drying buds in colorado


Active Member
with a harvest right around the corner, iam really wondering one thing... here in colorado humidity is around 30-45%... i know thats pretty dry so i was planning on hanging the plants whole or in section and then dry trim them to make sure they dont dry too fast i guess what iam asking is, given the humidity, how would you guys plan out your dry?? how many days would you estimate and would u take the plant and hang in sections without trimming it up first or hang it whole? any help is appreciated, really dont wanna mess this harvest up!!!


Active Member
If you leave the leaves on and trim after drying it will slow it down a bit, my house is pretty dry so buds hanging dry in a day or two if they're trimmed, but untrimmed it takes 4-6 days, that was cut in sections, I'm sure leaving your plant whole might slow it even more.


Active Member
If you leave the leaves on and trim after drying it will slow it down a bit, my house is pretty dry so buds hanging dry in a day or two if they're trimmed, but untrimmed it takes 4-6 days, that was cut in sections, I'm sure leaving your plant whole might slow it even more.
sweet, thanks man, i will try it out.. my plant isnt a beast or anything she was is pretty low trained, so i can prob qtr up the plant into section to hang.. whats your average RH while drying?


Well-Known Member
I am interested too. I have about the same RH in Michigan during the winter time. Gettin ready to harvest in about 2 weeks.


New Member
personally i use a digital humidifier and set it at the humidity i want.. i f it was to humid i would instead use a dehumidifier.. Dry trimming sucks ass.


Active Member
how would u handle 60% humidity?
with 60% you should be able to trim everything and still have a nice 5-7 day dry..i think haha, i never have high humidity like that.. but if its too dry your buds just dry up in a day or two resulting in shitty tasting stuff lol.. from my understanding you wanna dry her as slow as possible before the cure resulting in better product


Active Member
with 60% you should be able to trim everything and still have a nice 5-7 day dry..i think haha, i never have high humidity like that.. but if its too dry your buds just dry up in a day or two resulting in shitty tasting stuff lol.. from my understanding you wanna dry her as slow as possible before the cure resulting in better product
Ok than. so I shouldnt trim the main leaves off when i harvest than and keep in lower humidity?


Active Member
personally i use a digital humidifier and set it at the humidity i want.. i f it was to humid i would instead use a dehumidifier.. Dry trimming sucks ass.
what is the humidity you usually aim for?? ive heard dry trimming does suck a shit ton.. but not even close to as much as waiting for the plant's entire life cycle only to end up with shit that is still laying in a jar somewhere a year later all due to it drying to fast, i only run 2-3 plants in a round, so i need to make them worth it


Active Member
Ok than. so I shouldnt trim the main leaves off when i harvest than and keep in lower humidity?
i think your fine to give it a full trim and leave the humidity where its at, maybe even come down to 55 just to be sure mold doesn't become a issue.. but ive pretty much screwed up my last grow due to drying so maybe ask around before going with what i said ahahaha