Drugs and Religion

well theres scumbags. there not even christians if they only use christ 2 make themselves look good. id rather make christ look good.xD

what i ment is that i know on many people that are still users on perole going to church hiding behind the bible to look good.. im not saying every one..
so lets here it. did the/a/some god or gods create herbal substances and why?

my thoughts are that the christian god created drugs like shrooms and cannabis for our consumption. cannabis is one of the 3 principle spices used in the making of holy annointing oil. in the old testement it was burned as a sacrafice. the lord was angered because the israelites had not sacraficed it in awhile. in the wilderness the lord gave moses and the other israelites shrooms. god commanded an israelite whose name escapes me to sell cannabis at the market.[/QUOTE

There are just so many people saying shrooms make them so aware of God im convinced to that it was shrooms they were eating in the wilderness, but it also says it was a test in the bible. Alot of people also become aware of demons present and when the catholics found the mayans they believed mushrooms allowed them to communicate with devils so its like your brain changes frequincy to the universe, its wild even the father of LSD says it should be prescribed as Spiritual medicine Its MANA same shit happend to me when i used to trip back in the day and it wasnt until recently i found out wow thats why i thought i was possessed even jim morrison sufferd from hearing devils but if you turn to God youll get the extremly aware of him and you become so religous i tripped alot when i was 16 years old and for 3 years after i could feel the presence of demons now im 32 shyt hasnt happend to me in years scarred to do it again
so lets here it. did the/a/some god or gods create herbal substances and why?

my thoughts are that the christian god created drugs like shrooms and cannabis for our consumption. cannabis is one of the 3 principle spices used in the making of holy annointing oil. in the old testement it was burned as a sacrafice. the lord was angered because the israelites had not sacraficed it in awhile. in the wilderness the lord gave moses and the other israelites shrooms. god commanded an israelite whose name escapes me to sell cannabis at the market.[/QUOTE

There are just so many people saying shrooms make them so aware of God im convinced to that it was shrooms they were eating in the wilderness, but it also says it was a test in the bible. Alot of people also become aware of demons present and when the catholics found the mayans they believed mushrooms allowed them to communicate with devils so its like your brain changes frequincy to the universe, its wild even the father of LSD says it should be prescribed as Spiritual medicine Its MANA same shit happend to me when i used to trip back in the day and it wasnt until recently i found out wow thats why i thought i was possessed even jim morrison sufferd from hearing devils but if you turn to God youll get the extremly aware of him and you become so religous i tripped alot when i was 16 years old and for 3 years after i could feel the presence of demons now im 32 shyt hasnt happend to me in years scarred to do it again

Wow, i thought i was the only one who became more aware of God when trippin. You could really become stronger in faith if you do shrooms, but i have friends that do it all the time that just take it easy and relax. I still might do it in the future, but i will always keep my mind in a good place.
I need to many shrooms now aday to trip, but when i do dxm i feel like my sould is being succed down a wormhole.

so lets here it. did the/a/some god or gods create herbal substances and why?

my thoughts are that the christian god created drugs like shrooms and cannabis for our consumption. cannabis is one of the 3 principle spices used in the making of holy annointing oil. in the old testement it was burned as a sacrafice. the lord was angered because the israelites had not sacraficed it in awhile. in the wilderness the lord gave moses and the other israelites shrooms. god commanded an israelite whose name escapes me to sell cannabis at the market.[/QUOTE

There are just so many people saying shrooms make them so aware of God im convinced to that it was shrooms they were eating in the wilderness, but it also says it was a test in the bible. Alot of people also become aware of demons present and when the catholics found the mayans they believed mushrooms allowed them to communicate with devils so its like your brain changes frequincy to the universe, its wild even the father of LSD says it should be prescribed as Spiritual medicine Its MANA same shit happend to me when i used to trip back in the day and it wasnt until recently i found out wow thats why i thought i was possessed even jim morrison sufferd from hearing devils but if you turn to God youll get the extremly aware of him and you become so religous i tripped alot when i was 16 years old and for 3 years after i could feel the presence of demons now im 32 shyt hasnt happend to me in years scarred to do it again
most people do. ancient shamans used things like salvia dmt and amanita to experience "Om" depending on their religion...

Wow, i thought i was the only one who became more aware of God when trippin. You could really become stronger in faith if you do shrooms, but i have friends that do it all the time that just take it easy and relax. I still might do it in the future, but i will always keep my mind in a good place.