DubB83's SoG Log


Active Member
I'll pass on everything you guys are saying to him. His condition has not changed all week, so that is good. His plants seem to be missing him as they stopped growth all together. I know there are massive problems with the system because of the rockwool. All of the clones that I have taken have been aeroponic, I had a test clone in the system for the last few weeks that is true aeroponic.

Picture update tonight.


Active Member
I forgot to mention that I'm considering removing the glass from the light hood and raising the HPS a bit. It is running cool but maybe too intense.


Active Member

I know you guys don't know me, and I know you don't really know dub. But te thing is that I have inherited a bit more than I can chew. Dub grew organic, he had a natural green thumb. He took plant I thought were gonners and brought them back to life. He knew a bunch about it. I didn't learn that part from him yet. I don't like the way the system is going and I want to blame myself first for this.

Here is the low down of what happened. The plants have been growing in rockwool this entire time. I think Dub was using the rockwool as a moisture barrier for early system failures. We had one just after I got here, 50 gallons of water filled the tent and it was a mess. Anyway, I filled the system with tap water from a water softener reading 600PPM. I did not use the RO system because I wanted to fill the reservoir fast. All of the roots had already turned brown and shriveled. Yes these are the same plants that Dub had been teaching me with that are in the pictures. Here is my problem, since I use hard tap water at home for my meager water farm system (my water was not softened and had a ppm of 150), this system required pure RO water for the nutes. Bottom line, we added salt to salt to salt, now the system has layers of salt on it from both the nutrients and the water salt.

Before Dub got really sick he told me that the system was giving the plants nutrient lockout. I'm sure it was because we use so many nutrients that add the right salts and the water was already diluted with bad salts and the salts are clogging the roots. The aeroponic plants should recover from this faster than the rockwool plants.

When Dub was moved to the hospice I drained the entire system, since then I have been flushing it with pure RO water. This is fine for the lemon kush because it is looking mighty nice, but not up to full potential. Can I get more growth? The plants are not growing right now because of the lack of nutrients but the new growth is not showing any signs of the lockout. I'm afraid to add nutrients too early.

How do I save the current plants and ensure this doesn't happen again? I don't want to upset Dub and tell him the bad news, when he asks how the system is working I just tell him it is the greatest thing since sliced cheese. I don't want to let him down, call me supersticious but it made his day to know the system is still running and to know I was to stubborn to shut it down.

Really here are my criticisms. I don't like the light being so close to the plants, I want it a foot heiger than the plants when they finish. I think that all the clones should be the same age to ensure an even growth and adjust the light to suit the plants height as a whole. I want to use chemical fertilizer instead of organic. More veg growth and top all clones to make 2 tops to fill more space. Anyone have any others?

Problems with the mothers and clones, I know what your thinking... Dub left his shit to some newb and now he has gone and wrecked it... trust me I'm thinking the same thing and feel like a turd hole. The mothers are being attacked by mold and I'm no good with mold. I know Dub used H2O2 to kill mold, but I also know I can't use it with organic nutrients... How do I balance them? Do I just throw in the 3% stuff off the shelf? I'm new to the area and Dub use to get 35% H2O2 from somewhere and I don't know where or how to use it.:wall:

Also can anyone give me a good link to a pruning guide? Dub didn't teach me much in the way of that and the H1 mother has grown as much as she can!

Also, to date, over 100g of wet pre-mature buds have been removed from the system due to the fan falling, hermies, and nutrient problems causing early maturing, and have been made into butter for baking and other products that benefit the ill.

Please help me help DubB83 and others like him!

Jah bless!:bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
Hey Greg...

I will try to help, but you gotta remember I grow ebb/flow and I am still new at this...

First... H2O2 is NOT compatible with organic nutes...

I recommend using what I use... just because it works and has from day one...

The line by NSR Greenleaves has a 3 part solution,..

Grow (veg), Bloom (flower) and Boost, an additive that goes in on the last day before a res change...

Now.. the plants have a very similar "Tim Burton" curl to the leaves... and the same spiral leaves as well...

I was using the boost in excessive amounts, and while I was not burnioing them... they were basically tweaking, being able to absorb way more than it should....

I have the same 3-D "animated" leaves... and I have been told I can increase my yields by 25% by not overdoing it like that...


I am flushing for 2 days... tomorrow, I will refill the res with 1400 ppm of the Bloom juice and wait to add the Boost 13 days from now... one day before the next res change....

These nutes are 100 % compatible with H2O2... which can be found in 50% or 35% strength at the hydro shop...

For some reason ( I suspect lots of aeration and a super cold res) I have not had any serious pathogen problems.. but I cannot count on luck...

So I did some research and found that the H2O2 guys have started using a product called Hygrozyme... it is supposed to be just as good... it is compatible with Organics and supposedly you use much less of it, making it cheaper... but I have not used it, nor do I have a problem in my op.. so I really shouldn't notice any difference...

3% H2O2 is not an option... not unless you are going to be buying by the case... every couple of days...

Get back to me Greg.. let me know what I missed and if any of what I said helped...

Let's get this show on the road again... ;-)

Cheers...! :joint::peace:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Good luck my friend. We will be here for questions. I was just checking in and don't have the time today but I will be back. I grow in soil so I won't have all the answers for you but I will help as much as I can.....


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that I'm considering removing the glass from the light hood and raising the HPS a bit. It is running cool but maybe too intense.

What makes you think the light is too intense?

There is such thing but you need such an extreme amount of light, that I really doubt you are having problems with that...

But it could be I suppose... my babies rub against the glass sometimes with no ill effect...

I run a 600 HPS air cooled hood... :-P


Active Member
Thanks for all your responses! They are helping. I still haven't added nutrient to the reservoir yet. The system is now pumping pure RO water only, there is nothing else to flush. I harvested the lemon kush today. all of the buds had so much more potential. When I took apart the rockwool cubes to look at the roots the rockwool retained too much nutrient but it is possibly how they survived early system problems. I think the light is too intense because the burning on the leaves was related to light intensity, like the fan leaves on the back side, away from the light, looked healthy while a leaf 180* away was a crispy critter. I removed the glass and raised the light, I figured since the light was venting the room it would be ok anyway. There are a few new plants in the system and I'll be adding nutes to them. They are kinda test plants.

Pictures later today, I will show you what I have been up to lately.


Well-Known Member
What's going on, Big Guy..?!?!

Hope all is well...

How's DubB? Tell hie we all say Helllooooo!!!!! :-P

So, where are we now?

Are the plants doing good?

Let us now...

Cheers... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh man.....................................................................................

Dub i am so sorry
I hope your life aspirations were fufilled
everyone has their time and i know you made the best of the time you had on this crazy fucked up place we call earth,

You will be in my prayers
Happiness and Peace in Your next journey

Sincerely, Growman


Active Member
Hey evvery body. Here is an update on things. Dub is not well at all and is expecting to not be around us much longer. He remains in high spirits and was happy to receive the newest issue of High Times with stinkbuds article in it. He still seems positive.

Here are some pictures of the current state of his garden.

The house goes on the market soon so most of these plants will not reach maturity.

Also there is no rockwool in the garden anymore.



Well-Known Member
Hey evvery body. Here is an update on things. Dub is not well at all and is expecting to not be around us much longer. He remains in high spirits and was happy to receive the newest issue of High Times with stinkbuds article in it. He still seems positive.

Here are some pictures of the current state of his garden.

The house goes on the market soon so most of these plants will not reach maturity.

Also there is no rockwool in the garden anymore.
Thanks for the update on Dub. Glad to hear he is in good spirits... is there not a way to finish that crop? ...seems like the thing to do.


Active Member
Does anyone know how to post an anonymous video? The Dub's garden will be disassembled today for the move. I wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate the help you have given me to help others in our area. Dub was placed on life support on the 21st, just before the break-thru MPP made in our state. He had a living will, his wife made the decision to remove the life support on the 25th. Today I will be finishing off the last of the system and wanted to upload a video to show how close it came to being finished. We could not find a way to finish it, we tried, but a hard schedule is a hard schedule.

I may not be posting on here again just because I feel that I should read more than post and I'm uncomfortable with sharing information online.

If you could direct me to how to post a video I would be glad to post it in DubB's memory.

RIP DubB, we will miss you and we are happy for you because there is no more pain where your at.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear..........................RIP DUBB, lets burn one on the other side, wherever that may be!
thanks GG.


whats up man? I think I replied to someone else but Im not sure haha, I literally just signed up on here.. but anyway I saw your pic. of the plant you harvested premature and I wondered how it was? I have to move soon and I'll probably have to harvest like 2 or 3 weeks early, and I was just wondering how it smoked? sry if this is a "double" message, but I think i replied to someone else


Well-Known Member
The premature plants smoked ok. Would have been better if Dub was around to enjoy them as well.

I have scrapped Dub's cloner and mother boxes and his aero system. I'm going in soil right now because it is what I feel more comfortable with. I will be creating a new aero system soon though. Just starting over at square one again. I'm going to try and make the system staged for a good SOG monthly harvest and squeeze 3 seperate aero systems into the tent.

BTW the homebox tent is not very sturdy, the zippers seem to seperate very easily from the fabric.
