Dry Trim or Wet Trim?


What's the best way to trim during harvest? Wet Trim? Dry Trim? This will be my first harvest and looking forward to it. Also is it best to dry on a rack or hanging?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Chop branches and remove fattest fan leaves (can leave fan leaves on if room is on the dry side).

Hang buds so they don’t touch each other in a dark room close to 60f / 60% humidity. You want air circulation but no direct air movement. Basically a tent with low extraction is perfect, no fans. Takes about 14 days but preserves all the terps!

I use to trim wet but now I’ve found it’s easier to trim dry and get a nice final product. Trimming wet can be done but I found you had to touch up the buds once dry anyways so best to do it dry.

Also have a tray to catch all the sugar leaves/trichomes when you trim dry.

Enjoy your rewards :D


Well-Known Member
Wet trim, bucked and onto drying rack , till outside gets crispy but inside is still damp.

Then into a paper bag for composting.

Rotating clump and pulling it apart to let some air in until it’s reached grove bag level or jars if that’s your preference to cure.

enjoy and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Wet trim will help speed up the drying process as it allows for better air movement and saves space on your drying rack, also when wet the trics stay on the buds. Your a lot less lickly to damage flower struture when the buds are wet and the mass is more stuck together(bag appeal). Dry trim is a lot easier and i find my bowl trimmer dose not work well wet.if you want to collect more kief(drysift hash) a lot more will fall off in your try when done dry. I wont say that one is better then the other its a matter of preferance and end goals. If you want stronger flowers to smoke then wet trim, if you want to collect pollen for edibles or to smoke less mass then dry trim. If you grow for profit custies wont notice the difference either way.