Drying Weed


Active Member
Hey, im planning a guerrila grow this summer, the only problem is drying the bud. I dont really have a place in my house to dry it (i do have a room where nobody goes very often but i dont really wanna risk it). I've looked at other ways like microwaving it or putting it on a toaster but they all seem as though properly drying your weed makes it alot better.

i've got a tiny abandoned house about 100m from my house, in the woods where NOBODY ever goes, infact its more of a large shed than a house. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to hang it in the shed, the only thing is that im pretty sure some of the windows are smashed and there might be a missing door. So it wouldn't be sealed off from the outside, would this still dry okay?


Well-Known Member
allrighty there dude, what your gona want to do is, get a big ass plastic tote. then ur gona want to go by some chickin coop fencing to make into small racks. make like 5 or 6 racks in there and just lay out all buds on the racks so that all have there own room, never dry buds tuching or pilled, that will make mold. anyways then ur gona want to go by a small man or a daton fan and cut a small hole in the bottom and run fresh air in there...
thats a good way to dry out ur buds but not the best. its only one uped by the hanging method. but if u got no room,,, go the snekey rout an get a tote dryer...
seattle muth fuckn wise guy!!


Active Member
hey, thanks for the quick reply.

i was thinking about cutting a hole and using a computer fan attached to a battery pack but would it still work if i put the plastic container in that abandoned house? because i could probably get away with have the plastic container in my house if it was covered by a bag or something...


Well-Known Member
use the tiny house. cover the windows with boards. throw up a piece of plywood for the door. you want a cool dark drying enviroment. put a couple fans in there for ventilation if humidity gets to high. sounds like the perfect place for a good 2 week cure.


Well-Known Member
what do u people think the best method to dry buds is without losing heaps of weight? please explain in detail if you can. thanks in advance.