Dual Grow


Well-Known Member
1 week into 12/12 and 1 male discarded and giving at least one if not two others the stink eye...


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I will be building a shootgun fruiting chamber this weekend, as the cakes are bout ready to birth...


Well-Known Member
1 week into 12/12 and 1 male discarded and giving at least one if not two others the stink eye...

Well, 5 males executed, 1 female confirmed all were about 6 weeks total ( 4 1/2 weeks veg) one of the same age yet to show. 5 with about 2 weeks veg have yet to show... Had to throw up a net to control the female as she was stretching too much to allow the light to be shared equally, seems sativa dom.



Well-Known Member
So, anyhoo, The flood and drain concept is pretty proven, my nute schedule has not caused any burn the foliage is dark green from top to bottom :hump:

Now, need to flower these out (hopefully more then just the one) and get some more plant material ready for the next round. I took some cuts from all the 7 plants about 2 weeks ago and stuck them in water and sort of let them hang out. So, I took one new cut last night from the female and put it and the three I had cut from it before into rockwool. The cuts I had in a glass of water for the last 2 weeks seemed to be still good, and if they root it will be a good thing to keep in mind in the future so I don't have to worry about making cuts after flipping to 12/12. To be determined... :-|

Two of the brf jars will be birthed some time next week, and thinking of getting a PC soon and ramping up for a go at a bulk monotub, with the hope of using shrooms to help with the neverending build of the ganja grow. I want to get a 600 hps for the second flower chamber and will have to be aircooled and will need a bigger extraction fan to have both lights in a 2x3 space, especially as summer is coming. I may not have these things till the fall though, and will have to take a mini break in Nov. due to an apartment inspection. So, the plan is to get this grow and one more done by then, the second one with known genetics.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about making a command decision. :shock:

The room and the F&D are proven, prob is I have 2 bagseed at 14 days in 12/12 after aprox 4 weeks from seed, one has yet to show sex and the other showed preflowers at 10 days 12/12...:joint:

Was gonna get a PC and WBS or ryeberries then monotubes and wait out the growroom and then order genetics. :neutral:
These http://www.sanniesshop.com/hericules-en.html?currency=usd

The plant that sexed at ten days 12/12, I had to throw a net over in the back at a bit of an angle, she is 17x17" and has bout 7 or 8 tops due to FIM and constant supercropping. She is in the bigger tub along with 5 plants in 16 oz cups that were 2 weeks from seed before 12/12 (they are a story themselves, taught me a valuable lesson:bigjoint::wink:)

In the other tub a plant that was germed the same time the large plant was but is half the size (course all the most perfectly structured plants were males :finger::|)




Well-Known Member
So, I took 4 clones and put them into rw 2 days ago (from the plant that sexed). One was from the plant after it showed sex (10 days into 12/12) and the other 3 were from when I cut all the 7 plants and just stuck them in plastic cups with nutrient water I dipped out of the res @full veg bout 2 or 2.1 ec, and let sit on the kitchen table for like 2 weeks. So...:bigjoint:

They all are totally not wilting and will take the dome off tomorow per FDD.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
As far as the Golden teacher.jpg

One jar fully colonized just waiting the additional week in order to birth, 2 others are close behind. No sign in any jars of contam, 3 out of 10 have not shown a thing...:evil:



Well-Known Member
Thinking this...

Whatever cakes I can birth over the next 2 weeks, birth, then take remaining not fully colonized jars and case, while at the same time nocing up another round of jars by ordering another syringe, strain to be determined...Would be enough for me and a bud to trip for the summer camping...mayby throw some clones in some spots (weed) scout some possible outdoor mushies spots for next year (way ahead of myself but do plan to do an outdoor mushie grow), and hold off on the PC a bit and instead order some autos (never even gave autos a thought before) so will be spendin time on this thread for a bit, and order some fem autos...:shock:

Why run the 400 on bagseed now that the room and system are proved?


Well-Known Member
comments, critiques, wise cracks, baseball (fuckin Halliday), vids, all welcome, encouraged...



Well-Known Member
ordered 10 femd short riders, about to drop the hammer on 4 more males, fucking swag seed :wall: DSC00808.jpg


Well-Known Member
when I have the short riders rooted I will have to pull the big female due to one rez, so she will go down prob within 3 or 4 weeks (depends when I get seeds) making her about 5 or 6 weeks 12/12


Well-Known Member
when I have the short riders rooted I will have to pull the big female due to one rez, so she will go down prob within 3 or 4 weeks (depends when I get seeds) making her about 5 or 6 weeks 12/12

will grind for gumby