out for repairs). In that time, we developed powdery mildew, mold, spider mites infested, and our well flopped PH before I caught it. I decided to build within our shop an 8 x 8 sterile room for recovery. I have the two phenos in one 8" X 8" net pot DWC tote. Ill get these two back to health while the main grow room goes under re-construction/update. I plan to clone off the two and find what Juggernaut pheno I like best after a quick clone flowering.

Recovering under 1000w MH, in flora bloom LUCAS.

All clones will flower in soil. Organic meds only.