Dumb Question about Uses for Old Flower


Well-Known Member
I did a very rudimentary search but didn't find any applicable sounding threads (at least with the minimal effort I put into the search)... dumb question but what do people do with old flower that's not all that enjoyable to smoke anymore? I had a great outdoor season in 2020 but didn't have much use for a lot of the flower particularly once 2021 started coming ready. Now that it's over a year old a lot of it has turned a bit of a golden color and doesn't taste great to smoke anymore (vaguely tobacco-y). I reckon cooking with it would still be reasonable but wondered if anyone had any other suggestions?

Ya edibles would be what I’d do. Maybe see what it returns in squish or bubble if not extremely dry
Bubble, BHO, or rosin can be stored in a refrigerator with minor degrading for a longer period of time. Usually better product is produced when fresh, so now you know for next time. Making cannabutter is a bad idea, that shit can go bad super fast as well as making edibles.

Or fresh frozen will last a while too, but you will need a big deep freezer.

I blast the shit out of outdoor crops. Its so cheap and abundant that there isn't really good money in outdoor flower. Strain dependent, you can make some really nice slabs of quality wax with it.
I usually have a bunch of bats rolled up week of Christmas for that same reason. I don’t throw it randomly out the window lmao but I like to toss them at the panhandlers and other random strangers as well as friends
I think I'll go the extract root if I have another banner year.

I have thought back to young me being out of bud with everyone dry... seems silly now... if only it was legal back then.
Grab some Everclear if it's an option in your area and make some tincture. Lasts a long time and doesn't take up space. Plus you can take doses anywhere you go pretty much.
If not I’m sure we all know at least one person that would give no fucks and be happier than a pig in shit with an over abundance of “cannadro” that’s worth a lot to them but nothing to nobody else.
Black market rules supreme still on some of the east coast bc Canadians and Western fire theyve been growing legally for a bit now. Lol
No pun but maybe sum intended
You could try out various hash making methods and practice/decide on a favorite.

Mostly I would just be looking at any method to remove the thc from the old plant material. Maybe avoid solvent based methods since you could strip out that old plant taste (could be talking out my butt there) along with the goods.

I would sift it and then do something with that.