Drying Question??



After 5 days of drying my buds, I'll try and snap a couple branches to see if its dry. I get a snap towards the stock of the plants, but if I try to bend at the bud sights, they are flimsy and don't snap. Do I keep drying till it snaps at the bud sights or, is it good to jar when it snaps at the stock of the plant.

peter berger

Well-Known Member

After 5 days of drying my buds, I'll try and snap a couple branches to see if its dry. I get a snap towards the stock of the plants, but if I try to bend at the bud sights, they are flimsy and don't snap. Do I keep drying till it snaps at the bud sights or, is it good to jar when it snaps at the stock of the plant.
Do the buds still feel really moist?

peter berger

Well-Known Member
Ya ,if your humididity is above 50% it can take a week or more to dry. Lower humidity = faster drying. If the humidity is 60% or above for to long you could run the risk of getting bud rot. My advice would be to get a small dehumidifier for your drying room.


Ya ,if your humididity is above 50% it can take a week or more to dry. Lower humidity = faster drying. If the humidity is 60% or above for to long you could run the risk of getting bud rot. My advice would be to get a small dehumidifier for your drying room.
Okay, thanks for the help, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
stick the buds in a jar with a hygrometer. don't leave it to chance. after an hour u should get an accurate reading. above 60rh andget the buds to be round 55 and stay there till theryre done curing/ put em in a paper bag overnight then repeat the process. the goal is to get the humidity in thr jar around 55 for the length of the cure which lasts roughly a week to a month to three months depending on bud density