DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Havent grown any cheese yet myself but i cant wait to. Im with ya on the cheese D. As for the last chunks of cheese i seen not much stem at all like westy was sayin. Ill be watchin yours. I thinks you said uk cheese is dif from the gh seeds cheese or some such. Stoned babbling out:peace: Nice work on those ladies D :blsmoke:

mr west

Well-Known Member
ghs cheese and other seed cheeses arte half something else aswell. The dank dairy changed the sex of the uk cheese clone to make a male usigng silver sulphate or somkething. So the dank dairys cheese cross chees bx1 and 2 are more like the uk cheese than the seed banks greedy knock offfs lol. Also the seed form might have more vigour than a clone maybe lol.


Well-Known Member
The OG variant is a reall chiller/couch lock. I reckon a great one for the end of the night. I was talking to my wife and fell asleep mid-sentence last night. I am not sure what I said at the end of the sentence, but I suddenly realised I had kopped off and woke to my wife looking at me saying..."what did you just say there? look at you, you are struggling to keep your eyes open..." I am still wondering what I said. haha. Hopefully Thelma has a more active buzz to her. lol.



Well-Known Member
ghs cheese and other seed cheeses arte half something else aswell. The dank dairy changed the sex of the uk cheese clone to make a male usigng silver sulphate or somkething. So the dank dairys cheese cross chees bx1 and 2 are more like the uk cheese than the seed banks greedy knock offfs lol. Also the seed form might have more vigour than a clone maybe lol.
Do you think a screen would be beneficial for it then?


Well-Known Member
just busy trimming, Dr G. Good to see you so far up North! I suppose, it is getting a bit warmer for you!


Well-Known Member
Morning/Afternoon,...you know the routine.

So early start on the girls this morning. For the cho today we had 2 Headbands anasazi headband (right little fukker) the OG Kush giant, and the Blackjack that just hit 10 weeks (was only in the dark for a day but looks the business.

Here's the pics:

The other Headband was uploaded yesterday, this is the 2nd one:

This is the Blackjack just before the chop

Some OG Kush already in the bag, and some of the OG Kush colas etc:

Hanging from left to right: BJ - OG - HB

More hanging
headband nugs

So thats it, of to Utrecht today for something to do....:bigjoint:



mr west

Well-Known Member
Sa WEEEEEET. Looks more than ready lol I hate it wen the leafs ur pulling need to go in the trim tray cuz they coverd in trichs lol


Well-Known Member
Sa WEEEEEET. Looks more than ready lol I hate it wen the leafs ur pulling need to go in the trim tray cuz they coverd in trichs lol
I'm with you on that Westy....was thinking the very same thought...but then I was also thinking, how the fek am I going to smoke all of this? hahaha, what a good problem to have:bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
well I know somewhere thatll take all ur weed if u dunt wan it D lol, this towns as dry as a nuns cnut lol


Well-Known Member
well I know somewhere thatll take all ur weed if u dunt wan it D lol, this towns as dry as a nuns cnut lol
hehe, morning to you mr west, just been over at the wembley thread....

trying to decide what to do. think I am going to swap round my flower and veg space, I got a ny47 just gone into 12/12 and also barbagseed, plus all the other girls that will be finishing in the next week....hoping Thelma start to finish off. The other NY47 looks like it just wants to keep going:roll:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I know how ya feel and a very good morning to ya D mate. I look in my veg room and think ill jus flip the switch and be done with em all lol, if it wernt for the clones i would lol


Well-Known Member
My clones are kinda grown up now and are not very happy in the shitty little enviro they are in!! They desperately need repotting and some decent HID light. The 300w fluro just doesn't cut it imo (on it's own)

The 3 little cheesey's are coming along. Shock horror, one of them has been invaded by little crawly orange things. I have had them before so I am pissed so see them back. IT's been sprayed and will get another doing again. The bx1 didn't make it at all!!! So it's all or nothing on these BX2's. Bit bummed that I don't have a comparison, but I keep thnking that maybe something will turn up (if you know what I mean!)

mr west

Well-Known Member
few practice runs with bottles in the post and wen we can do it in 24hrs maybe insert the mother load if ya ken wot im saying?


Well-Known Member
Wow DST. Just Wow. What a wonder harvest you got. Very nice skills mate.

Quick question, is it still possible to make bubble from leaves that are discolored and crispy? I am wondering if that plant matter would crumble up and escape into the hash.

The buds on this one just look fantastic. Looks like it is flushed and dried to perfection, it is hard to look and tell but this one seems like it is gonna be wonderfully smooth.



Well-Known Member
few practice runs with bottles in the post and wen we can do it in 24hrs maybe insert the mother load if ya ken wot im saying?
oh aye lad,i hear ya ;)8)

i bought these strawberry cuttings at the market. they were in a plastic bag just filled with earth...I thought, oh aye, not sure these are gonna work, but they are all planted and looking happy, so happy dst strawberry's in a bit, along with lettuce (ruccola, iceberg - or ijsberg as the clogs spell it), we've also got garlic, corriander, cauliflower, and some tomato seeds to boot Gonna be a busy greenhouse.

Wow DST. Just Wow. What a wonder harvest you got. Very nice skills mate.

Quick question, is it still possible to make bubble from leaves that are discolored and crispy? I am wondering if that plant matter would crumble up and escape into the hash.

The buds on this one just look fantastic. Looks like it is flushed and dried to perfection, it is hard to look and tell but this one seems like it is gonna be wonderfully smooth.

This is the Blackjack, it's been hanging up for about 38 hours and it's already dry.:shock: Gonna put it in bags. But thats also due to not watering them for the last week. What doesn't help is when you forget to water your clones and they are looking reet pissed of at you. They need a good boost, they are not happy at all. Should be sorted soon though.
Think i'llsample me a bit of blackjack as well, hehe.

As far as making hash with it, i chuck it all in and is seems to be fine. I freeze it before making the mush, but I don't blend, I use me muscles with a wooden spoon. And I run it through several times, seems to be pretty decent process. hash is reasonably clean (and I only use one 20 micron, tend not to bother going for 5 different flavour...so much faffing)

The OG kush joint that i just snarfed before it went into the jars, was nice. looking forward to smoking nice cured sweet musky og kushalous.


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
easy mate hows it going? looking pukka there mate, cant wait 2 get my hands on some headband, looks and sounds amazing! ordered some sour diesel at the weekend gonna hunt me down that HB in the end though. done a nice update on my thread, come check it out when u got a min ;)