Drying without hanging


Hey guys I just chopped my Aurora Indica after 110 days from seed.. smells great..

Anyways I've just got it it a cardboard box with layers of newspaper to dry out.. will this be ok or does it need to hang/get more airflow..

I havent really got the room to hang it up..

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
im sure just as long as you have proper ventilation you wont have to worry about mold, but this is just my opinion, i would get a fan


my area has 80% humidity so i guess just keeping it in newspaper might take awhile for it to dry.. guess i'll just check em everyday..


Well-Known Member
I dry my bud in a cardboard box inside my grow room. Takes about a week before it's dry enough to put in jars - burp jars for some days.


Well-Known Member
Dude, do you really want to get lazy on the drying and possibly loose everything to mold. 80% humidity sounds way high! If nothing else it will make dented buds, ever seen a flower dried on a counter, it just doesn't look good.


Well-Known Member
Dude, do you really want to get lazy on the drying and possibly loose everything to mold. 80% humidity sounds way high! If nothing else it will make dented buds, ever seen a flower dried on a counter, it just doesn't look good.
Sometimes I dry some smaller buds in brown paper bags, I just gently shake the bag once a day so they don't get flat on one side. It works well, and they're smell and potentcy is unaffected, seeing as I always have the colas hanging to dry so I have the opportunity for side by side comparison. They don't get "dented" as long as you toss 'em around once a day...I dunno, might knock off a few trichomes, but I really doubt you'll notice a change in potency.

As for humidity, 80% does sorta sound a tad bit high, but I've heard 60-70 is good for a nice slow dry...So just be vigilant


Well-Known Member
You can make a small cardboard box into a mini dryer for those buds. Just put it on the side so it opens like a closet. Then stick some... sticks through it in the top and hang the buds from them. This will make them nice instead of the flattening in a bag. Also i don't like the idea of shaking (not even gently) Some trichomes could fall off

wing nut

that should work fine,I,ve always wraped in newspaper and put wholes in the newspaper for ventingand agood fan works.flip them every couple days until stems are brittle.then do your curing


well my worst fears have been confirmed my bud have developed some mold.. i'm gutted as I've worked and waited so long for this I'll be damned if i will lose it all..

i have the buds hanging on a line over the box with a fan on them and some dessicant bags now but to get rid off the mold should i remove the buds from the stems?.

man im pissed.. :(

I can't do anything about my idiot humid climate..


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, I think once mold is on the bud it's unsafe to smoke. I think you can make quiso hash since the alcohol kills the mold but not sure. Humidity for drying should be under 60%


I dont understand, theres only a small bit of mold on some of the buds.. obv i have now chopped them off the stalks into smaller bits but i dont understand how mold is supposed to survive being burned?


Well-Known Member
well my worst fears have been confirmed my bud have developed some mold.. i'm gutted as I've worked and waited so long for this I'll be damned if i will lose it all..

i have the buds hanging on a line over the box with a fan on them and some dessicant bags now but to get rid off the mold should i remove the buds from the stems?.

man im pissed.. :(

I can't do anything about my idiot humid climate..
Cut off ALL mold and put the bud on a single thin newspaper page or make them hang. Yes - cut the buds off the stem to prevent more mold.
Next time you don't want to put the bud in layers, but hang them inside the box and let a fan hit the box and opening, so a bit of air flow happens around the bud - they should dry without mold like that. Will probably take like 10 days or so - depending on bud size and humidity.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand, theres only a small bit of mold on some of the buds.. obv i have now chopped them off the stalks into smaller bits but i dont understand how mold is supposed to survive being burned?
THC survives getting burned and get you high right? - so don't you think some of the nasty toxins and stuff the mold produce will survive too? - anyways - it will ;O)
And even more the mold actually spreads out way more than what you see. For instance if you find mold on a bread - even though you cut off the moldy part - there's still nastiness in the rest. So i always clean my bud very thoroughly from mold.


ok so looking inside my bud they pretty much have little white spots which i have scraped out... so just bin the lot and start from stratch? oh boy

For sure next time im going to just f8cking oven dry them as soon as I harvest.. whats the point trying to cure in 80% humid climate?..


Well-Known Member
ok so looking inside my bud they pretty much have little white spots which i have scraped out... so just bin the lot and start from stratch? oh boy

For sure next time im going to just f8cking oven dry them as soon as I harvest.. whats the point trying to cure in 80% humid climate?..
You're right - it's a very high humidity, but i thought it could be done inside a box.
Yes - very sad, but i asure you that we have all been there until we found the right way to dry and cure.


You should definitely look this up and confirm it for yourself, but I've heard that Water Curing will save your plants from mold. After experimenting with water curing on my last harvest, I've found that the only reason I'd really water cure is to save some bad buds. If you're just going to toss it, you might as well give it a try right? The smells and tastes will be gone but it's really smooth. Put it in a blunt wrap, it's pretty nice. Let us know the results if you try it!

Edit: Also, even though you'd lose some weight too, you wouldn't have to worry about your humidity problem as much. It dries really fast. A 10" branch took 2 days to completely dry after a 7 day water change. That's kind of like completely drying your crop and curing it in a fraction of the time (minus all the awesome smells and tastes too). It also doesn't smell so much when you smoke it since the terpenes are taken out but it's more potent.


Well-Known Member
i recommend hanging them by the branches on hangars in a dark room with a fan on low, or in a the box, run strings length wise and use clothes pins to hand them on the strings, once again with a fan. once theyre fully dry (when the stems snap easily) but them in a clean, airtight jar and cure them in a cool dark area for a couple weeks. open the jar once or twice a day to let out moisture and chlorophyll or it can mold. good luck


Active Member
well my worst fears have been confirmed my bud have developed some mold.. i'm gutted as I've worked and waited so long for this I'll be damned if i will lose it all..

i have the buds hanging on a line over the box with a fan on them and some dessicant bags now but to get rid off the mold should i remove the buds from the stems?.

man im pissed.. :(

I can't do anything about my idiot humid climate..
Just use a dehumidifier bro, simple fix...


Active Member
You can still use that bud to make hash, so don't bin it. If you make ice water hash, you are supposed to wait after you pour it through the work bag and skim off the mold spores on top. If doing alcohol it should be ok after the filtering, but I've never done it that way. Hope that helps a little.